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The OTS402-Jeopardy game is in two parts. The answers/questions were derived from the text
book HOW TO BE AN Effective Trainer, Skills for Managers and New Trainers, Third Edition by
Brain L. Delahaye and Barry J. Smith.

Part 1 Categories:
(The categories are in the order as they were presented during the course)

Objectives - Chapter 7, Writing Training Objectives and Competencies

Session Plan - Chapter 8, Creating the Session Plan
TNA - Chapter 6, What is Training Needs Analysis?
Questions - Chapter 11, Questions
Skill Session - Chapter 4, The Skill-Session Model
Training Room - Chapter 25, The Training Room

Part 2 Categories:
(The categories are in the order as they were presented during the course)

Measurement - Chapter 9, Defining Measurement Criteria and Tools

Training That Works - Chapter 18, Getting Training to Work
OJT - Chapter 12, How to Train on the Job
Discussions - Chapter 13, How to Prepare and Lead a Discussion
Case Study - Chapter 15, The Case Study and the Role-Play
Techniques - Chapter 25, Other Advanced Techniques

Starting the Game

Place the disk in the CD drive. The autorun.inf file should start the first PowerPoint file
(OTS402-ISA_Part-1.ppt). If the file does not automatically start, double click the play.bat file to
start part 1.

Once the file is open, click on “Start Jeopardy” button on the Welcome the OTS402 – Jeopardy

Welcome to OTS402 - Jeopardy

Start Jeopardy

Start Double Jeopardy


End Game

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That will take you to the category page.

Game Navigation

Select a specific value in a category, by clicking on one of the five value boxes located under
each of the six category boxes which are located in the top row.

Return to Welcome OTS402 - Jeopardy

page button
Session Skill Training
Category boxes Objectives
TNA Questions
Session Room
in the top row
100 100 100 100 100 100

Five value
boxes under 200 200 200 200 200 200
each category
box. 300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

This displays the answer/question screen.

Statement of terminal behavior, standards,

and conditions.

What are the three components

of a training objective?

Click on the home button to return to category page>>>>>>>>

You much click on the questions button to display the question. Click on the
home button to return to the category page. The home button will not function until the question
is displayed.

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From the main category page, selecting a category button will display the reference information
page that supports the questions and answers in each category.

OTS402 - Jeopardy

The reference text used for this category is:

Title - How to be an effective trainer - skills for managers and new trainers, 3rd edition

Chapter 8 - Creating the Session Plan.

Authors - Brian L. Delahaye and Barry J. Smith

Published by - John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998

From the information page, selecting the category button will return you to the main category

Starting Double Jeopardy (Part 2)

From the main category page, select the back arrow button in the upper left corner of the
screen. This will display the Welcome screen.

From the Welcome screen select the Start Double Jeopardy button. This will load the second
PowerPoint file (OTS402-ISA_Part-2.ppt) and display the main category page.

OTS402 - Double Jeopardy

Training Case
That Works
OJT Discussions Techniques

200 200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800 800

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

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All the buttons in part 2 work the same as in part 1. In double jeopardy there is an added button
in the upper right corner of the main category page that starts Final Jeopardy.

Are you ready to play

Final Jeopardy?


Selecting the NO button will return you to the main category page of double jeopardy. Selecting
the YES button will display the Final Jeopardy category.

Scoring the Game

A correct response to the given answer receives the point value of the value box selected.
Example: A student or team chooses the objectives category for 100 and response correctly to
the given answer. The student or team would receive 100 points for the correct response.
However, the student or team would be deducted 100 point for giving an incorrect response.

The scoring is recorded manually by a designated score keeper. The student or team with the
highest score wins. Remember there is a part 2, which is played as double jeopardy where the
point values are double for each value box.

Also, a final jeopardy answer is played where the student or team risks all, some, or none of
their points on one final response.


The text book used to develop the questions and answers:

HOW TO BE AN Effective Trainer, Skills for Managers and New Trainers, Third Edition by Brain
L. Delahaye and Barry J. Smith.

The PowerPoint template used to create these two PowerPoint files:

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