Emergent Model of LeadershipDeepakPandit

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Necessary Conditions For Leadership (Many)

Sufficient Condition For Leadership (Single)


Behavior Values & Beliefs Philosophy Of Life

In Life you will never get what you dont want; You may be able to get what you desire
Fig 1 Emergent Model of Leadership Given above is an emergent model of Leadership, this model operates at the philosophy level where the underlying thought is given at the base of the model. The left hand side of the model points to the necessary and sufficient conditions as inputs into making an effective leader . ( We shall explore later to see what may be these conditions ) . The right hand side of the model tries to articulate what goes on inside the effective leader with his philosophy of life being at the core of his operations as an effective leader . Values and beliefs form the next circle and these are manifested in behavioral attributes. With this model at a single point in time we will explore leadership over the time continuum .

Deepak Pandit


While it is possible to consider several necessary conditions of leadership the following three emerge as clear candidates for inclusion in the above list in the left hand side of this model. Followership Competency Vision

The sufficient condition for this model is related to the core philosophy of life that the leader operates on and this is at a spiritual plane. We cannot have an effective leader unless he has an overarching philosophy of life which makes him rise above himself and his immediate near/ dear ones to have a spiritual objective for his life . It is interesting to note that this sufficient condition could operate in both directions positive or negative and this can be illustrated with personal examples. Moving on from this discussion we now look at the various stages of leadership and these are divided into : Emergence(E) : This is a period in which the leader discovers himself , he is trying to understand his purpose or his philosophy of life as he understands himself he emerges in his context as a leader. The time duration required for the emergence of a leader is variable and could vary from very early to mid life depending on the leaders circumstances Acceptance(A) : As mentioned above one of the necessary conditions for an effective leader is to have a follower ship. In the acceptance stage the followers give the consent to be behind their leader after his emergence. This stage is typically of a short duration and may involve some hard posturing from either side Sustanenance(S) ; Having emerged as a leader and having acquired a follower ship the leader now has to sustain himself at the leadership level. The leader has to continuously rediscover himself to sustain and expand his follower ship. This stage can be small to several decades based on the leader. Reemergence: Having successfully sustained himself in his context there comes a time in the lifecycle of a leader where he has to either give way or move to the next level. In the model that is presented on the next page this stage has been categorized as resurgence and has been portrayed at the three levels : Leader at the Organizational Level Leader at the Society Level Leader at the National Level The above thoughts are presented as a pictorial model depicting the lifecycle of an effective leader . It is important to note here that in each of the rectangular boxes in the Lifecycle of a leader (Fig 2) the Emergent model (Fig 1) as explained earlier is operational

Deepak Pandit


Leader At the Society Level E M E R E N C E O F L E A D E R Leader At the Organization Level E S A E E S A

Leader At the National Level S A Re Emergence to the Next Level


LEGEND E = Emergence A = Acceptance S = Sustenance

TIME CONTINUM Fig 2 : Life Cycle of an Effective Leader Our discussion so far has focused on the Emergent model of Effective Leadership (Fig 1) and the Life cycle of an effective Leader (Fig 2), however it would not be complete till we visit the attributes of an effective leader. We recollect from the Emergent Model that an effective leader had three layers on which he operates these are; Philosophy of Life Values & Beliefs Behavioral Traits Fig 3 : Attributes of An Effective Leader

Behavioral Traits

Philosophy of Life

Values & Beliefs

Deepak Pandit EFPM 08

For the purpose of illustration we will merge all these three levels into attributes and then see that these can broadly be classified into the following five categories Self Management Task Orientation Motivating/ Leading Others Innovation Ethics/ Social Responsibility

At the next level of manifestation these attributes have several traits associated with them some of the important traits are summarized in the table below: Attributes Traits Self Mgmt Task Orientation Motivating /Leading Others Empathy Developing Others Ability Influence Inter-personal Awareness Communication Innovation Ethics/ Social responsibility Integrity Civic Responsibility Social Awareness Fairness

Time Mgmt Self Aware Continuous Learning Persistence & Resilience Work-Life Balance

Problem Solving Skills Multi tasking Information & Materials Mgmt Performance Mgmt & Improvement Human Resource Mgmt

Out of Box Thinking Ability to Integrate Perspectives to Creativity

Change Management Visioning

Acceptance for Diversity

Summary: In this paper I have tried to bring out an emergent model of leadership with three concentric circles (Philosophy of life, Values & Beliefs & Behavioral traits) as the core of the operation of an effective leader. This emergent model is then contrasted on a time continuum to emphasize the various stages in the lifecycle of an effective leader Emergence, Acceptance, Sustenance & then Re Emergence. This lifecycle is plotted at three levels in the overall development of a leader the organization, the society & the nation. Finally the three concentric circles (Philosophy of life, Values & Beliefs & Behavioral traits) are merged to illustrate certain attributes which are essential for an effective leader .

Deepak Pandit


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