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Registration Form Executive Hostel System

Personal Information:
Student/Applicant Name ___________________________________Sex ________
Date Of Birth_______________Nationality______________CNIC No_______________________
Permanent Home Country Address
Tel ( Residence)___________________Mobile___________________Email____________________

Official Information:
Occupation_________________________Name Of Organization___________________________
Designation______________________Tel(Off)________________Contact Person______________
Date of Arrival______________________

Terms & Conditions


You are liable for the full contract term of one month
Full term fee is payable upon prior to commencement of the contract. There is no refund.
A security Deposit of Rs3000 is payable upon confirmation and is refundable.
You are required to provide 1 month notice prior to expiry of contract whether you wish to
renew the contract.
5- Gate will be closed at 11:00 pm.

I agree with the above:

Applicant Signature:____________________________________Date_______________

For Administration Use only:

Total Payment Amount_________________________Reciept No:______________Cash_________

Administration in charge Signature:_________________________

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