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The Great Mind Challenge - Project Scenario Template

1. Name of the Project Emergency Vehicles Recognition System (EVRS) To avoid the ambulance and other emergency vehicles waiting in traffic. Automatically clearing the track of the vehicle from traffic blocks and signals.


Objective/ Vision


Users of the System

A. Traffic police, Wardens. B. Public. C. Emergency Vehicle Drivers.


To provide a system to the users which can reduce the risk of life of the person in the vehicle by identifying the vehicle on road through: A. Sound Recognition B. Image Recognition C. System Functioning ii. The Sound Recognition should be efficient to recognize the emergency vehicles from other siren vehicles. iii. The siren vehicles are identified accurately with out many disturbances due to weather and Functional other hindrances. Requirements (Atleast Eight) iv. The recognition of the E-Vehicles should start the image recognition system eventually. v. Through image recognition the emergency vehicles are identified. vi. The Infra Red makes possible to identify the EVehicle based on the lights. vii. The signal blocks should be opened for the vehicle to pass swiftly (RED to GREEN). viii. Wireless Alert is given to the traffic wardens if the vehicle finds difficult to clear the way (If the sound keeps continuing at same decibel). i. Secure access of confidential data (users details). SSL can be used. Non-functional ii. 24 X 7 availability requirements iii. Better component design to get better (Atleast Four) performance at peak time iv. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension i.



Optional features

a. The focus of this scenario is not to design a cost friendly system. Instead, it is on as useful it could get to save the life of people. b. Build the system as if you are going to help a nation. No half baked superficial system. c. System is easily operable and understanding the system helps people. A. Professional look and feel B. Use of AJAX atleast with all registration forms C. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozila, and Firefox. D. Use of Graphical tool like JASPER to show strategic data to admin E. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF or any other desirable format A. Reports for a fit-to-purpose group, task force or NGO B. Reports that can be easily generated for forwarding to govt. (how useful it will be in saving life of people) C. Report for the system developers in future if any changes are to be adopted. A. The problems regarding the emergency vehicles and the traffic are observed to create the system efficiently. B. Most of the problems are tried to be solved in the system whichever suits for the system. 2 4 members UML, J2EE, XML, e-Forms, AJAX, Web 2.0, Webservices, SOA ROSE/RSA / WebSphere Modeler Eclipse/ RAD / Lotus Forms Designer / Portlet Factory


User interface priorities




Other important issues Team Size Technologies to be used

10. 11.


Tools to be Used

WebSphere Portal/ WAS/ WAS CE / WPS DB2 Express C or DB2 UDB Tivoli CDP/TSM / Tivoli Directory Server Linux will be the preferred OS. A. Online or offline help to above said users, Application deployment executive and developer B. Application archive ( .war/.ear ) with source code C. Database backup and DDL Script D. Complete Source code


Final Deliverable must include

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