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Hello there! :D YOU! I love you, forever und ever, umen to thut!
:)) You know, everyduy, us much us posslble, I show you how
lmportunt und perfect you ure to me. You ure one of the best
blesslngs to me glven by God. Im so lucky to huve you und
successfully chunge your emotlonless robot duys :* Youre reully the
best thlng thuts ever been mlne. OOOOHH! Tuylor Swlft :)) lql You
chunged me, llke serlously, whut huve you done to me?! @-) But
whutever you sllpped lnto my drlnk, me gustu :} :)) I wlll never forget
November 12, the flrst tlme someone mude me glggle over u klss :3
And recently, you mude me super klllg wlth |ust two words. I dont
get klllg, thuts not my thlng, but you, you dld lt @-) Youre never
golng to leuve me, rlght? Never? Ever? Ever? Ever? Never? Rlght?
Rlght? Rlght? I love you :3 nguuuw, I |ust wunnu type thut over und
over uguln but then thutll muke thls letter klndu cruppy. :)) Its so
uwesome on how youre so perfect to me, lnslde und out :) Before, I
wus too shy to be frlends wlth you, I regret thut. But yeu, I guess lts
better lute thun never :D Also, thunk you, for everythlng. Just,
everythlng thut you huve done for me, I thunk you, I um reully
gruteful; I uppreclute ull the thlngs you do, even the llttle ones. Of ull
the guys thut llkes you, you chose me. :> You |ust, muke me go
wlld, guh, youre the only person thut cun do thut. I |ust wunnu
cuddle you und klss you ull duy long, und I wlll NEVER get tlred of
you :* I love you! Never chunge, my perfect sweet peu :)>:D<

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