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This award will be given to a member of the public or to an organization, classroom or school who has shown a grassroots persistence to address a continuing environmental challenge. This individual or group may or may not have specific or formal scientific training but will have made a contribution to science and our local environment through commitment, passion and/or motivated public participation in environmental science or activities. These efforts may have occurred within the past three years, but should be continuing.

Name of nominated individual or organization:

This application submitted by (may be submitted in behalf of self): Address: Phone Number: E-mail Contact:

In the event of recognition, who would receive the award on behalf of the organization or individual?
Name: Address: Phone Number: E-mail Contact: Define the environmental challenge addressed.

Tell how this practice provides stewardship of the environment.

How is this considered a persistent, grassroots effort? (Please include the number of people who are involved and the length of time for this initiative.)

Tell the location and describe any difficulties encountered.



Describe the determination behind the ongoing effort.

What is next on your agenda with this project?

Please add anything that we have not asked that helps to tell your story.

List any documents, photos or video that you have attached to support this application.

All entries must be received or postmarked by Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012 E-mail submission: Submit via mail to:
You may send nominations as a PDF to

Stephen Perkins, ECHO, 1 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401

Drop off entries in person at:

the Burlington Free Press, 191 College Street, Burlington, or at ECHO, 1 College Street , Burlington.



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