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1st semester 2007

Course description Advanced data structures, graph algorithms, arithmetic algorithms, geometric algorithms, string problems, parallel algorithms, NP-completeness. Instructor Class Outlines 1 Introduction 2 Advanced data structures 2.1 Binary search trees 2.2 B-trees 2.3 Heaps and priority queues 2.4 Skip list 3 Greedy algorithms 3.1 Minimum spanning trees 3.2 Huffman codes 3.3 Interval scheduling 4 Divide and Conquer 4.1 Merge sort 4.2 Large integer multiplication 4.3 Closest pair of points 5 Dynamic programming 5.1 0/1 knapsack 5.2 Shortest path 5.3 Longest common subsequence 6 Search 6.1 Depth-first search 6.2 Breadth-first search 6.3 Branch-and-bound 7 NP-completeness 7.1 3SAT problem 7.2 Reduction 7.3 Clique 7.4 Prime factorization 8 Approximation and randomized algorithms 8.1 Primality test 8.2 Closest pair of points 8.3 Hashing (3 hrs) (6 hrs) Jaruloj Chongstitvatana Friday 18:00 21:00 202 Chem 2 Bldg. 206 Chem 2 Bldg.

(3 hrs)

(3 hrs)

(6 hrs)

(6 hrs)

(6 hrs)

(6 hrs)

Class Schedule 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 Grading QUIZ 1 30%, QUIZ 2 35%, FINAL EXAM 35% Textbooks Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2nd ed., 2001. Jon Kleinberg, and Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Addison Wesley, 2005. June June June June July July July July August August August August August September September September September Introduction Advanced data structures Advanced data structures Greedy algorithms Divide-and-conquer no class QUIZ 1 Dynamic programming Dynamic programming Search Search QUIZ 2 NP-completeness NP-completeness Approximation algorithms Randomized algorithms FINAL EXAM

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