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Faculty of Education, CSU Ontario School of Education Bachelor of Primary Education Studies Additional Application Requirements

Experiential Learning Summary Using the table format outlined below, document the range of experiences youve had in the last ten years, which have contributed to your understanding of the learning and teaching process. Consider both direct (school based) and indirect (i.e. coaching, camp counsellor) experiences which are relevant to this program and age group. Be as precise as possible in your description, including specific details regarding the amount of time spent in each experience (see examples provided below).
NOTE: it is your responsibility to ensure that calculations are correct.

Activity Dates From m/y 09/07 To m/y 06/08

Description of Experience
(include role, and brief description of activities and responsibilities involved in the experience)

Name of organization, address, phone and contact name Example 1 Sunnyside Public School, 123 Main Street, Anytown, ON (905)123-4567 Staff Supervisor: Mr. A. Ahmed

Part-Time or Full-Time; Paid or Volunteer Part-Time Volunteer

Specific # hours per day / week / month / year 4 hours per week for 10 months

Total Number of Hours

(show calculations)

All Star Reading Coach Worked 1:1 coaching seven Grade 1 and 2 students on effective reading strategies Attended training program for volunteers, selected appropriate reading material for coaching sessions, monitored student progress, communicated progress and set learning goals in collaboration with All Star Reading Staff Supervisor

4 hrs/wk X 4 wks/mo = 16 hrs/mo X 10 mo = 160 hours

Example 2 Day Camp Integration Counsellor Green Valley Day Camp Worked with individual campers aged 9-11 with Department of 08/08 Recreation physical challenges integrating them into Anytown, ON regular programs (905) 765-4321 Responsible for planning campers daily program, supervising activities, communicating Camp Director: Ms. J. Cooper and coordinating with parents and other staff members Integrated campers with physical challenges into the regular camp program TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS FROM ALL THE EXPERIENCES LISTED IN YOUR TABLE 06/07 and 06/08 08/07

Full-Time Paid

8 hours per day for 10 weeks over 2 summers

8 hrs/day X 7 days/wk = 56 hrs/wk X 10 wks = 560 hrs X 2 summers = 1120 hours

BPES experience table.doc 2012

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