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Owner Service Sales Representative Service Sales Representative Service Sales Representative Service Sales Representative Project Manager Project Manager Service Sales Representative


1.1 2.1 2.2

Handle Request Assess Technical Feasibility Assess Financial Impact

Inactive Inactive Inactive

2.3 3.1 3.2

Qualify Request Architect Solution Create Proposal

Inactive Improving Investigating

4.1 5.1 6.1 6.2

Negotiate Bid Develop Solution Review Complete Engagement


Development Team Inactive Project Manager Service Sales Representative Improving Inactive

Description Receive and process a service request from a customer Create estimates of technical difficulty and resource needs Create financial estimates about the customer and the service request Determine whether the service request should be accepted Create a solution architecture that defines how the job will be delivered Create a project plan that details the time, resources and costs to deliver the job Submit the plans to the customer and negotiate job scope and cost Develop the contracted work Review the completed work to ensure the customer is satisfied Finalize payment

Average Time (days)

Average Cost

2 3 5

$100 $500 $500

2 5 3

$750 $2,500 $1,000



6 3

$1,750 $150


Outputs Tracking number, Customer request summary, Detailed information form submitted to customer Technical feasibility assessment Financial impact assessment

Initial customer request Customer request summary Customer request summary Customer detailed information form, Technical feasibility assessment, Financial impact assessment Customer detailed information form, Technical feasibility assessment Customer detailed information form, Technical feasibility assessment

Bid decision Architecture plan Statement of work, Project plan

Updated architecture plan, Updated statement of work, Updated project plan, Signed contract, Architecture plan, Statement of work, Project plan Purchase request Updated architecture plan, Updated statement of work, Updated project plan Completed job Completed job Customer sign-off Customer sign-off None

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