The Blessing

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The blessing s The holy human blessing is of life share all life of God Jesus with all people

the truth birth love. Bless all people in the ways of God Jesus the Holy Spirit in all human life. The holy teachings of human freedom are of God Jesus the Holy Spirit freedom is yours any nation on earth. The blessing of breaking bread with a human being gives a blessing from God Jesus your heart. Blessed are those who teach all Jesus lived without changing the truth of God. Blessings are mother daughter father son peace freedom human growth. Blessing is from God Jesus the Holy Spirit when you give a child a bottle of milk. There are worlds full of people who need these blessings from God Jesus the Holy Spirit you and me. Blessed are the birth giver who life with God Jesus the holy spirit by peace right truth Blessings are from God Jesus the Holy Spirit to yet through human life whenever help is given it s a blessing of humanity God on earth. Parrying with God Jesus the Holy Spirit often to bless some sick human life the recovery rate goes off the chart. Blessings people with cancer get well after preparing for death because there human birth right life with God is not finished yet. The holy human birth right of God is a blessing people need to grab on to live all life free with God Jesus the Holy Spirit.

The true blessings of God Jesus the holy spirit our children peace freedom on earth these are being taken by many nations who teach not of God freedom Jesus enduring suffering death to end sin free all humanity. The holy human truth you are birthed of God Jesus born free in all thoughts choices will love spirit of human life on earth. The many holy blessing of God Jesus the Holy Spirit which given is God to you with hate degradation is being taken from human life. The birth right freedoms of God Jesus the Holy Spirit that blessed human lives are taken from human life. The very blessed right of free thought will spirit is repressed by many religions in the world. Human holy blessings are from God Jesus the Holy Spirit by birth to pray anywhere you want to trust in God Jesus the Holy Spirit... The trust of God Jesus the Holy Spirit is still here just take out back from any repression oppression. The holy human truth your holy human birth right is being taken from all human life the very freedom human rights life of God are being slaughter genocide in many nations. The blessings of God Jesus the Holy Spirit by human holy freedom peace care would allow instant care for the hundreds of millions in great need worldwide. All the world wide blessings truth of God Jesus the holy spirit are being taken replaced with when where how to live life with who. The blessings of human rights dignity respect care of life is being lost to human religious control worldwide.

The true blessings of God Jesus the Holy Spirit are human life yet billions are well below poverty level. God holy human birth right born in hell hunger sick without hope no care this cheats the loving innocents of God children. The holy teachings of Jesus blessings of God are being taken from human life born of God on God earth. The world is taking your human life of God in holy human birth in all Jesus died for turning the world into religion government business. The holy human blessings of God Jesus the Holy Spirit are here in birth teach all children of God given rights freedoms thoughts free will spirit. The very best of God Jesus the Holy Spirit all Jesus died for life is taking from all the children of God worldwide. The holy human birth right truth blessings freedoms peace human rights thoughts free will spirit is God Given Jesus died for share this with all people in the entire world. For God Jesus the holy spirit has blessed us all by birth with free will spirit thought choice .

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