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12/17/11 Enneagam Te Rel

Chakras Acupressure ExercIses Enneagram ChIng Ego
Enneagram Test Results
You are most lIkely a type 3.
TakIng wIngs Into account, you seem to be a 32.
No personalIty test Is completely accurate. Although several measures were taken to make thIs test
as accurate as possIble, there's always a chance that you are not typed correctly by It. Therefore,
when decIdIng whIch Enneagram type and wIng you are, you mIght also want to consIder the types
wIth the hIghest test scores on the lIsts below.
(Note that your lowest scores may be omItted.)
Type J 8.J
Type 6 8
Type 2 7.J
Type 1 7
Type 7 6.7
Type 4 6.7
Type 9 6.J
Type 5 6.J
WIng Jw2 12
WIng Jw4 11.7
WIng 2wJ 11.5
WIng 6w7 11.4
WIng 6w5 11.2
WIng 4wJ 10.9
WIng 2w1 10.8
WIng 1w2 10.7
WIng 7w6 10.7
WIng 5w6 10.J
WIng 1w9 10.2
WIng 4w5 9.9
WIng 9w1 9.8
WIng 5w4 9.7
WIng 7w8 7.6
WIng 9w8 7.2
12/17/11 Enneagam Te Rel
Copright Ewald Berkers 2003 - 2011

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