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C. K.


Sentence patterns

Types S aff SVC agent loc temp event it SVA aff afent pos event agent pos aff ext it agent ext pos instr recip agent instr agent loc agent agent agent agent agent ext instr recip agent ext instr recip



Cs attrib attrib attrib attrib attrib attrib


Examples Shes happy. He turned traitor. The Sahara is hot. Last night was warm. The show was interesting. Its windy. He was at school. She got into the car. He is lying on the floor. The meeting is at eight. He was working. She is standing. The curtains disappeared. The wind is blowing. Its raining.

loc loc loc temp



aff aff aff aff aff recip recip loc aff cog result event instr aff aff aff aff aff aff aff aff attrib attrib attrib attrib loc loc loc loc

He threw the ball. Lightning struck the house. He is holding a knife. The stone broke the window. She has a car. We paid the bus driver. The will benefits us all. They climbed the mountain. The bus seats thirty. The fought a clean fight. I wrote a letter. They had an argument. He nodded his head. He declared her the winner. The sun turned it yellow. The revolver made him afraid. I found it strange. He placed it on the shelf. The storm drove the ship ashore. A car knocked it down. I perfer them on toast.



aff SVOO agent recip event agent aff result agent recip Abbreviation: aff(ected) ext(ernal causer) agent(ive) instr(ument) attrib(ute) (prop)it

I bought her a gift. She gave the door a kick. She knitted me sweater. pos(itioner) cog(nate) event(ive) recip(ient) loc(ative) result(ant) temp(oral)
From CGEL. P. 754

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