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For our class on January 6th, please read The Banking Concept of Education, by Paulo Freire.

It is available in Edebiyat fotokopi. As always, think about these questions as you read the text. Then respond to the reading (in at least 300 words): you dont have to answer all of the questions, or even address any of them in your response. There are no real right answersthe prompts are just meant to guide your reading and thinking. If there is something interesting in the text that youd rather respond to, go ahead! We will talk about these questions and your responses in our class. Also, please try to avoid summary. I want to hear your ideas, not hear you regurgitate the reading to me. If you use someone elses words or ideas, you must cite them. Anything else is plagiarism cheatingand you will receive a zero for your work. If you have questions about this email me to set up a meeting.

Specifically about Freirehis essay has a lot of complex language and big words. Try to keep reading through these, because most parts of his essay is very understandable and his ideas are not very complex. Dont freak out over difficult words!

1. In your own words, define Freires two approaches to education: the Banking concept and the problem-posing concept. Which does he prefer and why? 2. While Freire speaks powerfully about the politics of the classroom, he provides few examples of actual classroom situations. As you read the essay, try to ground or to test what he says with examples of your own. What would take place in a problem-posing class in English literature, history, or math? What might teachers be expected to learn from their students? What example can you give of a time where you were conscious of consciousness? 3. A writer can be thought of as a teacher and a reader as a student. If you think of Freire as your teacher in this essay, does he enact his own principles? Does he speak to you as though he were making deposits in a bank? Or is there a way in which the essay allows for dialogue? 4. Do you agree with Freires worldview? What does he think an ideal society should look like and how can we achieve it?

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