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Haitian Revolution

Matthew Curiel Junior Division Individual website

I. How did I choose my Topic?
There were several reasons to why I had chosen the topic of Haitian revolution to work on. As I was given a paper that showed all the topics available for my using. The Haitian revolution. This reason being because my parents come from the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic in the past). That is just few of many reasons that I was able to give to you guys without going over fivehundred letters. How I conducted my research? Because I did not do a set of note cards with my old partner, I would have to find and get use to a totally different project which was my first step that helped me conduct research. Then I would find facts from websites and books. After that I would record the information onto a note card each fact. Finally I would write a model of which fact would go on which page of the website. How I created and developed our Exhibit (Documentary, Performance, etc.)? As I said in the previous question, I put down what fact or quote goes onto whatever page. I start off by doing the home page first and putting all the facts that needed to be on that page on the page. Then I made a page with the most important people in the Haitian Revolution or had something to do with the revolution. I had made a page of art and a page with videos. After all that, I made the pages and facts look colorful and suiting to the human eye very well. IV. How my project relates to the theme? My project does relate to the theme as well as any other project. My project talks about African slaves rebelling against the French. The reaction of the French was to fight back even though they had been



struggling with things in France that made it hard to fight African slaves. The year of 1801, French gave up. African plan of reform was becoming first free African nation and became known as Haitians. That is how my project relates with the theme.

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