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1. Terangkan gerakan electron sehingga timbul beda potensial VH . 2.

Bila sistim berada dalam keadaan stasioner , bagaimana gerakan electron dalam system tersebut. Terangkan dengan gambar. 3. Buktikan secara teoritis bahwa beda potensial Hall adalah :
VH iB bne

dengan n : rapat muatan pengangkut (carrier) plat penghantar b : tebal plat

1. Positive charge will have Lorentz force to the upper level, then at the top of the conductor plate as if there will be a positive charge in a row. Whereas the negative charge recognition Lorentz force experience a downward force on the bottom of the semi conductor plate as if there will be a negative charge lining. Therefore, there will be an electric field and potential difference (VH) across the semi-conductor.

2. Gambarnya kaya gni tapi gada B sm I trus electronnya bebas.


Fm = evdB where Vd is the drift velocity of the charge.

The current expressed in terms of the drift velocity is:

I = neAvb
N is the density of charge carriers. Then,

Fm =
At equilibrium

Fm = F e =
And substituting gives

VH =

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