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We Need You to Share Your Story!

Have you received care for HIV or Hepatitis C in prison? The Department of Health needs to hear from you! What: In September 2009, NYS passed a law requiring the Dep. Of

Health (DOH) to monitor HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C care in NYS prisons and jails. incarcerated people, their families, and advocates. If DOH doesnt hear from you, they wont know whats going on in the prisons, and what needs to be improved. jail in the last two years, and you are willing to share your story, please write to us about your experience and mail it to us. If you would like, you can share your experiences anonymously: DOH Testimony Correctional Association of NY 2090 Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Blvd New York, NY 10027 Tel: 212-254-5700 | Fax: 212-473-2807

Why: By law DOH must hear from incarcerated and formerly

How: If you have received HIV and/or Hep. C care in a NYS prison or

Who: We are the Correctional Association, a non-profit

organization. We are not a part of DOCCS. Our goal is to improve conditions in NY state prisons and to create a criminal justice system that addresses the needs of incarcerated men and women, and treats people and their families with fairness, dignity and respect. If you prefer, we will not share your name with the Department of Health.

~ Thank you for your time and we wish you the best ~

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