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1. 2. 3.

Which fast food joint do you prefer? McDonalds KFC Subway Dominos Pizza hut How often do you eat at McDonalds? Very often often Sometimes Rarely Never Would you say that McDonalds is healthy? Yes No Not sure

4. In a month, how much would you roughly spend there? Rs 0-100 Rs100-200

Rs 200-300 Rs 300-400 Rs 400-500

5. How many items do you usually order (individually or as a group)?

0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10

6. Why do you eat at McDonalds? Tastes good Cheap Convenient Brand name I don't eat at McDonalds

7. Is the food hot when you get it? Yes No

8. For how long do you have to usually wait in the queue? 0-1minute 2-3 minutes 3-4 minutes 4-5minutes

9. Which tagline comes to your mind first?

Im lovin it Finger licking good Eat fresh Khushiyon ki home delivery Happy faces with happy ending


What time of the day is McDonalds usually crowded? 7 am- 10am 10am-1pm 1pm-4pm 4pm-7pm 7pm-10pm

Charles Spearmens Rank Co-relation Co-efficient This measure is specifically useful when the quantitative measure of certain factors such as evaluation of leadership qualities or a judgment of a beauty context cannot be fixed, but the individual in the group can be arranged in the order thereby obtaining for each individual a number indicating his/her rank. Spearmen rank corelation co-efficient is calculated as follows: 1. 2. Which fast food joint do you prefer? Mcdonalds KFC Subway Others How would u rate the food at McDonalds? Excellent Good Average Poor

Sr. No Rank 1 (R1) 1 24 2 2

Rank 2 (R2) 29 2

d=R1-R2 -5 0

25 0

3 4 5 Total

10 3 1

5 4 0

5 -1 1

25 1 1 52


=1= 1=1- 2.6 = - 1.6

Mode is defined as the value which occurs maximum number of time (i.e)maximum frequency. Q2. How often do you eat at McDonalds? Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never 9 10 19 2 0

Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Total Mode = 19 (Highest Frequency)


Pie charts work by splitting your data into distinct groups or categories. The character consists of a circle split into wedgeshaped slices represents a group. The size of each slice is proportionate to how many are in each group compared with the others. The larger the slice, the greater the relative popularity of the group. The number of a particular group is called its frequency.
Not Sure 13%

No 32%

Yes 55%

Calculation: a) 22/40*100=55% 55*3.6=198 degrees

b) 13/40*100=32% 32*3.6=115.2 degrees c) 5/40*100=13% 13*3.6=46.8 degrees

One of the way to find the average of a bunch of numbers is to add al the numbers together and then divide by how many numbers there are. This in statistics is called the MEAN. It is a method to derive the central tendency of a sample space. In a month, how much would you roughly spend at McDonalds? Rs 0-100 Rs 100-200 Rs 200-300 Rs 300-400 Rs400-500 i 0-100 100-200 8 19 FREQ 50 150 X -2 -1 d Fd -16 -19

200-300 300-400 400-500 TOTAL

10 1 2 40

250 350 450

0 1 2

0 1 4 -30



---------------- * i N

250 + -30 ---------------- * 100 40

MEAN = 175

Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is by far is the most important and widely used to measure for studying variations. It significance lies in that is free from those defects from which the earlier method and satisfies most of the properties of a good measure of variation. It is a measure of how much spread or variability is present in the sample. If all the numbers in the sample is getting close to each other the standard deviation is close to zero. If the number are well dispersed the standard deviation tend to be very large. Standard deviation is also known as route, mean, square deviation because it is the square root of the mean of the squares deviation from the arithmetic mean.

Class Interval (CI)

f 14 19 6

x 1 3 5

d -2 -1 0 4 1 0

fd -28 -19 0 56 19 0

02 24 46

68 8 10 Total Solution:

1 0

7 9

1 2

1 4

1 0 -46

1 0 76

) *2


Median is defined as the value of the middle item when the data is arranged in the ascending or descending order of the magnitude. The median is the middle value if n is odd.
For how long do you have to usually wait in the queue? 0-1minute 2-3 minutes 3-4 minutes 4-5minutes

C.I. 0-1 2-3 3-4 4-5 Median = L +

Frequency 5 28 4 3
N/2 -PCF ---------------- * i F 20 - 5

CF 5 33 37 40


---------------- * 1 28

= 2.53

Bar Graph
Vertical bar graphs show categories on the horizontal axis, and either frequency or percentage on the vertical axis. The height of each bar indicates the value of its category.

30 25 20 15 10 5

Tastes Good Cheap Convinient Brand Name I dont eat at Mac

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