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To begin, during Martha's arrival you hear a lot of non-diegetic music, such as the background music and a beeping

sound for the timer. Both of these sounds tog ether create tension and a nervous mood. Shortly after this the master begins to share his authority with the audience. The audience then hears sound effects fr om the weapons and his sonic screwdriver; these too are non-diegetic. Diegetic s ounds are used as well when you hear dialogue between Martha and the master, the ir conversation is based around the conflict they have against each other. This is reflected through the background music as when the master talks the sounds be come far louder, more aggressive and scary. The audience continues to hear non-diegetic sounds when the clips changes to the alien scene. You hear them chanting in a military style which continues the the me of authority. The scene then changes to be based around Martha and her journe y. The background music changes too, it becomes slower and less forceful in soun d. During Martha's flashback each clip change emits a sound, this adds depth to the sadness in her story as the sounds are very cut-throat. A voice over is also used when the audience see images of people across the world whilst Martha is s till telling her story. The audience also hears further dialogue between Martha and the people who are listening to her story and near the end when people acros s the world are chanting 'Doctor'. Throughout Martha's story the background musi c continues to become brighter and less harsh, as her story becomes more hopeful . The audience is then taken back to the spaceship scene, where almost suddenly th e background music resorts again to the dark, horror type music. Leitmotif is us ed repeatedly in relation to the master, as whenever he enters the scene the aud ience hears the same music. This reinstates the control and intimidation the mas ter is attempting to have over the world. But when Martha reveals her plan, luck ily, the Doctor starts to transform. During his rebirth the harsh music is repla ced by a much more magical noise. This is a reflection of Dr. Who's heroic perso na. This results in the fall of the master, which brings all sounds from the wea pons and clock ticking to an end. In relation to sound, throughout the scene all diegetic and non-diegetic sounds go through a journey with the characters, reflecting the story. At the end when the master falls, all sounds resort to a happier medium, as there is a feeling o f relief and anticipation over what the future holds.

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