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Internet Usage

Melvin F. Macareg

Student ID 20110607

Table of Contents
Internet Usage ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Upward Internet Usage Trends ............................................................................................................ 2 Implications of the percentage of country population using the Internet .......................................... 2 Pressures of this growth on Hardware infrastructure ........................................................................... 2 Include your predictions of possible changes in the future, of how we see Internet usage given the statistics you have seen. ...................................................................................................................... 2 Computer System Security ....................................................................................................................... 3 AVG Technologies ................................................................................................................................ 3 Definition of terms............................................................................................................................... 3 External security risks .......................................................................................................................... 3 Importance of backup to an organization ............................................................................................. 3 Health and Safety in the Work place ........................................................................................................ 4 Three human hazards of computer use ................................................................................................ 4 Employer responsibility........................................................................................................................ 4 Definition of ergonomics...................................................................................................................... 4 Images ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Two suitable images of hazard prevention ........................................................................................... 4 Environmental Issues of Computer Use.................................................................................................... 5 The facts about energy use of computers............................................................................................. 5 Recycling of old computers hardware .................................................................................................. 5 New Green computers ...................................................................................................................... 5 Future energy usage with the increasing Internet use .......................................................................... 5 References............................................................................................................................................... 6

18 November 2011

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Melvin F. Macareg

Student ID 20110607




USA Brazil


UK Germany India


China Japan


0 2002 2004 2006 2008

18 November 2011

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Melvin F. Macaraeg

Student ID 20110607

Internet Usage
Upward Internet Usage Trends
According to the graph there are 7 top countries using the internet based on the survey from the years 2002 to 2008. Germany and UK has almost the same number of population using the internet. The former having 35 million and the later having 29 million, both had a slow increased in usage of internet by only 50% respectively. India and Brazil were the two countries having the lowest number of people using the internet the first having 7 million and the second having 13 million, on the other hand, Japan with 61 million. All three countries have a significant and moderate growth of internet users going to 2008. USA having the highest internet users in 2002 at 167 million has a steady moderate growth going to 2008. China on the contrary has only 45 million users with a moderate growth going to 2006 and sky rocketed to the top exceeding the USA at 2008 at 253 million.

Implications of the percentage of country population using the Internet

The implication of the percentage of country population using the internet as explained by (Press Release, 2010) BRICI countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Indonesia had some 610 million Internet users, and this number is growing at a blistering pace: it will nearly double by 2015, hitting around 1.2 billion. The BRICI countries constitute many of the world s most populous nations; it may come as little surprise that their digital-consumer ranks will swell so quickly. The habits exhibited in the BRICI countries are the following, instant messaging is vastly more popular, as are online music and games. Most of the countries are usually young more than 60 percent of digital consumers are under the age of 35. The boom of internet usage by use of mobile phones in these countries will give implications that the next generation is on the verge to a much advance digital age. The consideration that the more the users of the Internet, Internet providers must Create ways to improve their Hardware to cope up with the rising internet user population.

Pressures of this growth on Hardware infrastructure

The pressures of increased Internet usage on the Hardware infrastructure according to (Tiwary, 2011) the companies face tremendous pressure and challenges to scale up the hardware infrastructure at the time of need and it comes at pretty hefty cost and time and ongoing operation adds more cost. The sky rocketing of the internet usage poses problems that make providers to search for new options to upgrade their system.

Include your predictions of possible changes in the future, of how we see Internet usage given the statistics you have seen.
The evidence suggests that in the near future the internet usage will soar to a high of 1.5 billion theirs is no tendency of a down ward movement. As the graph shows that all countries in the survey had an upward trend. China will pave the way for the need of advancement in internet technology and with the highest usage of the Internet.

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Melvin F. Macaraeg

Student ID 20110607

Computer System Security

AVG Technologies
According to (AVG Australia and New Zealand Profile) AVG is a member of the Avalanche Technology Group of companies, is a wholly owned Australian company that distributes the AVG Technologies (formerly Grisoft) range of Anti-Virus and Internet Security products to the Australian, New Zealand and South Pacific markets. AVG software solutions provide comprehensive real-time protection against everything from viruses, spam, spyware, adware, worms, Trojans, phishing and exploits to cyber-criminals, hackers, scammers and identity thieves. There are more than 3.25 million in Australia and New Zealand, provide outstanding technical solutions and exceptional value for home, small to medium business and enterprise clients.

Definition of terms
Malware according to (Malware) (for "malicious software") is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user. Thus, malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and also spyware, programming that gathers information about a computer user without permission. Cyber-attacks according to (Cyber Attack) is an attack computers and making them malfunction or resulting in disrupted flows of data that disable businesses, financial institutions, medical institutions, and government agencies. Phishing according to (Go) is a computing scam where the perpetrators try to get sensitive personal information by sending users to fake, but legitimate looking websites.

External security risks

Acts of God According to (Act of God) are inevitable, unpredictable, and unreasonably severe event caused by natural forces without any human interference, and over which an insured party has no control of. For example of Acts of God are earthquake, flood, hurricane, lightning and snowstorm. Access Rights according to (Access Rights) the privileges that are granted to a user, or perhaps to a program, to read, write and erase files in the computer system. Access rights can be tied to a particular server, to directories within that server or to specific programs and data files. For example access rights to public, internal and department.

Importance of backup to an organization

According to (The Importance of Backup) Data is the lifeblood of business in the information age. Business data backup is a must given the exploding growth of digital data, the value of data, and the potential devastating consequences to an organization if a major data loss occurs.

18 November 2011

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Melvin F. Macaraeg

Student ID 20110607

Health and Safety in the Work place

Three human hazards of computer use
The three possible physical human hazards to computer users according to (Denise) are the following. 1. NECK AND SHOULDER STIFFNESS - You may experience stiffness in the neck and shoulders after sitting in the same position for a long time. The stiffness can also be a result of wrong posture. 2. BACK PAIN - Back pain can occur after long periods of sitting in front of the computer. The usual culprits are incorrect posture, inefficient workplace organization, and muscle tension due to stress. 3. EYE STRAIN - The specific cause for eyestrain varies for each individual. However, there are three general causes of this work-related problem. These causes are: poor lighting, harmful work habits, and lack of proper eye care.

Employer responsibility
The employer s responsibility are the following taken from (Employer Rights and Resposiblities) y y As an employer you must provide a safe and healthy workplace for your worker. maintaining the workplace in a safe condition (such as ensuring fire exits are not blocked, emergency equipment is serviceable, and the worksite is generally tidy)

Definition of ergonomics
According to (Inverarity, 2004) Ergonomics is defined as the science related to man and his work, embodying the anatomic, physiologic, and mechanical principles affecting the efficient use of human energy.

The images as explained by (Guidelines for using computers) Bad Posture The image shows that the person has a bad posture that that can create problems on her body like back pain and neck and shoulder pain. Different office setup - The computer workstation typically encompasses the computer and the workstation furniture, such as the desk, chair, footrest, any equipment used. Keyboard Options Ergonomic keyboards designs helps the reduction of carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms your wrist can rest on the plush palm rest in a relaxed natural angle.

Two suitable images of hazard prevention

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Melvin F. Macaraeg

Student ID 20110607

Environmental Issues of Computer Use

The facts about energy use of computers
The facts about energy use of computer according to (Is the net hurting the environment, 2009) the production of electricity needed for a single internet search generates 200 milligrams of CO2. A thousand searches can produce the same CO2 emission as an average of a European car travelling at 1Km. One estimate suggests that it takes 152 billion Kilowatt hours per year just to power the data centers that keeps the net running.

Recycling of old computers hardware

Recycling of old computers hardware according to (Computer and E-waste Recycling) In New Zealand most redundant electronic equipment is being landfilled. Some organisations such as The Ark Recycling, and RCN in Auckland as well as Remarkit Solutions in Wellington will take old computers for refurbishment and reuse in schools and charitable organisations.

New Green computers

Green computers according to (Energy Efficiency) they will help by reducing the energy costs and consumption from data centers by up to 80% through virtualization. Most servers and desktops today are in use only 5-15%. Green computers help the environment by reducing the carbon footprint and therefore the CO2 emission. Examples of organisations that promote green computers, Dell s Plant a Tree for Me project allows customers to offset their carbon emissions by paying an extra $2 to $4, depending on the product purchased. AMD, a global microprocessor manufacturer, is also working toward reducing energy consumption in its products, cutting back on hazardous waste and reducing its eco-impact.

Future energy usage with the increasing Internet use

The future energy usage with the increasing internet usage is dramatic and some companies are trying to find other energy sources. One company VIA technology is setting its eyes on solar power. According to (Gingichasvili, 2007) the company's Solar Computing initiative is a significant part of its greencomputing projects for that purpose, VIA partnered with Motech Industries, one of the largest producers of solar cells worldwide. Solar cells fit VIA are power-efficient silicon, platform, and system technologies and enable the company to develop fully solar-powered devices that are nonpolluting, silent, and highly reliable. Solar cells require very little maintenance throughout their lifetime, and once initial installation costs are covered, they provide energy at virtually no cost.

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Melvin F. Macaraeg

Student ID 20110607

Is the net hurting the environment. (2009, May 2). NewScientist Magazine, p. 34. Press Release. (2010, September 01). Retrieved November 15, 2011, from BCG: Access Rights. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2011, from,2542,t=access+rights&i=37395,00.asp#fbid=jiyP3 g6KGoC Act of God. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2011, from Business Dictionary: AVG Australia and New Zealand Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2011, from AVG New zealand: Computer and E-waste Recycling. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2011, from ZEROWASTE NEW ZEALAND: Cyber Attack. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2011, from Your Dictionary: Denise. (n.d.). 7 Physical Problems from Prolonged Computer Use. Retrieved November 17, 2011, from All Women Stalk: Employer Rights and Resposiblities. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2011, from Work Safe: ulations/employer+rights+and+responsibilities Energy Efficiency. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2011, from vmware: Gingichasvili, S. (2007, November 19). Green Computing. Retrieved November 18, 2007, from The Future of Things: Go, G. (n.d.). Phishing. Retrieved November 14, 2011, from Guidelines for using computers. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2011, from Department of Labor 2010: Inverarity, L. (2004, December 18). Ergonomics. Retrieved November 16, 2011, from

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Melvin F. Macaraeg Malware. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2011, from SearchMidmarketSecurity: The Importance of Backup. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2011, from Bryma Tech:

Student ID 20110607

Tiwary, A. (2011, February 6). Cloud based Supply Chain System. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from APICS:

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