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Blood Chocolate

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The morning was tentatively warm, and the smell g warm, of early roses drifted over from a ne from neighbors yard. eighbors The day wou be hot later; she w glad shed would uld was decided to wea shorts. Not much school left now, Vivian wear shorts. ar now, Vivian w i he ee-lined thought as sh walked down the tre she tree-lined street. n hoped. Get out What will I do in the summer? Move, she h of this place. Hey H y, Viv. Hey, Viv. scular from behind a A lean, mus muscular gure peeled out f , briey. Rafe, stone gatepost, and her eyes widened b briey. sual on she said in cas casual greeting, and kept o walking. If ld she hadnt been daydreaming she woul have sniffed hadnt been would him out. beside her. She noticed th he was now hat Rafe fell in b her. that goatee and mustache. H ran a hand He cultivating a g th h hi thick, l ick, i b h i d shifted hi i through his thi k long brown hair and shift d his grip wrapped in newspaper he carried under e on a package w Goin ng one arm. Going to school? Some of us do. were more likely to be f found hanging The Five w

out by the diner around the corner from school, or diner from o down by the riv . river. ver Yaaaaahhhh Yaaaaahhhhhh! Ya hhh! Whooooooo Whoooooooooooooooo! oooooooooo! Two w opped ee Two boys dro dropped from a roadside tre in a jingling tree d y of chains, hair ying. This time she did start slightly, slightly, self. own and cursed hers herself. She should have kno known the others i l were near. The twins, Willem and Finn, looked pleased near. Willem s. i with themselves Round-faced Willem slipped an arm themselves. Willem slipped aist endly around her wa and gave her a frie waist friendly squeeze. Didnt Didnt scare you, did we? he asked, obviously asked, hoping he had. You Yo ch y, i You are suc a puppy, Vivian said, removing his such puppy, Vivian n s arm. Hed been her favorite of the twins as they were He re growing up. H was sweeter and mor predictable more stures than his brother, but his affectionate ges brother, gestures had lost their innocence in the last year or so. a great deal of t unter ically. Finn, the gau gaunter twin, smiled sardoni sardonically. Sh ecting h w She was expe i the others now, so i came as no expecting h now, o it y ky surprise when Gregory, the twins lanky, fair-haired Gregory, lanky, fair-haired d d cousin, stepped silently out from behind another tree with d and folded in w them, and Ulf hopped over a white o picket fence to dance his jittery way backward up aughing wildly, y e the sidewalk, la laughing wildly, until Rafe cuffed him to the rear. rear. th heir ts, They wore their usual uniform of boot black jeans, boots, T-shirts, - hi t d a t d t tt R f had his l T-shirts, and assorted tattoos. Rafe had hi sleeves had ow yguards, Vivian i rolled up to sho off his biceps. My body show bodyguards, Vivian thought. Saw your m mother go into Tooleys bar with Gabriel o Tooleys r

last night, Fin said. She was all over him. His lips Finn nn r sketched a spi spiteful thin leer, and his e iteful leer, r eyes narrowed expectantly. expectantly. Vivian bristled, Vivian bristle but she wasnt going to say anything. i ed, wasnt o Yeah, Astrid wasnt Ye id aid Yeah, Astri wasnt far behind, sa Rafe. And said sed. she looked piss pissed. He laughed. Hey, y my ped Hey, leave m mom out of it, Ulf pip up. piped r i So thats who they were ghting over, Vivian thought. thats o over, Vivian was Gabriel. That w disgusting. He was only twenty-four. only twenty-four. mself, d And full of him himself, from what she could tell. he om Rafe took th parcel he carried out fro beneath his the from i an e arm, and Vivia heard Ulf giggle. Rafe pulled at the Vivian were more red knotted string to loosen it. His eyes w hen r than brown wh he glanced up at her, a wicked grin when her, his i w playing about h lips, and Vivian knew he was up to Vivian mischief. Vivian, Vi art, Vivian, Id like to give you my hea heart, Rafe said, ous, grinning again. suddenly serio serious, then immediately g B i hat i t, h But since tha might be inconvenient I brought that i h b i inconvenient, Ive b lse you someone el s. elses. aper apped The newspa newspaper unrolled, and he sla slapped a brown slimy gob down on the sidewalk. n y oping Rafe! She looked around wildly, ho wildly, hoping no neighght. ou bors were in sig What the hell are yo up to? sight. you ere The Five we helpless with laughter. were laughter. Vivian grabbed i bed Rafe Vivian grabb the newspaper from R s hand and Rafes d the scooped up the mess. my Give you m heart . . . , he gasped, and bent over laughing again. again. d was Where could she put this? Where w the body?

She started to rewrap the disgusting t trophy. Then, trophy. Rafe, you jerk, she cried. This is a she s heart. jerk, , sheeps eep More howls o laughter exploded from the Five. of m She didnt kn didnt know whether to be angr or relieved. now angry ry You Yo r You were over at Uncle Rudys store, werent you? Rudys werent meat cutter at Safeway. W Rudy was a m Safeway. When no one r ng answered her, she growled and un the whole her, ung fe thers package in Raf s face. That set the ot Rafes others off even worse. Ulf had tears in his eyes. nd lowed She turned an left them, but they foll and followed at a disy sts tance anyway, and she heard their burs of laughter anyway, bursts chool. all the way to sc school. Mom thinks t Five have learned their lesson, Vivian the i Vivian thought. Hah! she said out loud. Hah! had her When Axel h come home from jail, h father had nt ent passed judgmen swiftly. The punishme for endanjudgment swiftly. punishment k gering the pack was death. Vivian couldnt i n eaded Vivian couldn t save Axel, but she ple pleaded with her f h f h F Five. Th j kid like h They father for the Fi They were just kids lik her. Th her. ng had only killed to prove the witness wron and protect wrong he the secret of th pack. They wouldnt d it again. So the wouldnt do n veness Ivan Gandillon made them beg forgiv forgiveness of the r own Moon and run the Trial of the Fang do Trial down a narrow r path lined with the pack in their fur, and all could take fur, d me their bites. Som said that he let the Five off too Some lightly, y h nds lightly, although they licked their woun for weeks. wounds M b th people i ht Vivian hadn ivian hadnt it Maybe those p l were right. Vi i n h d t quite e trusted the Five ever since. wasnt until il i It wasnt unti almost lunchtime that Vivian rememVivian Aiden Teague. e bered that she wanted to track down A Teague.

Yeah, Yeah, why dont I have a look at this poet, she told here herself. See if I like him writing about things he shouldnt know e e about. That wa better than sitting arou being miswas as around und erable. Where should she look? She dec decided to ask her cided teacher. e to r art teacher. He was one of the advisers t The Trumpet. Trumpet. He junior, Mr. r, y Oh, yeah. H s a junior, Mr. Antony said, shaking Hes out k. some brushes o over the art-room sink sink. d i ed. How would I nd him? Vivian aske Vivian asked. Well, We u er Well, if you hang around for anothe half an hour another nch, is until second lun all youll have to do i look out that lunch, window. ds window. He hangs out with his friend in the quadhangs friends e. rangle, under those arches over there He pointed there. hes vered with the brush to a section of the cov brushes covered walkway d uare that ran around the perimeter of the squ square courtyard. he What does h look like? o. Oh, I dunno Hes tall, bohemian. dunno. Hes Whatever that means, she thought. t Mr. ank Yo Mr. Antony must have noticed her bla look. You blank You know, throwback k h wback h i i j d beads, know, a throwb k to the sixties, jeans and b d an MTV hippie. e uspect The way he said that made her su suspect that he een time. thought hed be the real thing at one t been w He Oh, I know, the teacher added. H was wearing know, He hirt this owery sh this morninglots of yellow and shirt me to blue. It made m smile. Listen, Ive got t grab a sande wich. Close the door when you leave. S Sure. ed with her. She Luckily she brought her lunch w shed her. e relaxed on the warm windowsill and chewed on a ps piece of steak while she waited. Group of kids were Groups

scattered acros the quad, eating, talk across ss talking, and sunking, bathing. Some of the boys had their sh shirts off, their hirts esh golden an slick as if theyd swallo and nd swallowed the sun. owed They were swe to look upon. Her eye lingered on sweet eet eyes es as them tenderly a she bit into her meat. bell, the shift changed. Ki reluctantly ids At the next b Kids hirts, ks, scooped up T-sh T-shirts, soda cans, and book and hurried books, o able to class, while others hardly distinguisha from them distinguishable es. took their place places. French, Vivian thought. It didnt matter, i r Ill be late to F Vivian didnt matter, ed i the teacher love her. She had a perfect accent. Vivian loved her. Vivian d r sat upright, and her hands kneaded her empty lunch her bag. She kept h eye on the arches. Two w m Two young men walked into view. O had dark, view. One shoulder-length h red shoulder-length hair and wore a ower shirt. That owered Another boy joined them then a girl. m, must be him. A them, ughing y They stood lau laughing under the canopy, the shadows canopy, es. hiding their face faces. S thats you, Poet B y, Vi i h u, Boy Vivian thou h but she h ught, h So thats you P Boy, ivian thought, b couldnt m clearly. couldnt see him clearly. She wanted a closer look. closer thering? lf Why am I bot bothering? she asked hersel as she went herself through the side door. Because Im a pirate of the night and e door. y I want to see whos trespassing in my territory, she whos territory, h answered. But maybe he was one of her kind from ck. s some other pac Or maybe he just knows too much, she pack. thought. She laughed aloud at her melodramatic th ht he d th d tt t th thoughts as she crossed the grass, and a spotty tenther as grader eyed he curiously. The sun wa hot, so she her curiously. was hirt p peeled off her sh to reveal the tank top underneath. shirt have a look, or will I say s something? she Shall I only h ooh Instantly wondered. Ooo I loved your poem. Instantly she felt Ooooh

like playing wic wicked games. She put a sway in her walk. cked sway w Maybe Ill make him look. The boy to A Aidens left noticed her Aidens rst. He was a burly blond w with a good-natured face and eyes that ightly i glazed over sli slightly at her approach. Vivian couldnt Vivian couldnt ked, ed resist, she wink winked, and his cheeks turne pink. It was turned other kid, wearing some kind of funny so easy. The o easy. ut, ay lopsided haircu kept on yakking away, but the girl haircut, away, nd She looked over an wrinkled her nose. S was small, and pped with close-crop close-cropped dark hairthe sort of girl that sort wore black stockings even on days like these. Ill put a stockings y ok few more runs in those tights, honey, if you loo at me like that honey, look Vivian promised silently. i romised silently. again, Vivian pr o Then Aiden Teague turned around to see what had Teague riends captured his fr friends attention. The crystal stud in his crystal ed ainbow, left ear reecte the sun in a burst of ra reected rainbow, and his e r slow easy smile sent a shock through her. her. aring, She was sta staring, she knew, but his face was deliknew, i Hi eyes were amused and d yes d d dreamy, as if y cious. His ey dreamy, observing life f from the outside and nd ding nding it vaguely funny. med like the Five funny. He seem languid, not intense l seemed jangly, nervy, y y ming, those jangly, nervy, twitching, squirm squirming, ghting, rp-edged snapping, shar sharp-edged creatures who demanded so r cer much from her. She noticed his tall danc s frame and her. dancers ght his long-ngered hands, and the thoug crossed her long-ngered thought would enjoy him touching her. g her. mind that she w D k ? h k d H waited expectantly, ited t tly Do I know you? he asked. He waited expectantly, k a bemused look on his face.

Vivian Vivian said the rst thing that came i i the into her head. Um. I liked yo poem in The Trumpet. I dont believe your our Trumpet. r that stupid senten came out of my mouth, sh thought. sentence nce she he Hey, thanks, Hey, thanks Aiden said. He still look puzzled. y s, looked ked Hes rewolf, may Hes not a were werewolf, she thought in dism . How can I dismay. hen smell of sweet react this way wh hes not one of us? His s when hes an nd perspiration and soap was purely human. Get a grip, human. i l Vi i ivian ld herself. She didnt lik th off-balance lf Sh did like this ff b l his hi h girl, Vivian told h didnt t dared his dark feeling. She put a hand on her hip and d d Yo oem eyes to try and drown her now. Your po was facing now. Your poem to a print of mine. I was glad I wasnt next t some trash. wasnt d The blond kid brayed with laughter. laughter. uince, Shut up, Qu Quince, Aiden said, but he grinned. ke n That was lik some forest scene, wasn t it? the kid like wasnt haircut said. Spooky, ma y an. with the funny h Spooky, man. Th d k haired i l t h d Aiden The dark-hai d girl put a hand on Aid s arm. dark-haired Aidens Bingos g Bingos waiting for us. elly gaged Hold on, Ke . Aiden gently diseng Kelly. disengaged his arm, wned sulkily. ure, and the girl frow frowned sulkily. Cool pictu picture, he said to Vivian. Its e i Vivian. Its like you read my mind.

Thats Thats what I thought about your poem, Vivian t Vivian i answered. Her response to him was dist r disturbing but she turbing wanted to expl explore it. She took his hand and turned it lore d up, then ran her nails down the length of his ngers. her t. He didnt resist didnt resist. ortune? What are you going to do, tell my fo you fortune? Aiden asked. Yes, Ye a Yes, she answered. She slid a felt pen from her while he watched mesmeri ized, purse. Then, w mesmerized, she wrote mber whim she outher phone num number in his palm. On a w ve-pointed star. lined it with a star. Whats that? Quince said. Yo Jewish or at? You Whats tha You something? Aiden softly. Thats a pen ntagram. Nah, said A softly. Thats pentagram. So shes a w shes witch, Kelly snapped. dear, Vivian r i You dont o nt No, my dear, Vivian thought. You don watch enough s. entagram late-night movies The person who sees a pe movies. pentagram in his werewolfs victim. palm becomes a w werewolfs A witch? Aid k d hi eyes twinkling. i kli Are you a wi h? Aiden asked, his e was husky. Her voice w husky. Why dont y nd out? dont you s that made him She folded his hand around the sign t ing hers. Inside, her heart was thumpi thumping crazily in er sed response to he charade, but she refus to lose her her refused nerve. ed raise her voice, As she walke away she heard Kelly r walked a at but she didnt b didnt bother listening. Was tha his girlfriend Was that th ? H ld d b tt Much b tt d then? He could do better. M h better. better. better. n All afternoon her thoughts returned to him like a dn After a while it song she could t get out of her head. A couldnt ing. became annoyi annoying. What am I, a pervert? she asked heruman, half self. He was hu human, for Moons sakeh a person. Moons sakehalf

Its Its only a gam she told herself, to see if I can snare game, me, e him. But she w wanted to know what wa in a human was as head to make h write that poem, and she wanted to him know why hed stolen the breath from he lips. her er ched As she reac reached home the front door opened. r Gabriel, the inspiration for her mother s latest ght, inspiration mothers He was leaving. H lled the door frame, blocking her way. - rt way. His T-shir clung to his wide chest. T-shirt iv, Hi, Viv, he said. Lookin good. His voice rumbled Viv, rumbled er like lazy thunde . thunder. in r The teasing i his blue eyes made her want to spit. Esm. Save that for E bed d. Gabriel rubb his chin and grinned She noticed rubbed grinned. white scar tissue on the ba of his right ack the puckered w back hand. The tip of another scar showed at his throat. We dont W you o We dont see y down at Tooleys, he said, ignoring Tooleys, her anger. anger. p to She glared up at him. Im too young t drink. H l k d her over, ki r his time. Before she i h He looked h over, taking hi time. B f he could help it sh tugged at the hemline of her shorts. she oo of Her shirt felt to tight. She was aware o a droplet of too led en sweat that tickl its way down betwee her breasts. tickled between oled Could have foo me, he nally said. fooled im g She stared hi in the eye, challenging him; she was him th, y out of her dept but deant anyway, w depth, anyway, willing her lip not to tremble. There was silence for a moment and h couldnt read hi t ld ad hi l d f ce. He h d she couldnt read his strong, chiseled fac H reached face. ked for her. She jerk back. Then he laughed like a giant her. jerked laughed de. nto and moved asid She slid past him in the house, aside. into d g angry that she inched, but showing him that she shed he arrogant face. dared go by. Sh closed the door on his a by. She

Mom! she yelled shrilly. shrilly. Esm poked her head out from the din dining room. ning How longs he been here? Vivian de longs Vivian demanded. i emanded. Only a few minutes, Esm answere She looked w answered. ed. opped or smug. He dro dropped by to invite me fo a late-night for drink. Mom. Hes twenty-four. Dammit, M Hes twenty-four. So? Youre almost forty. Yo ost Youre almo forty. Well, We t iping Well, rub it in. But nothing was wi wiping the smile e. off Esms face Esms face. Dont think its a little bit disgust ting? Dont you t its disgusting? her We l, Esm ung h hands in the air. Well for goodness air. Well, erious sake, Im not se serious about him. Now hes Oh great. N hes your boy toy. toy. ked. danced up the Esm smirk smirked. Some boy. She d boy. i stairs, her rear end wagging like a tail. Vivian followed Vivian lammed oom. Esm up and sl slammed the door of her ro room. R d h d gone Tooleys bar f one o l k h Rudy had go to Tooleys b after work, so there i an er i were just Vivia and Esm at the dinne table. Vivian Vivian dinner Vivian ing was still broodi about Gabriels visit. She thought of brooding Gabriels at her father and the aching emptiness tha still gnawed that arents appy together. at her. Her pa her. parents had seemed so ha happy together. Shed thought her mother shared that ache, but now actin ng year Esm was acting like a stupid fourteen-y -old. fourteen-year-old. Didnt id. Didnt you love Dad? she nally sai said. E l k d t tl d t thi ti out f th bl Esm looked startled at this question o t of the blue. Yes, Ye im. Yes, I loved hi him. are nd? Then why a you out running aroun around? ong i d A years a lo time, Vivian. Im tired of crying. Im years long Vivian. lonely. Sometimes mes lonely. Sometim I want a man in my bed. bed.

Vivian grabbed Vivian grabb her plate abruptly an headed for i bed and nd the kitchen. Co Couldnt her mother talk to her as if she ouldnt o was a daughter She scraped her lefto daughter? r? leftovers into the overs trash with a squ of knife against porce squeal ueal porcelain. elain. Watch Wa e Watch those dishes! her mother yelled. yelled. Thats ke i Thats more lik it, Vivian thought. like Vivian er i An hour late Vivian was on her bed doing some later Vivian bed y hen halfhearted studying for Chemistry, wh the phone studying Chemistry, when ked e rang. She pick up the phone on the second-oor picked hallway, expecting to hear one of the pa y ting ack, hallway, expect pack, but it was Aiden. Theres Theres a free concert at the university this university aid. o weekend, he sa Sunday afternoon. You wanna go said. You . . . maybe? ked Her eyes half closed and she lick half licked her lips. Maybe. Whos playing? Whos ed eard He mentione a band shed never he mentioned heard of in revt nown erent tones that suggested it was well kn known and one f hi f i s. h i cial ih of his favorites H was sharing a speci l treat with favorites. He special her. her. Ill have to see if my family has anything ow planned, she told him. Ill let you kno tomorrow. told know tomorrow. ting ger No sense in lett letting him think her too eag . No. Dont eager. Dont worry. you. worry. Ill nd y Vivian i u s Vivian hung up and stretched her arms to the ceiling contentedly, arching her back. Should s go, or was y ching she contentedly, arc ? having him rise to the bait good enough? B t h d w lid h l t d th But a shadow slid across her pleasant mood. If they went on a date h would want to kiss her. Would he be he r o her. Would ostrils safe if he came close enough to ll her no nostrils with his scent? d e Esm walked out of her bedroom. She was wearing

the tight black dress she used for wait k waitressing. Who tressing. was that? she asked casually as she put in an earring. t A boy from school. Esm paused Oh? paused. d. me He asked m to a concert. m mothers expresOne of them asked you out? Her m mothers repulsion and surprise. I wont allow it. sion combined r wont Vivian bristled. You cant i Yo o Vivian bristled. You cant tell me who to date. er on Esm put he hands on her hips. Do t date if you her Dont cant he cant mate, th saying goes. Human and wolf-kind the lly were biological incapable of breeding. biologically o s baby, Vivian y, i Im going to a concert, not having his baby, Vivian d dont only start relasnapped. And dont tell me wolf-kind o n tionships when they want children. I know better. know better. Youve Yo m Youve got a smart mouth, girl, Esm called as she Esm walked off. i Now Vivian was sure she was going. Vivian oned, He had pho phoned, and she wasnt an outsider anywasnt moreuntouch bl hable h d haps i i ibl h moreuntouchable and strange, perh perhaps invisible. ld e But why shoul she care so much? He was a human should eat-boy after all: a me meat-boy scantily furred, an incomplete h creature who had only one form. e she How sad, she thought, and suddenly s craved the change. r on Like all her people, at the full moo she had to moon er he change whethe she wanted to or not, th urge was too whether the t t refuse. Other ti f h ld h t ill strong to refuse. Oth times she could change at will, y either partway or fully. Right now the moon swelled fully. month belly, y nted like a seven-m seven-month belly, and she wan wanted to change because it was possible. She wanted to run for the joy of it.

She stalked t through the backyard du dusk, across the usk, bat-grazed clear clearing in the narrow ribbon of woods out ring n back, over the s stream, up the embankme and down embankment, ent, into the wide gr grassy valley that held the r rassy river. river. as nd The grass wa already high. Here an there might was and by tting be nests made b kids making out or get getting high, but air n she sniffed the a and smelled no human esh. e e Down by the river was a giant tumble of rocks that iverbank. screened the ri riverbank. Behind the rocks, amid the rocks, shoulder-high weeds, she slowly slid of her clothes. ff shoulder-high w off kin outing Already her sk prickled with the spro skin sprouting pelt. A ze tocks, trickle of breez curled around her butt breeze buttocks, and her ned the river. nipples tighten in the cool air off t river. She tightened rew laughed and thr her panties down. threw st Her laugh turned to a moan at the rs ripple in her turned rst sed men bones. She tens her thighs and abdom to will the tensed abdomen d like a lover as change on, and clutched the night air l ngthened sprouted. Her her ngers len lengthened and her nails s bl d h d ih h lik d i Th i h h blood churned with heat like desire. The night, she swe eet mells thought, the sweet night. The exciting sm smells of rabbit, d damp earth, and urine drenched the air. air. her The esh of h arms bubbled and her legs buckled her muscles of her to a new shape. She doubled over as the m into a brief spasm, then gr rimaced abdomen went i grimaced as her d d. teeth sharpened and her jaw extended She felt the extended. in momentary pai of the spines crunch and then the pain spines t l sweet release. reature She was a cr creature much larger and stronger than lf. any natural wol Her toes and legs were too long, her wolf. were d Wolf w o ears too big, and her eyes held re. Wolf was only a conhey who venient term th had adopted. Those w preferred they

science to myth said they descended fr myt th from something rom oldersome ea mammal that had abs early arly absorbed protean sorbed protean matter brought to Earth by a meteorite. t Vivian stretched and pawed at the ground, she Vivian stret i tched e orious air. sniffed the glo glorious air. She felt as if her tail could s sweep the stars from the sky. sky. r y ught. I will howl for you, human boy, she thou boy, thought. I will hunt kin you in my girl sk but Ill celebrate as wolf. skin n And she ran the length of the river to the edge of s the city slums and back, under the hopeful earlysummer moon.




was born in Bristol, England, and moved to the United States when she was a teenager. She daydreamed constantly while growing up, and she turned some of those fantasies into stories and poems. Her first novel was inspired by vampire poems she wrote when she was fifteen years old. Annette currently lives in the Maryland suburbs with her husband and cats and works full-time as a childrens librarianbut in her imagination, shes a werewolf girl. Sometimes she forgets herself and howls out loud.

Published by Delacorte Press an imprint of Random House Childrens Books a division of Random House, Inc. New York This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the productof the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Text copyright 1997 by Annette Curtis Klause Part title decorations copyright 1997 by Cliff Nielsen Cover illustration copyright 2007 by Shane Rebenschied All rights reserved. Delacorte Press and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. Educators and librarians, for a variety of teaching tools, visit us at The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition of this work as follows: Klause, Annette Curtis. Blood and Chocolate/by Annette Curtis Klause. p. cm. Summary: Having fallen for a human boy, a beautiful teenage werewolf must battle both her packmates and the fear of the townspeople to decide where she belongs and with whom. ISBN 978-0-385-32305-5 (alk. paper) [1. WerewolvesFiction.] I. Title PZ7.K67815B1 1997 [Fic] dc20 96-35247 CIP AC ISBN 978-0-385-73421-9 (trade pbk) ISBN 978-0-385-90434-6 (GLB) Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Trade Paperback Edition


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