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= bad
Ex: Malice- feeling a need to see others suffer
Before John accepted religion, he was constantly filled with thoughts of malice.

Name someone who would be described as malicious?

Ante- = before

Ex: Antebellum - existing before a war; esp. existing before the U.S. Civil War
The antebellum homes and plantations in and around Baton Rouge, Louisiana are reminiscent of the Civil War era.

Name some antebellum artifacts. Where would they be found?

Neo- = new

Ex: Neologism - a newly invented word or phrase

Neologisms such as blogging, vlogging and tweeting in the context of social networking have been absorbed with surprising speed into the popular lexicon.

What neologisms would/do you use to describe yourself?

Ex: Intercollegiate existing or carried on between colleges

The most intense intercollegiate rivalry exists between the Carolina 'Tar Heels' and the Duke 'Blue Devils'.

Inter- = between

What was the most intense intercollegiate football/basketball game youve ever witnessed?

A- = not

Ex: Atypical not typical; turning away from what is usual or common or to be expected; often somewhat odd or strange.

The 34-year-old woman exhibited atypical behavior for an adult as she unabashedly sucked her thumb during the meeting.

What behavior would you consider atypical for a teenager?

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