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Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference.

The Unitary perspective:Unitary frame of reference is to refer to a way of thinking, a mind set of assumptions, attitudes, values and practices relating to management and organizational membership. This perspective is based on the statement that in order to achieve success, members of any given organization, despite their different roles, must share the same goals, objectives and values. The unitary perspective finds expression through the implementation of mission statements and measures success through the actual achievement of set objectives. Workers are considered to be loyal, and the prerogative of management is accepted as parental, and in everyones best interests. Management should be the one focus or loyalty. Pluralistic perspective:In pluralism the organization is perceived as being made up of powerful and different sub-groups, each with its own legal loyalties and with their own set of objectives and leaders. In particular, the two major sub-groups in the pluralistic perspective are the management and trade unions. The role of management would lean less towards enforcing and controlling and more toward influence and co-ordination. Trade unions are deemed as legal representatives of employees; conflict is dealt by collective bargaining and is viewed not necessarily as a bad thing and, if managed, could in fact be channeled towards evolution and positive change.

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