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Professional Investment Services Noll Moriartv


The Iollowing are only a guide Ior some strategies that may be considered.

Possible Strategy Comments

Targeted Amount How much should be accumulated in outside superannuation Y / N
Risk ProIile? Are investments placed in appropriate risk sectors Y / N
DiversiIication? Is there suIIicient diversiIication across relevant asset sectors Y / N
Investment Vehicles? Are investments appropriately placed Ior income vs growth Y / N
Short-term Goals? SuIIicient Iunds to cover next 0-2 years Y / N
Medium-term Goals? SuIIicient Iunds to cover next 2-6 years Y / N
Short-term Goals? SuIIicient Iunds to cover next 6 years Y / N
Negative Gearing Attitude to borrowing Ior investment; knowledge pros vs cons Y / N
Benchmarking PerIormance compared with peers Y / N

Possible Strategy Comments

Targeted Amount How much should be accumulated in superannuation Y / N
Current superannuation Fund perIormance Vs peers Vs appropriate Ior Risk ProIile Y / N
Risk ProIile Are investments in accordance with Risk ProIile Y / N
Projected superannuation Could there be Iuture RBL issues Y / N
Salary SacriIice Amount, iI any, oI salary sacriIice Y / N
Own Contributions Should own contributions be increased/decreased Y / N
Spouse Contributions Should spouse contributions be made, redirected? Y / N
Re-contribution Could withdrawing and re-contributing improve cash Ilow Y / N
Type oI Pension Streams Attitude to Allocated Pension vs Term/LiIetime Annuities Y / N
Previous Withdrawals When/Amount oI previous withdrawals Y / N
SelI-Managed Super How well is it managed; is perIormance benchmarked?
Trust Deed up-to-date?
Y / N

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