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Chinese Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901: Religious and Political Reaction and Reform

Hunter Mihalinec, Nikhil Patel, Rikin Patel Junior Division Group Website

Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Academic Journal Articles Cavendish, Patrick. The Boxer Rebellion. A Background Study. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Oct. 1963): 264-265. JSTOR. Web. 2 Dec. 2011. <>. Patrick Cavendish created a background study of the Boxer Rebellion and was also a primary source document as it contained information from people who were involved in the event and it was a British document. Britain was one of the main Allied powers in defeating the Chinese forces.

Esherick, Joseph W. Cultures in Collision: The Boxer Rebellion. Journal of Asian Studies 40.1 (1980): 108-109. JSTOR. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. <>. The Journal of Asian Studies talks about the religious and cultural aspects and how they were thrown into a collision course. This is important to our research as it provides important information pertaining to this years theme. This is also primary is it contains insight from authors who wrote about the rebellion during it.

McNair, Harley Farnsworth. China and the Occident: The Origin and Development of the Boxer Movement. American Journal of International Law 22.2 (1928): 480-482. JSTOR. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. <>. This was very useful as it provided information that analyzed the political reform and ideas in China during the Boxer Rebellion and after the rebellion. Harley McNair also

Rankin, Mary Backus, and American Oriental Society. The Origins of the Boxer Uprising. American Oriental Society (Jan. 1989): 107-108. JSTOR. Web. 3 Dec. 2011. <>. This is a publication of the American Oriental Society that showed the analysis of what the origin of the Boxer uprising came from and what the tensions in China were like earlier. This was very useful in deciphering the years before the rebellion.

Wakeman, Frederick, Jr. Rebellion and Revolution: The Study of Popular Movements in Chinese History. Journal Of Asian Studies 36.2 (1977): 201-237. JSTOR. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. <>. The Journal of Asian Studies provided an issue that correlates directly with our theme this year. It is also a primary source as there are ideas that were created by people directly

Audiovisual Australian War Memorial. British servicemen hold their first Boxer prisoner. 1900. Australian nnnnn Memorial, AWM. Australian War Memorial. Web. 5 Nov. 2011. ddddd< screen_img/>. This source was helpful to me because I was trying to understand the political reaction in other countries, it showed me the British capturing a Boxer. Privategomer. The Boxer Rebellion. YouTube. YouTube, 20 Jan. 2010. Web. 2 Dec. 2011. <>. The Boxer Rebellion video is very useful as it has very good footage of

battle scenes during the uprising and pictures of Boxers and American soldiers during the times in China. There is also a lot of useful information pertaining to our topic.

Youtube. The Boxer Rebellion. The Boxer Rebellion - China History on film. ___ Kaixin, 10 Jan. 2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. <>. This has a very moving black and white film that is on the effects of the Chinese boxer rebellion. It also explains why it happened. This film can be broken up easily through the first minute and a half. _-

Cartography General Shou Attacking the Russian City at the Amur River. Map. National Archives. 10 Oct. 1900. National Archives. Library of Congress. Web. 24 Nov. 2011. <>. This was the map created by the Chinese Army, who were led by General Shou, and they ____ _were attacking the Russian encampment at Fut Wah Kuck. This is a very useful _____ ______interpretation that shows and portrays some of the numerous battles during this uprising.

Interviews Chi-hao, Fei. Fei Chi-hao The Boxer Rebellion,1900. Interview by Paul Hasall. Modern History Sourcebook. Fordham University, Jesuit college of New York, Oct. 1998. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>.

This shows an interview with Chinese Christian survivor. He describes where others were killed, and how he survived. This very informative interview was recorded just a day after the war ended and the Boxers lost.

Nonperiodicals Beales, Charles Z. China and the Boxers. A Short History of the Boxer Outbreak, with Two Chapters on the Sufferings of Missionaries and a Closing One On the Outlook. Library of Congress, 2011. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <>. Charles Bealess created during the time of my events and explained how there was religious discrimination and the author explains the damage done to the Chinese Christians and the Western converts.

Bland, J.O.P, and E Backhouse. China under the Empress DowagerBeing the History of the Life and Times of TZ&#364; HSI. Comp. J.O.P Bland and E. Backhouse. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1910. Questia Online Library. Web. 10 Dec. 2011. <>. This book is a primary document. In this book it described the control of China under the empress. This document was published 9 years after the event and gave a firsthand point of view. This document had primary sources within the source because it had maps, charts, and quotes from the Chinese Boxer Rebellion.

First Regiment U.S. Marines. Letter. 20 Aug. 1900. The Siege of Peking: The March of Peking. _B__y Major W.P. Biddle, Maj. George Richards, and First Regiment U.S. Marines. N.p.: n.p., _____N. pag. Naval History. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. <>. The letter from the U.S. Marines First Regiment was a transcript of the siege of Peking and what happened from the point of view of the American Marines. This was useful in determining what the main aspects of the significant battle at Peking were.

Savage Landor, A. Henry. China and the Allies. Illus. A Henry Savage Landor. Vol. 1. New _____York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1901. Questia Online Library. Web. 10 Dec. 2011. _____<>. This book was a source that was published when the Chinese Boxer Rebellion ended. This is a primary document that describes the events of the Boxer Rebellion. The book goes into discussion of what China and its allies did.

Periodicals DSN. UK Extract [United Kingdom] May-June 1900, National ed.: n. pag. Freepages file. This United Kingdom newspaper has many article clippings that had information about the current events during the time of the uprising, and it has list of people who had died in the rebellion.

Political Cartoons The American View, and Robert C. Kennedy. The Boxers. The American View. The American View, 2003. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <>. This source was helpful because it showed the United States view on coming into China and helping the Christians and foreigners in China. There was also a political cartoon depicting what the times were like during that time period and how the United States was helping China metaphorically. This helped show me how the Boxers attacked the foreigners and why.

Websites, e-sources - - -. China (Boxer Rebellion), 1900-01. Australian War Memorial. AWM, 2011. Web. 5 Nov. 2011. <http:///>. The Australian War Memorial was a very helpful source. In our project, we are focusing on the aspect of how other countries reacted and joined the battle against the Boxers. This website was about the Australians and had some great primary source pictures.

Butler, Maj Glen G. The Boxer Rebellion: Coalition Expeditionary Operations in China. Editorial. Marine Corps Gazette. College of Distant Education and Training, 2010. Web. 9 Oct. 2011. <>. Major Butler explains why the Marines were so fast to be put into action, after the distress call from China. Major Glen Butler also writes about the impact that the United States had on the war. It describes how the group of Americans that had came to war also

noticed that not only were the Boxers doing mischievieous things, but also were the armed Chinese forces. That is when the Empress changed sides.

Clements, Paul Henry. The Boxer Rebellion: A Political and Diplomatic Review. Lib. of Congress. Lib. of Congress, 1884. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. In our topic, we will focus mainly on the politic and diplomatic reaction around the world and in China. This is a primary source because it was written during the time where the Boxer uprisings were sparked or like created.

Cleveland, Harold Irwin. Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese, and horrors of the Boxers; containing a complete history of the Boxers; the Tai-Ping insurrection and massacres of _____the foreign ministers; manners, customs and peculiarities of the Chinese .. (1900). Lib. of _____Congress. Lib. of Congress, 1900. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. Harold Irwin Cleveland wrote a book during the time of the Boxer Rising. This book has insight of why the Chinese Christians were so heavily targeted by the Boxers. There is also a history of the Boxers, which showed me why they did not like other religions, and how they started this rebellion.

Garran, Robert. Chinese (Boxer Rebellion) 1900-1901. Australian War Memorial. Australian War Memorial, 1968. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. This Australian War Memorial describes the rebellion of the Chinese Boxers. It talks about how battles began to arise, because of trading and other foreign ideals. It also talked about the back to back fighting between the Chinese, and its government, in which

Australia decided to fight with the Allied side.

Keystone View Company. Boxers on trial before the High Court, China. Lib. of Congress. Lib. of Congress, 2011. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. This website contains a picture of the Chinese Boxer Leaders on trial. This source is also primary because this picture was taken during the aftermath of the rebellion. This picture shows me how the Boxers were regarded by the others considering the path of their damage to Chinese Christians, Western Converts and foreigners.

Leonhard, Robert. The China Relief Expedition Joint Collation in China Summer 1900. Cartoon. Chinese Relief Expedition. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. <>. Robert Leonhards photograph of the Chinese Relief Expedition by the American troops was a primary source from a newspaper that was a motivational poster for the Chinese to keep moving forward and continue the relief expedition.

Chinese Relief Expedition. Chinese Relief Expedition. John Hopkins, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. <>. The Chinese Relief Expedition account by John Hopkins University was helpful because there is information talk about each month during the relief expedition and there are maps and images of the Chinese Boxer Rebellion. The source is a primary based source and can be used for images.

Lynch, George. A Chinese Account of the Boxer Rebellion. A Chinese Account of the Boxer Rebellion. SHSU, 1900. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. Lynchs Chinese Account of the Boxer Rebellion is a primary source that was created in 1900, during the time of the uprisings. However, this was made from the Chinese viewpoint. This talked about the economy and basically how they handled this religious and fatal situation.

Martin, W.A.P. A Western Account of the Boxer Rebellion at Peking. A Western Account of the Boxer Rebellion at Peking. W.A.P. Martin, 1900. Web. 8 Oct. 2011. <>. Martins account of the siege at Peking is primary because it tells of how the Western Chinese converts felt during that time of how they were attacked. This also told me how they dealt with it and how they were victimized.

NHC. Selected Naval Documents Boxer Rebellion. Chinese Boxer Rebellion. NHC, 13 Mar. ______2000. Web. 25 Sept. 2011. <>. These naval documents during the Boxer Rebellion is a great primary source because it has primary source based documents including letters and other documents during the event and time period.

Plante, Trevor K. U.S. Marines in the Boxer Rebellion. National Archives. Records Administration, 1999. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. <>.

Trevor K. Plante wrote an article that was acquired from the National archives. This gave me key information about the actual rebellion during the time period and a firsthand experiece in the Chinese Boxer Rebellion.

SACU, ed. The Boxer Movement 1898-1901. Boxer Rebellion. SACU, 2006. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <>. SACUs website about our topic helped me to show me the revolution and rebellion of the Chinese boxing rebellion. This has showed me some key facts and key information from the Chinese Boxer Rebellion. This website also has quotes and stories of what had happened in the Rebellion.

US Navy. The Boxer Rebellion and the U.S. Navy 1900-1901. Boxer Rebellion, China Relief Expedition 1900. Department of the Navy-- Naval HIstory and Heritage Command, 13 Jan. 2009. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. The United States Navy released many documents on a website that describe how the United States Navy came into play, and how they helped the foreigners versus China. Essentially, their involvement, along with the other allied forces, led to the downfall of the Righteous Harmony Society.

Secondary Sources Audiovisuals

History Channel. Engineering an Empire:The Boxer Uprising. 2011. History Channel. Web. 26 Sept. 2011. <>. The History Channel had a factual video about the Chinese Boxer Rebellion. The video gave a lot of information and provided a lot of facts about the Boxer Rebellion, like how there was religious reform after the rebellion. There was also background information about our topic and how it affected the outside world. Magazine Articles The Economist. A righteous fight. Remeber the Boxer Uprising. The Economist, 16 Dec. 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2011. <>. This Economist article shows what the Boxer rebellion was about, and how some governments are taking precautionary measures to teach children at an early age to accept other religions in order to avoid another disaster like the Boxer rebellion. Nonperiodicals Comptons Living Encyclopedia. Boxer Rebellion. Chinese Cultural Studies: Consice Political History of China. Academic Brooklyn, cuny, Aug. 1995. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>. Comptons Living Encyclopedia is based on all of Chinas political history. It has the Boxer Rebellion as a section, and it also shows the other unrest in China around the early 1900s. This was very useful in writing our background information about our topic.

Esherick, Joseph W. Ten Theses on the Chinese Revolution. Rethinking the Chinese Revolution. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Excerpt from Ten Theses on the Chinese Revolution. N.p.: Sage Publication, Inc., 1995. JSTOR. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. <>. Joseph W. Esherick provides ten theses on the Chinese Revolution. This is helpful to our research because these theses helped form our thesis statement with the information in this excerpt.

Klein, Thoralf. Case Study: The Boxer War - The Boxer Uprising. Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence. Mass Violence, 23 July 2008. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>. Thoralf Kleins case study describes in depth what happened to the Boxers, and how the group originated. It also discusses who the victims of this outrageous event were. There was also a lot of information relevant to what we are focusing on, which was the reform after the uprising.

Periodicals Plante, Trevor K., and Library of Congress. U.S. Marines in the Boxer Rebellion. The Prologue NARA Nov.-Dec. 1999, Vol. 31, No. 4 ed.: n. pag. Library of Congress. Web. 5 Nov. 2011. <>. Trevor K. Plantes writing was helpful because it shows me how other countries politically intervened with this foreign affair. It also helps me understand the reaction portion and how it relates to this years theme.

Websites, e-sources The Alliance. The Boxer Rebellion. The Alliance. C&MA Alliance, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. <>. The Alliance has helped show the rebellion and revolution for the Chinese Boxer rebellion because this website provided informational facts for me to use. This website has showed me of the missionaries and a letter from one of these missions.

Barkhou, Janet. Boxer Rebellion 1898-1900. China and East Asia Chronology. Web chronology, 7 Sept. 2003. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. Janet Barkhou is talking about how the Boxers ended up allying with the empress of China trying to defeat the foreigners of China. This changed the situation at the time and caused such a reaction that forces throughout the world united to defeat this rising issue.

BBC. China Timeline. BBC News. BBC, 2011. Web. 5 Nov. 2011. <>. The British Broadcasting Corporation made a timeline of everything that has happened in China since 1700 BC to current day 2011, which can help us in determining what led up to the rebellion and what happened during the after years of the event.

Buschini, J. The Boxer Rebellion. The Boxer Rebellion. Small Planet Communications, 2000. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. Buschinis webpage describes how the group of countries involved in trying to stop the rebellion, like the United States of America and France. This was very useful in

determining what sides were fighting for what and how the Allies triumphed.

China- A History of Warfare. Boxer Rebellion. China- A History of Warfare. China- A History of Warfare, 2011. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. China, A History of Warfare has made a secondary source provides a wide collection of pictures of Boxers during that time period and what the Boxers looked like, what they believed in, and their battle strategies and maps of China during that time. There are primary sources on this, as there are pictures from the time.

Clark, Kenneth G. The Boxer Uprising. The Russo-Japanese War Research Society. The Russo-Japanese War Research Society, 2003. Web. 29 Sept. 2011. <>. Kenneth G. Clarks website helped me because it had a lot of informational facts about the rebellion and it showed diagrams for us to use, possibly, towards my website to use to demonstrate buildings, cities, and other places destroyed by the Boxers thirst to exterminate all foreigners and foreign ideas.

Dugdale, Pointon. The Boxer Rebellion, 1900. Military History Encyclopedia on the Web. N.p., 19 Sept. 2004. Web. 26 Sept. 2011. <>. The History of War Organization gave us an article on the information on the Chinese Boxer Rebellion during the year of 1900. This website showed some information to me about the rebellion and some reactions towards it, especially the one from the United States.

HarpWeek. The Boxers. Cartoon. On This Day. New York Times, 2001. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. ______<>. HarpWeek helps explain the Chinese boxer rebellion 100 years from the day it was published. This website helps show the rebellion and reaction from this topic. It was also helpful to show some key information in history. There is also an image that was also a demonstration of the American reaction of the Chinese Boxer Rebellion. Harvard. Boxer Rebellion. Harvard, 2011. Web. 5 Nov. 2011. <>. The Historical Department of Harvard was summarizing a timeline of events of the Boxer Rebellion. We learned that it was not a military rebellion; it was a major overthrow, politically and religiously. They wanted to destroy anything foreign. This is a secondary source because it is not from the time of the rebellion. It is just talking about what happened during the rebellion.

HistoryWiz. The Boxer Rebellion. HistoryWiz. HistoryWiz, 2008. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>. HistoryWiz is important because it provides information about how the United States of America affected the outcome with their political reaction and their military might and how they defeated the Boxers and saved the Chinese foreigners and converts.

Model UN. Columbia Model United Nations in New York. United Nations. Model Un New York, 2006. Web. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.

This Model United Nations is a secondary source document that gave us a map of the country including a lot of information about the Chinese Boxer Rebellion. This website also gave the backstory and many of the information about the Chinese Boxer Rebellion.

Ricci., Ignacio. Boxer_Rebellion. Cartoon. War and Game. Ignacio Ricci , 12 Feb. 2011. Web. 18 Oct. 2011. <>. Ignacio Riccis picture and site was helpful as it was showing a war that took place and it allowed us to see how the citizens of China took in this uprising. They were scared. They wanted to fight back, but they were all scared of the Boxers. This picture really showed us the effect of the rebellion.

Ricci, Ignacio. Boxer Rebellion. War and Game. Ignacio Ricci., 12 Feb. 2011. Web. 15 Oct. 2011. <>. Ignacio Riccis website also contains information about the powers that came up to fight and the military actions and forces. This website also has pictures that showed the fight in progress.

Ricci., Ignacio. Doughty Boxer. Cartoon. War and Game. Ignacio Ricci. , 12 Feb. 2011. Web. 18 Oct. 2011. <>. Riccis other part of his website shows the war in action and can be used on the website. There were maps and other useful analysis of the rebellion and what reform was established after the Boxers were driven out.

Theobald, Ulrich. Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) event history. Chinese history. China ----gggggggKnowledge, 2000. Web. 5 Nov. 2011. <>. Ulrichs website about the Qing Dynasty shows the failures of the Qing Dynasty. By showing how many revolutions against the dynasty there were, and then it shows how the Chinese Boxer Rebellion contributed to the downfall of the Manchu government, but the Chinese Boxer Rebellions goal was to bring back the Qing Dynasty. So in doing that the Qing Dynasty came back, and turned the rebellion into against the foreigners trying to help the country of China. Wood, Frances. The Boxer Rebellion, 1900: A Selection of Books, Prints and Photographs . Fathom:: The Source for Online Learning. The British Library, 2012. Web. 5 Nov. 2011. <>. Frances Wood shows all of the countries, and organizations involved in trying to prevent or help with the succession of the Chinese Boxer Rebellion. Also it talks about the people and how they impacted the outcome of the rebellion.

Yale University Library. The Centennial of the Boxer Rebellion. Yale University Library. Yale _____University Library, 2000. Web. 15 Oct. 2011. <http:///>. The Yale University Library was an important source because it provided analysis on what the rebellion was and what it stemmed from. They also provided insight on the documentation of the rebellion from scientists and historians at the time.

Yale University Library. The Centennial of the Boxer Rebellion. YDSL Exhibit on the Boxer Rebellion. Yale Divinity University Library, 2000. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. <>. The Yale University Library also shows that the Boxers rebellion was based on trying to stop the anti-Chinese Culture group and the other Chinese-Christian group, who were not anti-Chinese. The Boxers tried to rebel against those group, and it has information about what happened because of that.

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