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Wonders of Computers and Its Impact on Daily Life

Simplest definition:
It is an electronic machine used for problem solving.

Continued It is; Programmable. It can; very quickly; Process, store and retrieve large amounts of data.

Basic Parts of a Computer

System Unit

Inside a System Unit

System Unit Components -put together

System Unit Vs System Software

It is Only and Only the System Software; That enables System Unit to recognize itself and its peripherals i.e. the I/O Devices.

System Software
The System Software makes a Computer work.

Application Software
User Interface for obtaining a Task Done By a Computer

Basic Application Software

MS Office
Mathematical software

Educational software

Industrial automation

Medical software

Simulation software

Telecom; Internet.



Hardware / Software Interaction


Computers Today 2011

The world's first electronic digital computer 1942

Thought behind Computing

Binary Logic
True (+5 V) Logic 1 False (0 V) Logic 0 How this Two State System can do all this

Technological Advancement
Using Electron Tub Use of Transistors and ICs (Integrated Circuits)

Technological Advancement .. Continued

Using Electron Tub Use of Transistors and ICs (Integrated Circuits)

Manual Soldering Soldering by Robots

Impact on Daily Life

Education Research and Development

Impact on Daily Life

Manufacturing Applications of CAD and CAM


Impact on Daily Life

Architecture; Applications of AutoCAD

Buildings Design and Construction

Impact on Daily Life

Project Management

References:'computer Sites last visited on 12 to 14 December, 2011

Other Areas facilitated

Finance Communication Internet, Mobile Automation etc, etc Last but not the Least
Islam in particular ..

The Field is rapidly growing

Computing is touching the heights each day. Sky is the Limit !

Thank you all, pl

Working With Binary Numbers

4 2 In 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Out 0 1 2 3 4 5

4 Bit ( a nible) 8 Bit ( a Byte) 16 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit

Seven-Segment Displays

Seven-Segment Displays

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