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Prologue. I ran as fast as I could towards the village.

I knew that when I would reach there that the thing that was chasing me wouldn t be able to entre after me. I don t know why I thought that but I just knew. I heard a deep loud growl erupt behind me. My breath came in shallow gasps of panic as I realized that the thing behind me was closer than I had realized. I tried to run faster but my legs began to cramp and a stiff pain was shooting through my legs. With a paniced thought I realized that I wouldn t make it to the village. The ground was now shaking under my feet as the monster behind me was closing the distance between us. Out of reflex I glanced behind me as I ran. It was like my vision was blurred. I couldn t make out a definite shape of the monster all I could make out was that it was HUGE, had what looked like wings, and it was mad! As I looked behind me I didn t see the small hole in front of me. I could feel my ankle twisting but there was no pain. I fell face first into the mud. I quickly turned to ly on my back only to find a pair of huge yellow eyes staring down at me. I could see the pupils dialated with rage yet hesitation. I could see conflict in those eyes, but they soon changed to resolution. Its my fault, I thought, its my fault, I m so sorry. I don t know why I thought it but I knew it was true. The monster above me let out a low growl and lunged its head down to me, its mouth open. I closed my eyes and screamed. Chapter 1.

I heard a door creak open in the distance. Kate, are you up yet? I could here the disapproval in my mums voice. My eyes flung open as I scanned my bedroom. I let out a sigh of relief. Ya I m up , I sighed as I threw my legs over my bedside and got dressed. As I was walking out my door I glanced up at my calendar and felt a thrilling feeling rise in my chest. It was my birthday tomorrow. I ll finally be 16. It won t be as though I ll feel any different but for some reason it felt like turning sixteen will change my life in some miraculous kind of way. I wish, I thought as I ran down the stairs. I grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door to take the school bus. I started thinking of the dream I had. I had already started to forget most of it. I knew it wasn t a good dream that s for sure. I was trying to remember the dream as I walked from the bus to the school gates when all of a sudden everything went black. I let out a small startled scream and jumped so high that I knocked the hands that had been covering my eyes clear from my face.

I turned around to find my friend Sandra behind me watching my startled expression with a curious look on her face. For Pete s sake, you scared the living daylights out of my , I yelled at her. Her curious look quickly turned to amusement with a hint of suspicion. Spill it, who s the guy, you are only really deep in thought like that if your thinking about guys mainly Sam . She really emphasized the last word and I could feel my cheeks warming a little. Sam was the really popular and handsome guy in our school. He was a year older than me and I have a HUGE crush on him. It broke my heart to hear that he was going out with the really pretty Kayla who s the type of person who thinks she s better than everyone else because she s rich and pretty. But even though I know that Sam isn t available (at the moment) I still can t stop thinking about him. Oh Shut up, I wasn t thinking about anyone . What s going on? I could see Zoey and Rose walking up from the crowd. Boy trouble , Sandra told them. Zoey and Rose gave me a sympathetic look. I am not having boy trouble I just didn t sleep well last night, I quickly added come on lets go inside before we get soaked , just as the rain started to pelt to the ground. Sammy Looked doubtful at my excuse but accepted it. By the time we got to the schools front doors we were soaked. I caught my reflection in the doors window-pane and groaned at the sight of my soaked chestnut coloured hair and my uniform that was beginning to stretch from the weight of the rain water that had been soaked in it. I looked over at my friends in envy. Zoey and Sandra both had fair blonde hair that cascaded down their backs, only Sandras was naturally straight while Zoeys had curls. Rose had short hair that was such a light brown that it was easy to mistake it for red. Even soaked all three of them still looked great. I sighed as I tried to squeeze the rain water out of my hair. The only good point about my appearance that I liked was my eyes. They were big and round with long eyelashes so I didn t need any mascara. They were a strange colour. People would usually comment on my eyes when they saw me. It wasn t as though they were creepy or anything, they were just intriguing._________________________________ As we were getting our books from our lockers and Sandra tried to redo her makeup (I don t see the point of wearing makeup to school, I mean hello we liv in Ireland were it stars raining unexpectedly!) the bell rang and we rushed off to class. I tried to remember my dream again as I was sitting in my English class, but it was no use, I could no longer remember anything apart from the fact I was running. I tried to dig deeper in my memory but at that moment I had the strange feeling something was hurtling towards my head. I looked up just in time to grab the piece of paper that had been flung at me.

So what are you doing for your birthday? I recognized Zoeys writing at once. I thought about it for a moment and wrote under her question. &LQHPD" The teacher turned towards the whiteboard and I flicked the paper at Zoey. She didn t have as good reflexs as me and the piece of paper hit her on the side of the face. A few people around her giggled and I could see her cheeks turn a very light shade of pink as she opened the note. I could see her eyes roll as she read note. She scribbled on the paper and threw it as hard as she could to me, most likely hoping it would hit me like it hit her. I caught the piece of paper easily and I could see Zoey pouting a little in the corner which made me smile. Oh sounds GREAT I hear that Puss and Boots is out now we ve seen nearly all the movies already I sighed. 6RZKDWGR\RXVXSSRVHZHGR" I could see her think for a minute as she read. I saw her smile as she wrote on the piece of paper. She flung it back and I read: Leave THAT to me I had a bad feeling about that *** By lunch I was exahausted since I didn t sleep well because of my can t-remember-nightmare. I sat down at the lunch table with Zoey as we watched Sandra and Rose go up to get their lunch. As Zoey and I talked about a programme we had watched on tv the night before I had the strangest feeling that someone was watching me. As I looked around I saw a tall slightly broad and not bad looking guy walk towards us, my really good childhood friend James, and sit beside me. Hey Kate! he said in a really enthusiastic tone. He nodded a little at Zoey. She just turned her head away in reply. Zoey and James had never gotten along well together.  We ALWAYS go to the cinema,

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