Modul Observation

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OBSERVATION SPS CONSTRUCT Observation Using the senses of hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight to find out

objects or events.



STATEMENT OF QUESTION State the properties of objects and situations correctly using any of the five senses. State the properties of objects and situations using appropriate tools to assist the senses. State the properties of objects and situations based on the sequences occurred.

Fish X

Fish Y

Fish Z


a) State the observation about the fishes. Nyatakan pemerhatian tentang ikan-ikan tersebut. . .

OBSERVATION = What you can see based on the results of investigation in the question? Is it a statement @ graph @ table? PEMERHATIAN = Apa yang boleh dilihat berdasarkan keputusan penyiasatan di dalam soalan? Adakah ianya pernyataan @ graf @ Jadual? * Do not give reason for observations questions. Reason is for INFERENCE only. Jangan berikan sebab bagi soalan pemerhatian. Sebab hanya untuk soalan INFERENS sahaja. * If there are more than 2 diagrams/ pictures,you must state the Comparison. Jika ada lebih daripada 2 rajah/ gambar, anda mesti menyatakan Perbandingan.

a) State one observation on the those plants after a week.. Nyatakan satu pemerhatian pada tumbuhan tersebut selepas seminggu.

Oil Minyak A B

Diagram shows 2 mice are put into 2 same cages. They are given the same quantity of water but different amount of food. The weight of the mice are recorded after 5 days. Rajah menunjukkan 2 tikus diletakkan dalam 2 sangkar yang sama. Kedua-duanya diberi kuantiti air yang sama tetapi jumlah makanan berbeza. Berat kedua-dua tikus dicatat selepas 5 hari.

2 fishes are put into 2 beakers A and B. After a week, the condition of the fishes are observed. 2 ekor ikan dimasukkan ke dalam bikar A dan B. selepas seminggu keadaan ikan itu diperhatikan. a) State what can you observed about the fishes. Nyatakan apa yang kamu dapat perhatikan tentang ikan tersebut. a) Write an observation about the mice. Tulis satu pemerhatian tentang tikus-tikus itu.

Number of wooden block (Bilangan bungkah kayu) Distance travelled (cm) (Jarak dilalui)

2 10

3 15

4 22

5 31

object to fall. Nyatakan satu pemerhatian berdasarkan masa objek tersebut tumbang. ...

a) Based on the table above, give an observation. Berdasarkan jadual diatas, berikan satu pemerhatian. .. .. ..

Kay sets up 2 electric circuits as in the diagram below. She turns on the switches and observes the brightness of the bulbs in both circuits. Kay menyediakan 2 litar elektrik seperti rajah dibawah. Dia membuka suis dan memerhatikan kecerahan mentol kedua-dua litar.

Pupils (Murid) Ali Abu

Length of blackboard (Panjang Papan Hitam) Span (Jengkal) 18 21 Meter (meter) 3 3 a) What can she observe in this investigation? Apakah yang dapat dia perhatikan dalam penyiasatan ini? . . .

a) Write an observation based on the difference between Ali and Abu. Tuliskan pemerhatian berdasarkan perbezaan antara Ali dan Abu. .. .. ..

Volume of water (cm) Time of dissolved (s) (isipadu air) (cm) (masa larut (s)) 100 200 300 400 Ali put on 2 objects L and M of the same shape and height on a plank. He lifted the plank at the same time and record his observation. Ali meletakkan 2 objek L dan M yang sama bentuk dan ketinggian diatas papan. Dia mengangkat papan itu pada masa yang sama dan mencatatkan pemerhatian. 70 50 30 10

a) Based on the table above, give an observation. Berdasarkan jadual diatas, berikan satu pemerhatian. ... ...

a) State one observation based on the time of

The table 2 shows the information gathered by a group of pupils to investigate the planets in the Solar System. Jadual 2 di bawah menunjukkan maklumat yang diperolehi oleh sekumpulan murid bagi menyiasat planet-planet dalam Sistem Suria. Time taken tomake one complete movement around the Sun (year) Masa yang diambil untuk membuat peredaran lengkap mengelilingi Matahari (tahun) 1 12 30 84 165

Nyatakan apakah yang dapat diperhatikan dalam penyiasatan ini.

Planet Planet

Distance from the Sun (million km) Jarak dari Matahari (juta km)


150 780 1430 2870 4500

A group of students put different numbers of rabbit in 2 cages. In cage X they put 3 rabbits and in cage Y they put 6 rabbits. The same amount of food and water is supplied to the cages every day. The table shows the results. Sekumpulan murid meletakkan bilangan arnab berbeza dalam 2 sangkar. Dalam sangkar X mereka meletak 3 arnab dan sangkar Y diletakkan 6 arnab. Jumlah makanan dan air yang sama dibekalkan kepada setiap sangkar setiap hari. Jadual menunjukkan keputusan.

a) State the observation from this investigation. Nyatakan pemerhatian penyiasatan ini.

a) State the observation in this investigation. Nyatakan pemerhatian dalam penyiasatan ini. . . .

Diagram 2 shows two similar toys car.Umairah release a toy car from the top of an inclined plane which is lined with different surfaces. Rajah 2 menunjukkan 3 kereta mainan yang sama.Umairah melepaskan kereta mainan dari atas satu landasan yang dialas dengan permukaan yang berlainan.

Ali and Abu travels from Alor Setar to Sungai Petani. Ali rides a motorcycle while Abu drives his car. The table below shows a comparison between the time taken for them to arrive. Ali dan Abu menuju dari Alor Setar ke Sungai Petani. Ali menunggang motosikal manakala Abu memandu keretanya. Jadul dibawah menunjukkan masa diambil untuk sampai.

Glass kaca Figure 2 Diagram 2

Sandpaper Kertas pasir a) State one observation based on the result. Nyatakan pemerhatian berdasarkan keputusan. .............................................. . ..

a) State what is the observation in this investigation.

Suraya sets up an apparatus as shown in the investigation above. She wants to observe the properties of light. Suraya menyediakan peralatan seperti ditunjukkan dalam rajah diatas. Dia ingin memerhati sifat-sifat cahaya. a) What is her observation? Apakah pemerhatiannya? .. Diagram above shows the apparatus used in fair test. Rajah diatas menunjukkan radas digunakan dalam ujikaji. a) What is the observation of this fair test? Apakah pemerhatian ujikaji ini? Four conical flask are filled with hot water. They are wrapped with different types of wrapper. The temperature of water recorded after 30 minutes. Empat kelalang kon diisi dengan air panas. Kesemuanya dibalut dengan pembalut berlainan jenis. Suhu air diukur selepas 30 minit.

Diagram shows investigation by Saliha. Rajah menunjukkan penyiasatan dijalankan Saliha.

The results are recorded in table below. Keputusan dicatatkan dalam jadual dibawah.

The results is recorded in table below. Keputusan dicatatkan dalam jadual dibawah.

a) What can you say about the temperature of water in conical flask Q? Apakah dapat diperkatakan tentang suhu air dalam kelalang kon Q?

a) Write an observation based on the result. Tulis satu pemerhatian berdasarkan keputusan. ... ... ...

An investigation is carried out by a group of pupils as shown in the diagram below. Satu penyiasatan telah dijalankan oleh sekumpulan murid seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di bawah.

waters both plants every day. She wrapped balsam plant Y with a transparent plastic. Nisa meletak 2 pokok keembung di tempat sama. Dia menyiram kedua pokok setiap hari. Dia membalut pokok keembung Y dengan plastic lutsinar. a) What can she observe on both plants after a week? Apa yang boleh diperhati pada kedua pokok selepas seminggu? .. ...


State an observation from their investigation. Nyatakan pemerhatian dari penyiasatan mereka.

Nora carries out a fair test. She puts 4 different types of objects into the water in a container. The observation is made after a week. Nora membuat ujikaji. Dia meletak 4 jenis objek berbeza ke dalam air sebuah bekas. Pemerhatian dibuat selepas seminggu.


Number of snakes Number of eagles

Bilangan ular Bilangan helang

1 2 3 4

61 45 31 19

27 35 43 50
The result obtained shown in table below. Keputusan diperoleh ditunjukkan dalam jadual dibawah.

a) Based on Table 1, what can be observed about the population of snake throughout the 4 weeks? Berdasarkan Jadual 1, apakah yang boleh diperhatikan tentang populasi ular sepanjang empat minggu itu? .

a) State the observation about the condition of the objects after a week. Nyatakan pemerhatian tentang keadaan objek selepas seminggu. . . .

Nisa put 2 balsam plants at a same place. She

Diagram below shows the investigation carried out by a group of pupils. One teaspoon of water is sprinkled on bread P , three teaspoons of water are sprinkled on bread Q and six teaspoons of water are sprinkled on bread R. The bread slices are kept in a plastic bag at room temperature for five days. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan penyiasatan yang dijalankan oleh sekumpulan murid, Tiga keping roti segar yang serupa disediakan. Satu sudu teh air direnjis ke atas roti P, tiga sudu teh air direnjis pada roti Q dan enam sudu teh air direnjis pada roti R. Kepingan roti disimpan dalam beg plastik pada suhu bilik selama lima hari.

Diagram above shows 3 circuits set up by Rozana in an investigation. Rajah diatas menunjukkan 3 litar dibina oleh Rozana dalam satu penyiasatan. a) State what is the observation in investigation. Nyatakan apakah pemerhatian dalam penyiasatan ini.

a) State the observation about the breads. Nyatakan pemerhatian tentang roti-roti tersebut. . . .

Figure shows 3 similar t-shirts that are left to dry under the Sun for two hours. Rajah menunjukkan 3 baju T dibiarkan kering dibawah Matahari selama 2 jam.

Bar chart shows the distance of four similar toy cars movement in 10 seconds. Carta bar menunjukkan jarak pergerakan oleh 4 kereta mainan yang serupa. a) What can you say about the time taken for those t-shirts to dry? Apa yang dapat diperkatakan tentang masa diambil bagi setiap baju T untuk kering? ... .

a) Based on the bar chart above, give an observation. Berdasarkan carta bar diatas, berikan satu pemerhatian. .. .. ..

Diagram shows a plate of rice which kept in a cupboard for 5 days. Rajah menunjukkan sepinggan nasi diletak dalam almari selama 5 hari.

a) Write an observation about condition of rice. Tulis pemerhatian tentang keadaan nasi itu. . .

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