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Relationship - Centered Leadership

Transformational Change Through The Power of Influence

Are you prepared to lead in an environment where external rewards and incentives are no longer effective, and your employees are dissatisfied, disengaged and stressed about their future?

RCL is an in-depth program that explores the heart of leadership; it will assist you in developing a mindset, skills and tools to use your power of influence to transform the Why we work from traditional external factors to sustainable intrinsic forces. Recent surveys indicate that the level of satisfaction people experience in their work is at an all-time low. People feel they are working harder for less and are fearful of what the future may hold. The traditional tools of rewards and incentives that leaders employed to motivate and build employee satisfaction and engagement are not longer effective and contribute to low morale. These realties, compounded by additional economic, political and social challenges, have grown steadily as resources, which leaders have relied on have diminished. Leaders and organizations became dependent on using external levers to induce performance, and are now confronted with a new worker/leader paradigm in which the mind and skill sets that worked in the past no longer have the impact and results they once did. Because of this dependency on external motivators, leaders have neglected the most powerful and sustainable sources of motivation and performance - the power of relationships and intrinsic motivation. RCL integrates the sciences of emotional and social intelligence with motivational theory to provide leaders a new and sustainable method of building high levels of employee and customer satisfaction, engagement and performance. RCL builds Relationally Intelligent Leaders

Relationship - Centered Leadership is a two-day program that invites and guides participants to go below the surface - to go into the heart of leadership and discover the power of inuence, relationships and intrinsic motivation.

Henry David Thoreau captured this best when it he said: What lies before us and what lies behind us are small

matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen.

Day-One Morning Session The call to leadership - connecting with the source Participants will entertain the questions Why do I want to be a leader? and What are the qualities and skills of leaders that engage people and inspire performance? Participants will explore their DNA of leadership and relationships by reflecting on their personal and career experiences with the people who have influenced their leadership and relationship world views. Articles, film clips, and activities will be used to engage and stimulate reflection and learning. They will learn how and why a growth mindset and the application of Self-Determination Theory ( autonomy, mastery and purpose ) can influence and build intrinsic motivation, relationships and exceptional performance.

Day-Two Morning Session Strengthening emotional and ethical tness This sessions focuses on the Hallmarks of Resiliency and Moral Courage Resiliency is derived from many factors, this session will focus on developing the ability to tolerate emotions, increase emotional resiliency and realistic optimism. These three areas and skills are foundational emotional and social intelligence competencies that build resiliency and strengthen relationships. Moral Courage will focus on the process of decision making. Outstanding leaders are able to navigate and tolerate the tension between relationship and task driven agendas. The ability to see long term, and to balance it with short term pressures to make the right decisions. Case studies in which participants will apply their values and ethical resolution principles will be used to provide participants the experience and practice of moral courage. Day-Two Afternoon Session It ows from the heart and head This sessions focuses on the Hallmarks of Trustworthiness and Authenticity. Relationship - Centered Leaders understand and know how to execute their values to build trust and demonstrate authenticity to create the conditions for exceptional performance. This session focuses on the factors that strengthen ones Trustworthiness and increasing the depth of their Authenticity. By engaging in activities, film clips and discussions participants will discover news levels of selfawareness, which will contribute to a deeper level of understanding of others. They will gain an appreciation for their symbolic and functional position of leader and the need to role model the behavior and changes they want from others.

Day-One Afternoon Session Communicating below the tip of the ice berg This session focuses on the Hallmarks of Presencing and Purpose. Presencing module will have an emphasis on how mindsets and brain functioning can assist and interfere with ones ability to be an active listener and in developing high performing relationships. The focus is on developing the skill of empathic listening to strengthen how we listen and respond and to promote strong and committed relationships between leaders and employees. Purpose is the cornerstone of life and leadership and high performing leaders are able to convey a higher sense of purpose. Participants will explore the dimensions of purpose and will craft a working purpose statement that integrates their responses to the question, Why do I want to be a leader?

The Work Foundation in a recently concluded and published study on leadership stressed that the emphasis on people - centered leadership is particularly critical while the world is still experiencing tough economic conditions. They point to the widespread tendency to assume that in difcult times, people think they need powerful leaders, with a controlling, target driven approach. Yet, the evidence from the research indicates the opposite, demonstrating that this instinct can be counter-productive.

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