Miracles of Ziyaarat e Aashooraa

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In the name of Allah, the All-Beneficent and the All-Merciful


In the name of Allah, the All-Beneficent and the All-Merciful

The Miracle of Ziarate Ashoora

This book is a humble offering dedicated to: Imam Jaffar Sadiq (a.s.), from whom this Ziarat has been narrated and who enlightened his Shias with its benefits. Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.), may our lives be sacrificed for him, who has time and again emphasised its importance. The treaders of the path of Karbala, who kept alive the Ziarat with their endeavours and always recited it with intense sincerity and an unwavering conviction. Those lovers of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), whose hearts were illumined with this Ziarat, and experienced contentment from its immense benefits. And not the least, Janab-e-Zahra (a.s.), mother of Sayyedush Shohada (a.s.), whose heart was wrenched with the incident of Karbala, and is mourning till date. Preface The objective behind compiling this book is mentioned in Ziarate Ashoora itself: Surely I seek proximity towards Allah, and towards His Prophet (s.a.w.s.), and towards Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), and towards Fatema (s.a.), and towards Hasan (a.s.) and towards you (Hussain (a.s.)). (Extract from Ziarate Ashoora) Index Preface 3 5 6

Excellence of Ziarate Masomeen (a.s.)

Excellence of Ziarate of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) Excellence of Ameerul Momineens Ziarat 8

Excellence of visitation of Imam Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.) Excellence of Ziarat of Imam Reza (a.s.) 10

Excellence of Imam Hussains (a.s.) Ziarat 12 Important points highlighted by Ziarate Ashoora 18

Ziarate Ashooras shrouds in itself benefits of the world and the hereafter

Excellence of Ziarate Masomeen (a.s.)

The Shias are of the opinion that the Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are the representatives of Allah on this earth and have been given Divine authority. With this authority, they exercise complete control over all things, apparent or otherwise. They alone are the means towards Allah and a path towards His satisfaction. And this is exactly what is mentioned in Ziarate Jaamea - Only you are the beginning and culmination of all things. It is through you alone, that the heavens open up for rain. Verily, these are the Chosen Ones, selected by Allah who never desert their lovers in moments of grief and calamity. And their lovers also are also faithful to them. The Ziarat of Masoomeen (a.s.) and desire for it is such a precious treasure that Allah (swt) has singled out only the Shias of Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) for it. Ziarat is an honor of the highest order which proves most helpful for the believer both in this world and the hereafter. Love for this great worship is found in the heart of every believer. Let us seek the help of Masoomeen (a.s.) to transform this desire into deeds. For the sake of brevity, this treatise ennumerates the excellence of the Ziarat of selected Masoomeen (a.s.). This however, does not mean that Ziarat of the other Masoomeen (a.s.) not mentioned here do not hold any importance. Infact, traditions regarding importance of such Ziyaraat can be found easily.

I Excellence of Ziarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)

Hamairi narrates in his Karbul Asnad from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) about the excellence of Ziarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) - I will intercede on the Day of Qiyamat for one who visits me during my lifetime and after my passing away In another tradition, Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) announces glad tidings for the person who visits the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) either during his (s.a.w.s.) lifetime or after his demise; that Allah will make paradise mandatory for him. In a reliable tradition, Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, One who perfoms the visitation of Imam Hasan (a.s.) in Jannatul Baqi, then his feet will stay firm on Siraat (The Bridge), when feet of others will tremble The book of Muqanna contains a tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) such, The one who perfoms our visitation, Allah will forgive his sins, and he will never experience poverty and distress. Shaykh Tusi (r.a.) narrates from Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) that, One who perfoms the visitation of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) and his holy father Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) will never face affliction of the eye, and will not depart from this world in any disease or ailment.

Ibne Qulway (a.r.) narrates a lengthy tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s.), A person enquired from Imam Sadiq (a.s.), Should one perform the visitation of your holy father. Imam (a.s.) relied yes. The person then asked about the reward for the same. Imam (a.s.) said, Paradise is for him, if he is a believer in our Imamat and his follower. The person then asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.) of the position of one who avoids it. Imam (a.s.) replied that he will be in a state of regret and remorse. Dear friends, if we pay attention to the traditions mentioned above, it become clear that the rewards promised will be attained only by him whose faith is firm on Masoomeen (a.s.) and tries his best to obey and follow them. The query of the Shiah from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) about abstinence from visitation, makes one wonder whether any Shiah would ever say no to this distinguished honour! On the face of it, no Shiah would ever refuse visitation. But here, one cannot help but comment, that when attachment to wealth prevents a person from spending in the way of Ziarat, then the common refrain heard is that, when we are called by our Maula, then we shall go. It is absolutely true that visitation is possible only by the permission of Masoomeen (a.s.). But we should display our desire for visitation through our actions, duas and trying for it. In fact, sometimes money is only an excuse, a person does not even possess a valid passport! In such a case, should we expect Masomeen (a.s.) to arrange a passport for us? There are times when we are prepared, both through means and intentions, but some our sins prevent us from undertaking this blessed journey. Or even after undertaking the journey, we are deprived of the honour of Ziarat. We seek forgiveness from the Almightly Allah (swt) from those sins which take the shape of obstacles in perfoming this distinguished action

II Excellence of Ameerul Momineens (a.s.) Ziarat

Shaykh Toosi (r.a.) records the virtues of Ameerul Momineens (a.s.) Ziarat from Muhammad b. Muslim (r.a.) who narrates from Imam Sadiq (a.s.): One who does Ziarat of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) recognising his rights, attesting that he is the Imam whose obedience is obligatory upon the people, and does not go for Ziarat out of pride or under pressure, then Allah writes for him reward equivalent to 1 lakh (1,00,000) martyrs. Allah will forgive all his past and future sins. He will be raised on the Day of Judgement and gathered in Mahshhar without any fear. Allah will make his accounting easy. The Angels will welcome him warmly. When that person concludes his Ziarat, and returns to his house, the Angels will walk with him to his house. If he falls sick, the Angels will visit him. If he dies, they will participate in his funeral, and will seek forgiveness for him till his grave.

Sayyed Abdul Karim Taoos (r.a.) reports in from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) who revealed to Ibne Madir: O Ibne Madir, one who does Ziarat of my esteemed grandfather, Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), Allah will write for him on every step he takes (for the Ziarat) reward equal to an accepted Hajj and an excellent Umra. O Ibne Madir, the Fire of Hell shall not reach to that nation which is covered in dust in their Ziarat of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), regardless of whether they go for Ziarat on foot or on horseback. O Ibne Madir! Record this tradition with golden water. Indeed, the fervour in Ameerul Momeneens and Imam Hussains (a.s.) Ziaraat can be found in the last lines of Duae Alqamah: O Ameerul Momineen and O Aba Abdillah! I am attracted to both of you and both your Ziaraat, while the people of this world had renounced both of you and both your Ziarat. May Allah not disappoint me from what I hope and aspire from both your Ziarat, surely He is near and always answering (Extract from Duae Alqamah)

III Excellence of visitation of Imam Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.)
There are numerous traditions which ennumerate the excellence of visiting Kazmain. A tradition states that one who performs visitation of Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.), it is as if he has visited Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and Amir ul-Momeneen (a.s.). At another place we find that a person who performs their visitation then paradise becomes mandatory for him. Shaykh Saduq (a.r.) narrates an incident from Ibrahim ibn Aqbah who wrote a letter to Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.). In the letter he asks Imam (a.s.), Which is the better visitation among that of Imam Hussain (a.s.), Imam Musa alKazim (a.s.) and Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.)? Imam (s) replied, Visitation of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is accorded the highest preference. As for the Ziarat of the two Masoomeen (Imam Kazim amd Imam Taqi), it is more complete and has more greater reward.

IV Excellence of Ziarat of Imam Reza (a.s.)

The Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.s.) declared, In the near future, a piece of my flesh will be buried in the land of Khurasan. No believer will visit him, but Allah (swt) will make paradise compulsory for him. Another tradition states that if a distressed believer visits Imama Reza (a.s.), then Allah will remove all his difficulties and if a sinner visits him (a.s.), Allah will forgive all his sins.

Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) states that, One who visits the grave of my son, Ali Reza (a.s.), Allah will grant him the reward of 70 accepted Hajj. Surprised, the narrator questioned Imam (a.s.), 70 Hajj?. The Imam (a.s.) replied, Nay, seventy thousand Hajj. Again the narrator asked, Seventy thousand Hajj?. Imam (a.s.) replied, Besides many other Hajj are not even accepted. Then he (a.s.) continued, On the day of Qiyamat, four personalities from the previous age and four from the current age will collect on the Arsh. Those from the previous age will be Hazrat Nuh (a.s.), Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.), Hazrat Musa (a.s.) and Hazrat Isa (a.s.). The current age will include Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Imam Ali (a.s.), Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.). Those who have visited the graves of Aimmah (a.s.) will also acompany us on the Arsh. And in fact, those who have visited the grave of my son, Ali Reza (a.s.) will be on the higher stages, and their reward will also be more. Imam Reza (a.s.) said, One who performs my visitation, it is as if he has visited the shrine of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and for this he will attain the reward of a thousand preferred Hajj and thousand accepted Umrah, and on the day of Qiyamat, he will find me and my holy ancestors (a.s.) among his intercessors It is found from 2 reliable chains of narrators that Imam Reza (a.s.) declared, One who performs my visitation inspite of it (the blessed shrine) being far away, then I will come to him (for help) at three stages in Qiyamat - firstly, when the scroll of deeds will be handed over to the pious in their right hands and to the evil doers in their left hands, then on the bridge of Sirat. And lastly at the time of Meezan Imam Reza (a.s.) has announced, If anyone of you Shias performs 2 rakah namaz near my grave, then he should expect forgiveness of his sins from Allah on the day of QiyamatI swear by Allah, who honoured us with Imamat after Mohammed (s.a.w.s.) and granted us greatness by it, and has chosen us as his (s.a.w.s.) successors, I swear that the visitors to my shrine will be better than all other groups in Qiyamat. Mohammed ibn Sulayman asked Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.), A person completed this wajib Hajj, and then visited the shrines of all Aimmah (a.s.) save that of Imam Reza (a.s.) and returned home. And after this Allah granted him so much wealth that he could undertake Hajj again. Then which action should he perform, the Hajj, or the Ziarat of Imam Reza (a.s.)? Imam (a.s.) replied, It is better that he performs visitation of Imam Reza (a.s.), and he should perform it in the holy month of Rajab. Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.) said, One who performs visitation of my father in the condition that he is aware of his (a.s.) rights, then I am the guarantor of his (entry to) paradise

V Excellence of Imam Hussains (a.s.) Ziarat

There are innumerable traditions regarding the virtues of Imam Hussains (a.s.) Ziarat, which have been recorded by Ibne Quwaylah in his book, Kamiluz Ziarat. The significance of the traditions reported in this book were highlighted by Ayatullah Abul Qasim Khoei (r.a.) when he declared that each and every tradition of this book is authentic. Mentioned below are a few traditions from this book: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is equal to Hajj, Umra and Jehad. In fact Imams (a.s.) Ziarat is far superior to these actions. Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is the cause of forgiveness of sins On the Day of Judgement Imam Hussains (a.s.) Ziarat is the cause for quick and easy accounting. It is the cause of an elevated status in the hereafter. Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is the cause of acceptance of prayers by Allah. One who narrates about Imam Hussains (a.s.) virtues will enjoy a prolonged life. Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is the cause of safety of mans body and wealth, and increase in ones sustenance. Imams (a.s.) Ziarat is the cause of getting ones desires fulfilled, and is the means of reducing ones grief and sorrow. To disregard Imams (a.s.) Ziarat results in ruin of ones religion, and is like disregarding the rights of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.).

10. On the Day of Judgement, Allah will Himself protect the one who visits Imams (a.s.) shrine. 11. Ziarat of Imam (a.s.) is the cause of ease in death, and decrease in the fear of the grave. 12. One dirham spent in the Ziarat of Imam (a.s.) has reward equal to a thousand dirhams, in fact ten thousand dirhams. 13. When the visitor of Imams shrine faces Imams (a.s.) grave, four thousand Angels greet him warmly. 14. When the visitor concludes the Ziarat and returns to his house, the Angels follow his footsteps. 15. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.), the successor of the Prophet, Ali (a.s.), and the Imams (a.s.) pray for the visitors of Imam Hussains (a.s.) shrine.

16. When the visitor of Imam (a.s.) returns from the Ziarat, Hazrat Zehra (s.a.) faces him and remarks, O visitor, go and begin a new life, for your sins have been erased, and you are now like the infant who has just been delivered by his mother. 17. Imam Hussain (a.s.) himself declares, One who visits my grave, then I will in the hereafer. 18. Visitors of Imam Hussain (a.s.) will enter Paradise four years before the rest of the people. 19. The reward of the visitors of Imams (a.s.) grave is reserved with Allah, and the minimum He shall grant the visitor will be Paradise. 20. Visitors of Imams (a.s.) grave will be given the authority to intercede (shafaat) on behalf of others. (It must be noted that Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is superior to Hajj and Umra, provided that the visitor has already performed his obligatory (wajib) Hajj in the past, or is yet not eligible for Hajj for whatever reason. Here, the importance of Hajj/Umra is not being lowered in favour of Ziarat of Imam (a.s.), rather Shias must perform their wajib Hajj whenever possible for Ziarat is not a substitute for it.) Aimmah (a.s.) have encouraged the Shias to go for Ziarat even if they have to borrow money for it. Aimmah (a.s.) have taken it upon themselves to repay the debt for the Ziarat. But what about those who as yet have not got the opportunity (taufeeq) to go for Ziarat, or who can not go for Ziarat at all times? What should they do? Indeed our Imams (a.s.) have not abandoned the Shias in this world as well as the hereafter. They have suggested ways to get the same reward of their Ziarat, even if one is not able to physically undertake a Ziarat to the Imams (a.s.) shrine. For example, the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) declares: One who does my Ziarat after my death, is like one who has done my Ziarat in my lifetime. If one is not having the capacity to visit my grave, then just send salutations (salaam) upon me, for surely your salutations reach me. Saleh b. Aqbah and Saif b. Umairah narrated from Alqamah b. Muhammad Hazrami who requested Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) Please teach me a dua that I can recite while I am not near you. Imam Baqir (a.s.) taught him to recite Ziarate Ashoora and Dua Alqamah and said, if you recite this Ziarat and Dua, then the Angels who visit my shrine will pray for you. After that Imam Baqir (a.s.) went on to narrate all the virtues that are reserved for the visitor of the shrine, on recitation of Ziarat Ashoora and Dua Alqamah. In this book, there are incidents of some of the greatest Shia scholars who have regularly recited Ziarate Ashoora and Dua Alqamah and have acquired the

satisfaction of Allah, His Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the Ahle Bayt (a.s.). With the recitation of the Ziarat and Dua, these esteemed scholars have achieved success in the world as well as the hereafter. Come, let us ask Allah for taufeeq to recite this Ziarat and Dua daily till the last moment of our lives, so much that our last statement should be, Peace be upon you O Aba Abdillahand then as soon as Malakul Maut takes out our soul from our bodies, Imam Hussain (a.s.), replies: Peace be upon you, O my Shia, my lover and my visitor. INSHALLAH That is why Shia scholars have always resorted to Ziarate Ashoora in their moments of need and distress. These scholars who have great accomplishments to their credit, have always enjoined the recitation of this Ziarat. Their experience had always found this Ziarat to be the most reliable refuge in their calamities and tribulations. A series of such incidents have been illustrated in detail in the following pages. These incidents relate to the lovers of Ale Muhammad (a.s.), who have enlightened their hearts and souls with regular recitation of this Ziarat. Indeed, fortunate are those, who have been deriving benefit from this Ziarat for very long, but did not get an opportunity to chronicle their experiences. Therefore, Shias who have, repeatedly derived benefits from this Ziarat are requested to narrate their experiences as much as possible as this can be a means of drawing more and more people toward this Ziarat. All glorification is for Allah, who has made our hearts the focal point of his love and devotion. He has imbibed the spirit of sacrifice and relinquishment in His lovers. He has illumined the trail of life with lustre of Tauheed. Salutations and greetings be upon the Prophets (a.s.) from Hazrat Adam (a.s.) to Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.s.). Salutations and greetings be upon the Aimmah (a.s.), especially Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), who years before the event, had foretold the massacre of Karbala. And who had highlighted the significance of this event in his sermons and had repeatedly emphasised the Aamal to be performed on Ashoora. Whereas every Ziarat has its significance, Ziarate-Ashoora is distinct from all other Ziaraat in one very important respect. Ziarate-Ashoora is filled with elements of akhlaq (ethics) and aqaaed (beliefs). Indeed this Ziarat appeals to mans rationale and reasoning. Mentioned below are certain points that highlight the superiority of this Ziarat; Ziarate-Ashoora is in reality Hadithe-Qudsi. Ahaadithe-Qudsi are those remarks and proclamations that are attributed to Allah, but are not revealed in the Quran. Janaabe Safwaan narrates that this Ziarat was conveyed by Jibraeel (a.s.) from Lauhe Mahfooz to Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.s.). The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in turn elucidated the Ziarat to Ameerul Momineen (a.s.). Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) then revealed it to his sons

Hasnain (a.s.). Imam Hussain (a.s.) disclosed it to Imam Sajjad (a.s.), and he, to his son, Imam Baqir (a.s.) and the latter to his son Imam Sadiq (a.s.). Imam Sadiq (a.s.) then informed his companion Safwaan (the narrator of this tradition) about this Ziarat. After narrating the virtues of this Ziarat, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) discloses to Safwaan, O Safwaan! I vouch for the acceptance of this Ziarat if one performs Aamaale-Ashoora regularly. Indeed, his deeds will be worthy of acceptance. Allah will fulfill his demands and grant his requests and none shall return from His threshold in a state of despair and despondency. O Safwaan ! My father had also vouched for its acceptance as has my grandfather. And his father Imam Hussain (a.s.), too has endorsed it. Imam Hasan (a.s.) had also recommended it. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) had related this Ziarat to Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) with this same assurance. This is that part of Lauhe Mahfooz that Jibraeel (a.s.) had revealed to the Prophet (s.a.w.s.). O Safwaan ! Allah has sworn that one who recites my grandfathers (Imam Hussain (a.s.)) Ziarat from near or afar, and raises his hands to seek his demands after reciting this Ziarat, shall find Allah fulfilling his demands. Allah on account of this Ziarat shall not let disappointment and dejection befall His servant. Allah will bestow him with nothing less than Paradise and immunise him from the Fire. His stature shall be elevated manifold, so that he will be bestowed with powers of intercession on the day of Mahshar. O Safwaan ! Reciting Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is equal to Ziarat of Allah at the Arsh (throne). (Biharul Anwaar vol. 98 page 300) Ziarate Ashoora is as profound as it is blessed. That is why it is little unfortunate when people seem to concern themselves only with its apparent words, and disregard the pearls of wisdom hidden behind those words.

Important points highlighted by Ziarate Ashoora

Imam Hussain (a.s.) through his worship and piety had attained such an exalted rank near Allah, that he came to be titled Abaa Abdillah i.e. Father of Allahs servant. (Shafaus Sudoor) Imam Hussain (a.s.) is the son of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) and Janabe Zahra (s.a.). It was this kinship that had tormented his tyrants. (Shafaus Sudoor) Imam Hussains afflictions and tribulations are without parallel. To disassociate oneself from the murderers of Imam (a.s.) and his progeny is among the fundamentals of religion. Ziarate Ashoora possesses profound implications that get manifested, when man reflects on them. If man strictly adheres to the teachings conveyed by this Ziarat

he can secure deliverance, discover the reality and attain certitude in his beliefs. This Ziarat helps man discriminate between good and evil and is a standard to gauge what is right and what is corrupt. It is one of the best means of repelling oneself from the enemies of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) This is why the opponents of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) had always sought to destroy this Ziarat. To the extent that, even a celebrated scholar like Shaikh Tusi (r.a.) was victimised only because he wished to recite the Ziarat.

Ziarate Ashooras shrouds in itself benefits of the world and the hereafter
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) recounts, O Safwaan! When you are confronted with some adversity, then seek redressal of your grievances from Imam Hussain (a.s.) through the Aamaal of Ashoora. Allah has pledged the fulfillment of demands with this Ziarat and Allah never reneges on His word. Hardships and afflictions no matter how severe, can be remedied by reciting Ziarate Ahoora for forty successive days. Records of peoples experiences actually testify to the authenticity of this tradition. An effort has been made to bring such incidents in this book to put the issue beyond doubt. Renowned Shia scholars have recited this Ziarat regularly. They have reaped incalculable benefits through its recitation and have always resorted to it in moments of distress. The true dreams and the prophecies relating to this Ziarat bear clear testimony to its excellence and distinction. To chronicle all incidents was a near impossible task. Hence only a handful of such incidents are being presented to highlight the significance of this Ziarat to the lovers of Ahle Bayt (a.s.). 1) Respite from plague Ayatullah Haj Shaikh Abdul Karim Haaeri Yazdi (founder of the Hauze-Ilmiyya in Qom) narrates, It was the period of my education in the Hauze Ilmiyya in Samarra. There was an epidemic in the city that had taken in its wake many victims. One day, all the scholars had assembled at Ayatullah Sayyed Muhammad Fasharki (r.a.)s residence, the latter being my teacher. Then unexpectedly, Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Taqi Shirazi (r.a.) entered the house. His stature was no less than that of Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.). There was a round of general discussion and the scholars started deliberating on the epidemic and how at the rate it was claiming lives, it would very soon wipe out the entire city. In the midst of this discussion Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) rose, and asked, Do you all acknowledge me as the Mujtahid? Then If I impose a decree upon you, will you act according to it? We all replied emphatically, Yes! Indeed you are the Mujtahid. Then Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) addressed the audience and declared, I command the Shias of Sammarah to recite Ziarate Ashoora for a

period of ten days. Then offer the reward of this recitation to the mother of Imame Zamaana (may our souls be sacrificed for him), Janabe Nargis Khatoon (s.a.). Then beseech her to present our case to her son Hazrat Valiul Asr, so that Imam (a.s.) shields us from the malady. Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) relates further, I assure the person security from the plague, if he recites Ziarate Ashoora. Since it was a matter of life and death, the entire Shia population followed Ayatullah Fasharkis recommendation and began reciting this Ziarat. Miraculously, with the recitation of the Ziarat, the plague subsided and the momineen were spared. But this phenomenon was observed only among the Shias, as the Ahle Sunnah continued to fall prey to this malady. Everyday, the plague claimed at least one from the Ahle Sunnah. They were defenseless, as this ailment was without a cure. Before long, they realized that the plague was claiming only their members, while the Shias were somehow reprieved. In order to hide their embarrassment, they started conducting the burial of their dead in the middle of the night. When one of the Ahle Sunnah inquired from the Shias, the reason behind their miraculous reprieve, the latter revealed their secret of Ziarate Ashoora. Then the Ahle Sunnah too undertook recitation of this Ziarat. And this Ziarats enigmatic prowess was manifested when they also started receiving respite from the dreaded plague. In fact, some of them used to visit the shrines of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) and Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) and began confessing: We recite the very Ziarat for you that is recited by your Shias. Shaykh Abdul Kareem (r.a.) observes that on reciting this Ziarat, Shias and Ahle Sunnah both became immune to this plague. 2) Another miraculous solution Ayatullah Dastaghaib (r.a.) has recorded an incident relating to Aqa Fareed (who was among the scholars of Tehran). The latter narrates, I was cornered in a seemingly hopeless situation, when I remembered the Ziarat that was emphasized especially for the people of Sammarah. I commenced reciting the Ziarat from the first of Muharram. Incredibly, by the eighth of Muharram, my problem was solved. (Kitabe Daastaanhaye Shaguft pg. 494, Hadiyyatuz Zaaer pg. 164, Al Kalaam Bahrul Kalaam vol. 1 pg. 54) 3) Guaranteed sustenance Shaykh Abdul Jawad Haeree Maazandarani relates, Once, an indigent person approached the Shaykh of Taif viz. Shaykh Zainul Abedeen Maazandarani and bemoaned the lack of resources of livelihood. Shaykh advised, Visit the mausoleum of Sayyadush Shohada (a.s.) and recite Ziarate Ashoora there. You will be relieved of your distress. And if you do not observe any change in your condition then visit me again. After some time when Shaykh chanced upon that person, he narrated, I was preoccupied with the recitation of the Ziarat, when unexpectedly, a person approached

me with an amount of money. He handed over that money to me and left. By the grace of Allah now my problem is solved. (Tazkerah Zaakereen) 4) Alas if only I had recited this Ziarat every day! Shaykh Abdul Hadi Haaree Maazandarani recounts from his respected father Abul Hasan Maazandarani, I once saw Mirza Ali Naqi Tabatabai in a dream. I asked him, Do you sense remorse for anything ? He replied, Yes! I regret not having recited Ziarate Ashoora everyday. (Tazkerah Zaakereen) 5) Struggle for death Ayatullah Najafi Kochani (r.a.), an extremely devout scholar of his time, was one of Mulla Akhund Khorasanis most distinguished students. The former has mentioned a dream in he saw during his days in the Hauze Ilmiyya in Isfahan. He saw death in the guise of a calf. It was enveloped by three to four children. These children were gliding over my house, until one of them sat on the wall of my house. This dream was most fascinating. Ayatullah Najafi to seek its interpretation wrote a letter to his father explaining the entire dream. In the end he requested his father to reply as soon as possible, regarding his health, so that he could rest assured. Ayatullah Najafis letter was still in transit, when he received a letter from his father. His father had written: Your mother has departed from this transient world for her eternal abode. For the Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.), she had a incurred a debt of twelve tomaan, which now with interest has compounded to eighty tomaan. Ayatullah Najafi writes that his father was so poor, that even if he had gathered all means at his disposal he would never be absolved from that debt. At that moment I pledged that I would recite Ziarate Ashoora in the mosque of Isfahan for forty days to secure respite for my father. I used to begin my recitation two hours before zavaal and complete it just before zavaal. I performed this routine for forty days. I beseeched Allah for the exemption of my fathers debts and also sought two other requests. Regarding my first request, I implored Allah for the position of a Mujtahid. And as for my second, I entreated Allah not to deprive me of intercession the Day of Judgement. I had not even completed the recitation of Ziarat for a month, when I received another letter from my father. He informed me about having been relieved from his debt with the sadaqah of Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.). I wrote to my father, You have not got succour from Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.), but from Sayyadush Shohada, Imam Hussain (a.s.), although all (Aimmah) have been created from the same light. After a period of comfort, I was again confronted with a disturbing situation. But the extraordinary results of the above mentioned incident had only strengthened my conviction regarding this Ziarat. Again I pledged to recite this Ziarat for a duration of forty days. I commenced recitation of the Ziarat in Muharram with the same fervour

and sincerity as before. On the completion of the duration of forty days, I saw a dream, wherein I witnessed the realization of my demands for which I had undertaken the pledge of reciting Ziarat. When I woke the next day my satisfaction and delight, was without any limit. 6) Another longing Ayatullah Najafi Kochani relates, I was completely mesmerized by Ziarate Ashoora from my past two experiences in Isfahan. My level of dependence and conviction had multiplied manifold. Thus when I entered the venerated city of Najaf, I began reciting the Ziarat from the very first Friday. My only desire was to see the Zuhoor of Imam (may our lives be sacrificed for him) and attain martyrdom under his upright and equitable rule. Since both these desires were very close to my heart, I abstained from all vain things. For a period of forty Fridays in a year, I used to recite this Ziarat while at home or away. I thank Allah for my attachment and devotion towards Imam (a.s.). Allah is witness that my heart is overwhelmed with love for my Imam (a.s.) , and from Allah alone I implore taufeeq for Imam (a.s.)s servitude. 7) Conversation with the Angel of Death (Malikul Maut) Muhammad Jawad b. Shaykh Mashkur (r.a.) is considered amongst the most eminent of scholars from Najaf. He had the distinction of leading the jamaat in the precincts of the shrine of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.). He expired at the age of ninety years in 1337 A.H. He was buried near the blessed grave of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) On the 26th of Safar, 1336, Shaykh Muhammad Jawad (r.a.) saw Malikul Maut in a dream. He greeted Malikul Maut and inquired, Where are you coming from? The latter replied, I am coming from Shiraz where I captured the soul of Mirza Ibrahim Mahlaqi. Shaykh asked, What is his condition in Barzakh? Malikul Maut replied, He is residing in the most exquisite of gardens in Barzakh. God has nominated angels at his beckoning. Shaykh : Has he merited this distinction from his own actions or from training his students? Malikul Maut : Neither Shaykh : Has he earned this merit from leading jamaat or from propagating Allahs commands? Malikul Maut : Neither Shaykh : Then what action has he performed that has warranted such eminence.

Malikul Maut : He has attained this elevated status by reciting Ziarate Ashoora. The following day Shaykh Mashkur visited Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Taqi Shirazi (r.a.) and recounted the strange dream. Mirza Shirazi (r.a.) heard Shaykhs narration, and when he had finished, began weeping uncontrollably. The people sought the reason for Mirzas wailing. Mirza Shirazi (r.a.) replied, I am lamenting on account of Mirza Mahlaqis demise. For he was the pillar of jurisprudence (fiqh). The people said, It is possible that the dream was not true. Mirza rejoined, Although a dream, it was not witnessed by some ordinary individual, but by Shaykh Mashkur. The very next day a telegram was delivered to Najaf from Shiraz announcing Mirza Ibrahim Mahlaqis demise. Consequently the dreams veracity was proved beyond doubt. Scholars who were well acquainted with Mirza Ibrahim Mahlaqi have affirmed that, for the last thirty years of his life he had regularly recited Ziarat Ashoora. When some malady or ailment hindered him from recitation, he designated someone to recite it on his behalf. The distinguished scholar, Mulke Hussaini Shirazi, attests to this fact when he relates that Shaykh Abul Hasan Hadaiq (another scholar) had narrated to him that when Mirza Ibrahim Mahlaqi was ill he appointed him to recite this Ziarat on his behalf. Certain other scholars from Najaf have narrated this episode from Ayatullah Sayyed Abdul Hadi Shirazi. The latter says, I was present when Shaykh Mashkur was narrating his dream to Mirza Muhammad Taqi. Besides this, Mirza Mahlaqis son Sadruddeen Mahlaqi, had himself heard the narration of Shaykhs dream.1

8) A companion in the desert

The celebrated Muhaddith, Mirza Hussain Noori has chronicled this incident in his Najmus Saqib. A trader by the name of Sayyed Rashti had the good fortune of visiting Najaf. This person was a very sincere momin. The noted scholar of that era, Shaykh Ali Rashti came to my house and introduced me to that trader, Sayyed Rashti. He then mentioned about a very strange incident that occurred with the latter. However, I was too occupied at that time to really inquire into that episode. I decided to ask him some other time. After a few years, I had the opportunity of visiting Najaf. By some strange coincidence I met the that same trader, Sayyed Rashti. He was to return home after his visit to Samarrah. I had lost my way when he advised, Recite Namaze Shab, you shall soon find your way. I occupied myself in reciting the Namaz. On its completion I stepped out of the mosque, when I met him again. He exclaimed, You are still

Kitabe Daastaanhaye Shaguft pg. 373 by Dastaghaib Shirazi.

here! I said, By Allah, I do not know my way. Then he recommended, Recite Ziarate Jaamea. Although I had recited the Ziarat several times in the past, I had not memorised it. But on that day, I could recite the entire Ziarat very easily. Later, by some strange coincidence I met that person again. Again he said with amazement, You have not gone as yet! I broke into tears and confessed once again my helplessness in finding the way. This time he suggested recitation of Ziarate Ashoora to relieve me of my helplessness. My problem with Ziarate Ashhora was the same as with Ziarate Jaamea. I had not committed the Ziarat to memory nor its dua. But I somehow I recited the complete Ziarat along with the curses and salaam and Duae Alqamah. Later, I chanced upon that person once again and he asked me the same question once more. I replied that I had still not found my way and would be here till the next morning. He volunteered, I will reunite you with your caravan with which you have got separated. He went and returned mounted on a steed with his shovel on his left shoulder. He approached me and said, Mount the horse! I did likewise. I caught hold of the reins and beckoned the horse to move ahead, but the horse did not budge. He said, Give me the reins. I surrendered the reins to him. He shifted the shovel to his left shoulder and took the reins in his right hand. I witnessed with amazement that the horse began trotting forward calmly and started covering the distance with minimum fuss. After a while he placed his hand on my thigh and remarked, Why dont you recite the Nafelah? Then he reiterated thrice, Recite Nafelah, Nafelah, Nafelah ! Then he remarked, Why dont you recite Ziarate Ashoora? Then he again he repeated thrice, Recite Ziarate Ashoora, Ashoora, Ashoora ! I then asked him to narrate the incident. He then proceeded to recount the incident accurately without any exaggeration. He narrated, This incident occurred in 1280 A.H. when I had left Rasht for Hajj. I had halted at Haji Safar Alis house, the latter being a respected trader from Tabriz. Since I was not affiliated to any caravan, I was a little concerned and was on the lookout for someone. After sometime I saw a caravan led by Haji Jabbar Isfahani headed for the city of Tabruzan. I decided to unite with it. We had only proceeded a little when some more persons attached themselves with the caravan. Mulla Baqir Tabrizi, Haji Sayyed Hussain Tabrizi, Haji Ali Zami and I kept walking till we arrive at Arzantehur Rum. From there we departed for Tabruzan. Earlier, Haji Jabbar had cautioned us about that the perilous area between Arzantehur Rum and Tabruzan. He warned us never to disengage from the caravan. Daybreak was another 2 hours to 2 and half hours away. We proceeded from that place. We had barely traversed a quarter to a half of a farsakh

when we saw dark clouds looming in the horizon. And soon those threatening clouds engulfed us in darkness. Soon there was a hailstorm, and we all were protecting ourselves and moving briskly ahead at the same time. I made every effort to keep pace with the others in the group. But unable to keep up, ultimately I found myself separated from the group. I felt totally lost in the darkness of that blizzard. I got off my horse to rest awhile on the side of the path. I was wary and a little fearful of being looted for the 600 tuman that I had with me. I decided to discontinue my journey at that place till daybreak. Then in the morning I would retrace my footsteps back to where I had started. There I would seek some escort who could guide me back to the caravan. I was still deliberating over my next course of action when across the road I happened to notice a garden. Strangely, there was also a gardener, who was removing the snowflakes that had accumulated on the plants. On seeing me, he advanced towards me. He stopped at a distance and asked, Who are you? I replied, I have got separated from my companions He replied, Why dont you recite Ziarate Jaamea? Recite Ziarate Jaamea, Jaamea, Jaamea!!! Then we proceeded on his horse. After awhile he turned to me and beckoned, See, there are your companions by the riverbank. They are performing wuzu for Namaze Subh. I dismounted from his horse. I tried to mount my own steed, but couldnt. He himself came forward and helped me get on my horse, and then directed my horse towards the caravan. It was while moving ahead that I began thinking about that person. Who was this person who conversed with me in my own (Persian) language, when that area was only inhabited by Turks who were Christians? How did he manage to unite me with my group so effortlessly? When I turned back again, there was no on sight, and there was no trace of that person who seemed to have vanished in thin air!!! Anyhow I went towards the caravan, and finally I was united with my companions.2

9) Recitation of Ziarat on behalf of Vali-e-Asr

The author of Abqariyyul Hisan Shaykh Ali Akbar Nahavandi, has recorded about Sayyed Ahmed who sent him one of his works in which he mentions an incident. The latter writes, I was seated in one corner of Masjide Sehla. Suddenly, a Sayyed entered the room wearing a turban (amamah) and a black cloak (aba). He looked all around and then he walked towards me. He remarked, Since you recite Ziarate Ashoora every morning for Imame Zamana (a.s.), collect your monthly expenses from me, so that you dont have to depend on anyone. The he gave me some money and said, This should suffice you for this month. He left after that. In his presence, I was completely baffled. I felt as if my feet were stuck to the earth. I found myself tongue2

Najmus Saqib, Chapter 7, Hikayat 344, Mafatihul Jinaan.

tied and despite my best efforts could not speak anything. And this was my state until he left. Afterwards, I started looking for him all over but could not find him.3

10) The most beneficial action for the Hereafter

Shaykh Muhammad Hussain Ansari, was the son-in-law of the renowned Mujtahid, Shaykh Ansari. The former had many sons, one among them, i.e. Shaykh Murtaza was more popularly known as Aqa-e-Shaykh Buzurg (The Great Shaykh). The latter was among the more learned scholars of Najaf. Shaykh Murtaza was born in 1289 A.H., and expired at the age of 33 years after being fatally bitten by a snake. Shaykh Murtaza (r.a.) used to regularly recite Ziarate Ashoora every morning and late afternoon (Asr). After his demise, a person saw him in a dream, and inquired from him, Which action has benefited you the most? Shaykh (r.a.), replied thrice, Ziarate Ashoora.4

11) The blessed lady

Haaj Mulla Hasan Yazdi was deemed to be among the most distinguished of jurists from Najaf. He has narrated from Muhammad Ali Yazdi, who was also considered to be very pious and devout. The latter followed a routine, whereby he used to visit the cemetery at night, wherein some notable scholars were buried. There he used to engage himself in supplications and worship.

Muhammad Ali Yazdi had a close companion who was with him since childhood. Even in their youth they studied together in the same school. They were always together even in matters of business and one rarely saw them separated. Then unexpectedly, this friend expired and was buried in the cemetery referred to in the above paragraph. Incidentally, this cemetery was also the resting-place of other god fearing and devout individuals. The friend had not been buried even for a month, when Muhammad Ali Yazdi saw him in a dream. When he saw his friend in a peaceful condition, he inquired from him, You seem very calm and tranquil, although I am aware of your actions, which only merited painful chastisement. Tell me which act is responsible for this ease and comfort. His friend replied, Yes, indeed you are right. Until yesterday I was engulfed in agonising punishment. But an incident occurred that transformed my state to what it is right now. Ashraf Judas wife had expired. Her relatives buried her here. (He indicates the place of burial, which was approximately a hundred feet away) After the burial of this lady, Sayyedush Shohada, Imam Hussain (a.s.) visited her grave and ordered for
3 4

Abqariyyul Hisan, vol. 1, page 113. Zindagaani, Shaksiyyate Shaykh Ansari, old edition page 330, new edition page 327.

the discontinuation of chastisement from her grave. Consequently on Imams intercession her grave received amnesty from chastisement and I too was liberated. That is why you now find me so contented. Muhammad Ali Yazdi relates that, When I woke up after seeing this strange dream, I immediately left for the market of Hidaad. I was not aware of its location and whereabouts. However after a laborious search I managed to hunt down that place. I reached Ustaad Ashraf place and asked, Has a lady from your family expired in the recent past? He replied, Yes, we buried her only yesterday. Then I asked, Did she have the good fortune of visiting Imam Hussains shrine? Ustaad : No I asked, Did she often discuss Imam Hussains afflictions and hardships, or did she ever organize some gathering (majaalis) where calamities of Imams were narrated? Ustaad: No. All these questions seemed very puzzling to Ustaad Ashraf and he asked, I dont understand! What do you want to prove by all these questions? I then went on to relate my entire dream. When I concluded my narration, he said, I think I know the reason behind the mystery. In the last days of her life, my wife had taken up regular recitation of Ziarate Ashoora, and this is a direct result of that recitation.5 Due to the distinction of this grave, Akhund Karbasi, a famed scholar, had decreed in his will to be buried near the grave of this lady. And after his demise he was buried near her, in accordance with his wishes.

12) we are never negligent of your affairs

A notable scholar has recorded the below-mentioned incident in his diary. One night I saw a dream, wherein I was ordered to deliver 45,000 tuman at the shop of a respected person from Isfahan. (For the sake of discretion I have not mentioned that persons name) When I woke up, I was in a dilemma as to whether I should act as per my dream. Besides I was not even sure whether I had such a large sum of money with me. However, when I began counting, to my utter shock and dismay, I discovered that I had with me exactly 45,000 tuman! So I decided to visit that shop, and deliver that amount. When I reached that place I was surprised to find that I knew that individual, who was regarded as one of the most respected persons from that city. There were two other men at the shop, so I called the shopkeeper aside and whispered that I had some urgent work with him. I took him along with me near the neighbouring Masjid. The Masjid was undergoing construction and there were some labourers who were busy working. I took this person towards the veranda and inquired, Tell me your problem, so that I can help you. He declined to say anything. I insisted further, but he still did not tell me. I finally handed over that sum of 45,000 tuman to him, but did not disclose the amount.

Shafaes Sudoor vol. 1 page 126-127.

When I gave him the money, he started weeping uncontrollably and said, I am indebted for a sum of 45,000 tuman. I had pledged to recite Ziarate Ashoora for forty days. Today is the last day.

13) Help from a mysterious source

The renowned scholar Sayyed Sadiq Ruhani narrates, An honourable aged man comes to me and in the course of our conversation always reveals some prophecies. By some strange coincidence, his prophecy used to always materialise in the future. Finally, my curiosity got the better of me, and one day asked, What is the basis for your prophecies? How do you manage to forecast with such accuracy? He replied, A very old person comes to meet me regularly and reveals all these prophecies to me. One day that person himself disclosed, Do you know why I disclose these prophecies to you? It is because you regularly recite the Ziarat of Sayyedush Shohada Imam Hussain (a.s.) Then that aged man who used to come to Sayyed Sadiq Ruhani disclosed, I wake up in the middle of the night, face the qibla and recite Ziarate Ashoora with 100 repetitions of curses and salaam.

14) The curtain of Ziarate Ashoora

I met a very learned person in the city of Naeen. Every meeting with him increases my worship and invocations with Allah and the Aimmah (a.s.). Once he remarked, Why do learned individuals like you ignore Ziarate Ashoora and its boundless benefits? He continued, I recite Ziarate Ashoora regularly every morning. Once I was going to Mashshad. On the way, the bus halted for namaaz. Even I got off the bus, but realised that my copy of Mafatihul Jinnaan was not with me. I was disturbed with the thought that I would not be able to recite Ziarate Ashoora today. Suddenly, I happened to see a curtain across the road. To my surprise, I found Ziarate Ashoora written on the curtain. I was relieved and recited the Ziarate with contentment. While relating this incident that person was lamenting uncontrollably.

15) Forgotten pledge

An Alawi lady who had gone for the Ziarat of Janabe Zainab (s.a.) and Janabe Ruqaiyya (s.a.) at Syria (Sham) narrates, When I reached the place where the head of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is supposed to be buried, I began wailing without any control over my tears and I found myself in a very strange state. I recited Ziarat while I was weeping. Once while I was reciting Ziarat, I could perceive the curtain (facing me) being lifted. It was as if I was dreaming the entire incident. I saw some ladies, among who, was also my mother. All of them were thanking me profusely, that I had recited Ziarat on their behalf, too. Suddenly I witnessed a majestic lady appear among them.

Soon all the other ladies began seeking their demands and requests from this lady. Even I started advancing my demands before this lady. I said, I have arranged a gathering (majlis) wherein I recite Ziarate Ashoora. Why dont you also come to that gathering? She replied, I have always attended your gatherings. And I can narrate an incident to prove this. Once your cousin along with his wife came to your gathering with some offering (tabarruk). He faced some problems relating to his house. He pledged that if his problem was solved he would frequent your gathering. On recitation of the Ziarat, his anxiety was transformed into ease and the construction of his house was completed. However, he forgot about his pledge and did not attend your gathering. On hearing this incident from that lady, I approached that person and related the entire incident to him. By the time I had completed, the complexion of his face had changed completely. He began weeping. He called out to his wife and said, See what she is has narrated. Then he said, I was so preoccupied that I could not fulfill my pledge.

16) Illumination in the house

I went to the bookstore of Waziri (r.a.) with the purpose of purchasing the commentary of Ziarate Ashoora. There I met Shaykh Ali Akbar Saidi, who was the Imam of Shah Tahmasab Mosque. When I revealed the purpose of my visit. He then proceeded to relate an incident to me. A Zoarastrian lady had converted to Islam. She then married Abul Qasim, who was a glass merchant. They were married approximately for three years but did not have any children. They decided that they would both recite Ziarate Ashoora for forty days, and seek their demands from Imam Hussain (a.s.). So for forty days they recited Ziarate Ashoora with 100 salaam and curses, along with Duae Alqamah. Allah accepted this Ziarat from the two, with the intercession of Imam Hussain (a.s.). Soon the lady gave birth to a son. And this son is alive till this day in Yazd, along with his family and children, i.e. until 1420 A.H.

17) The advice

Janabe Mohsal Yazdi writes, It was the month of Muharram in 1380 A.H. There was a series of sermons (majaalis) in the Mosque of Ale Rasool in Iran. One night it was my turn to recite the sermon. In this sermon I related that one who recites Ziarate Ashoora for forty days with all its proprieties and respect, then all his calamities and hardships shall be removed for the sake of this Ziarat. Then one day, while I was walking along the road, in Mashshad, I met Muhammad Hussain Fedaai Baharjandi, who lived in Iran working as a teacher. He was a man with very sound beliefs and a true lover of the Ahle Bayt (a.s.). He had earlier planned

to shift to Mashshad, but somehow could not do so. After inquiring about my condition he said, Do you know I have finally been transferred to Mashhad? I said, How is that ? He reminded, Didnt you once narrate in one of your sermons that one can remove his afflictions by performing the Aamaal of Ashoora. I began performing that Aamaal. Then I came to Mashhad in my holidays for Ziarat, when I met one person. I did not know him from before. He seemed very cultured, with good etiquette. He told me. Do you have any wish, any unfulfilled demands? I said, No, thank you. However, he insisted. Finally I told him that I wanted to shift to Mashhad. Immediately, he took me along with him to Khorasan, where we met with the Governor. I was completely taken aback. It was as if this person was specially appointed to solve my problem. After the completion of all formalities he said, Now you can shift here, with your wife and children. Thus, Aamal Ashoora was the cause through which I achieved my hearts desire.

18) A fireball
During the Iran-Iraq war, one scholar from Isfahan telephoned another scholar from Qom. This was just before the dangerous epidemic had broken out in Qom. The former informed the scholar from Qom, Yesterday I saw your father-in-law in a dream. He requested me to tell you not to abandon recitation of Ziarate Ashoora. A few days later the epidemic broke out in Qom. This incident reveals that some souls do have information of the future. They know exactly what is going to occur and even suggest solutions to counter the calamity and disaster.

19) The perplexed traveller

A famous scholar narrates that he was engaged in preparing the passport so that he could travel abroad. He tried everything possible to get his passport, but was dejected. He could not even arrange for his friends passports. In that state of restlessness and depression he saw the distinguished scholar Ayatullah Burujardi (r.a.) in a dream. Ayatullah Burujardi (r.a.) was saying, What should I do with Haji Sayyed Hasan who seems so determined? When I woke up, I was completely puzzled, and did not know what to make of this dream. Then one day, a person came and told me, Prepare yourself for the journey, your passport is now ready. Bewildered, I asked, Who are you? How did my problem get solved? He replied, I am Sayyed Haji Hussain. I was really confused about your problem for the past several days and tried everything but was unsuccessful. Eventually I beseeched Imam Hussain (a.s.) through Ziarate Ashoora for the solution of this problem. Then I performed Aamaale Ashoora for forty nights in succession and with this recitation the problem was solved.

21) Duae Tawassul and Ziarate Ashoora

Once I met Haji Habib in the city of Naeen. Haji Habib was an extremely pious and devout individual. He is very attached to the recitation of Duae Tawassul. He told me, I have been reciting Ziarate Ashoora regularly for the past forty years. I have witnessed its immense benefits and prospered through its recitation. Once I was confronted with a very difficult situation. I recited Duae Tawassul a number of times. However, there seemed no solution in sight. Finally I pledged to recite Ziarate Ashoora for forty days. I decided to recite the Ziarat in a desert and used to go there regularly for recitation. Then on the 29th day, I saw a very elderly person, looking majestic, his face illumined. He said, Why are you so disappointed and hopeless? Your problem has already been solved. Immediately, I rushed home. I was informed that some persons had come in my absence. They left a message for me to meet a particular person at a specific place. When I met that person, he said to me, I am willing to work as per your terms.

22) Glad tidings for the sister

One of Janab Sayyed Zainul Abedeen Abrquees close relatives suffered a massive heart attack and was very critical, so much so that he was oozing blood from his mouth. All doctors were helpless, and advised him to go to Tehran for treatment. Sayyed Zainul Abedeen Abrquee was also informed about this attack so that he could recite some duas for intercession. Sayyed ordered his children to perform wuzu and sit under the blazing sun to recite Ziarate Ashoora. He himself also prayed for the recovery. After a few moments he suddenly came out and declared, Children, get up, that person is now out of danger. Also inform your mother that her brother is now safe. A person closely acquainted with Sayyed says that, the latter used to recite Ziarate Ashoora, which was the secret behind his amazing spiritual prowess and unwavering belief.6

23) The Mourning

One Sayyed has recorded: Despite my responsibilities and engagements I used to regularly take out time for recitation of Ziarate Ashoora, although I used to recite at different times of the day (as was convenient). However, I stopped reciting it for a few days. In this period some disputes rose in our midst, and some mischievous persons taking advantage of this conflict blew the whole issue out of proportion. During one of those nights in a dream, I saw myself as an organiser of Majalis in an Imambada/house and witnessed some Anjuman arriving. (An Anjuman is an organization established for observing mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s.). These

Halaate Abrquee Tabatabai, Kitabe Wuldiyyatul Muttaqeen page 20.

Anjuman were beating their chests and whipping themselves with zanjeer (chains). I was greeting these Anjumans and they were entering that place in an orderly manner and sequence. However, among these was one Anjuman, with their flag, marching forth without any order and flow. I even invited them, but they declined. Suddenly I saw one person standing all by himself. I invited him as well, but he refused. When I approached him I was shocked to see a deep gash on his neck. Perhaps it was due to this wound that he had refused to come inside and departed from his Anjuman without informing them. When I woke up I narrated this dream to a person who was an expert in interpretation of dreams. He informed me, you used to recite Ziarate Ashoora regularly, until a few days ago when you stopped reciting it. That is why you found your enemies rising against you. You have been involved in this calamity due to abandoning recitation of this Ziarat. You must renew your contact with this Ziarat and resume its recitation. And that person you witnessed in your dream, there are certain things related to him as well. I decided to act upon his recommendation and resumed recitation of the Ziarat. I had not yet completed forty days when all those problems (By the Grace of Allah) were rectified.

24) Ziarat Ashoora and the bus

Dr. Muhammad Hadi (r.a.), son of Ayatullah Allamah Amini Najafi (r.a.) (author of the acclaimed book Al Ghadeer), writes that he saw his father in a dream, four years after his expiry. This incident was in the year 1394 (A.H.) on a Thursday, at the time of dawn. His father seemed very happy and joyful. I advanced, saluted my father, and kissed his hand. I asked, Which action have you performed that has gladdened you so much and made you so prosperous. He said, What did you say? I repeated, Which action have you performed that has gladdened you so much and made you so prosperous. Was it compilation of the book Al Ghadeer, or some other book, or initiating the library in the name of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)? He replied, I dont follow what you mean, please explain your query more clearly. I replied, Father, you have departed for the everlasting abode. What religious obligation or service has been the source of your salvation? My father, after pondering over my question, replied, My son, it is only and only the Ziarat of Sayyadush Shohada, Imam Hussain (a.s.). I said, Father, you must be aware of the ongoing war between Iran and Iraq, due to which all contacts between the two nations have ceased. Ziarat of Karbala has now become impossible for us. He said, Participate in the gatherings and assemblies of Imam Hussain (a.s.). You will get the same reward as Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.). My son, I have said this to you many times before this, and I am telling you about it even now, and my son, never ever abandon the recitation of Ziarat Ashoora. Consider its recitation as your most

important duty, and give it the rightful place in your life. The effects of its recitation are the means of salvation in this world and the hereafter. .I am hopeful for your duas. Allamah Aminis son writes, My father despite his busy schedule used to recite Ziarate Ashoora, and used to recommend this Ziarat to others as well. That is why I have been persistently reciting this Ziarat for the past thirty years.

25) Salutation from the beloved

Ayatullah Sayyed Murtaza Muwahhid Abtahi narrates: When the controversy regarding tobacco had surfaced, some scholars from Isfahan, rose to defy the tyrannical Government. Their revolt paid off and the Government had to admit defeat. Then the government officials wrote a letter in Arabic and sent it to Haaj Mirza Burujardi in Isfahan, who was to deliver it to Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Hussain Shirazi in Najaf. Haaj Mirza Burujardi went to Samarra, to deliver the letter, he met Haaj Mirza Fateh Ali Sultan Abaadi. The latter is the teacher of Ayatullah Haaj Mirza Hussain Nadwi and has written the famous book, Al Kalematut Tayyebah fil Infaaq. Haaj Mirza Fateh Ali Sultan Abaadi after greeting Mirza Burujardi declares, I know the purpose of your visit. It is to deliver the letter. Then Mirza Fateh Ali began narrating the contents of the letter, which was still with Mirza Burujardi. He gave a glimpse of his astonishing spiritual powers by recounting the exact text of the letter. When Mirza Burujardi witnessed this he was shocked and asked Mirza Fateh Ali for some recommendation. The latter said, But you yourself are very spiritual. Mirza Burujardi insisted and said, I want to acquire some teachings from you that will serve me as guidance. Mirza Fateh Ali replied, Never abandon three things. 1) The Namaaz in the beginning of every month, 2) Namaze Wahshat, when you receive news of someones demise and 3) Recite Ziarat Ashoora regularly. After this incident, Mirza Burujardi used to recite Ziarate Ashoora regularly. To the extent that on the day of Ashoora, he used to recite this Ziarat on behalf of each martyr, individually. He never gave up recitation of this Ziarat. Even if he was in some gathering (majlis) or in a mosque he used to get busy in its recitation. Mirza Burujardi used to recite this Ziarat with such focus that he did not like to be disturbed while reciting. Once he was invited for a feast. There, everyone, sat down to begin eating. Even Mirza Burujardi was seated along with the other guests. But he had begun recitation of Ziarat and therefore did not touch the food. When the host learnt of this, he sent the food to Mirzas house. Mirza Burujardis son-in-law, Mirza Muhammad Baqir (author of Faze Akbar), narrates, I witnessed that even in the

last stages of death (sakaraate maut) Mirza Burujardi was engrossed in reciting Ziarat. When the intensity of his pain increased, he used to halt and then again continued the recitation. Till such a time that he left for the celestial world in that state.

26) Last desire

Ayatullah Haaj Sayyed Murtaza Muwahhid Abtahi narrates: Ayatullah Muhammad Hussain Shirazis services and exertions in the way Islam and Muslims are most praiseworthy. He had never forsaken the recitation of Ziarate Ashoora. He used to always declare, My desire and request in front of Allah is that I recite this Ziarat till the last day of my life. Allah accepted his demand and he left the world after having recited Ziarat Ashoora on the last day of his life.

27) The marriage proposal

A very famous orator writes: A few years ago, one of my younger friends was worried about his marriage. Helpless and dejected he confided in me: The inability to get married has made me grievous and distressed. Every moment I feel that frustration of being rejected when I advance my proposal. I said, Maybe you have tried to get married in a family that is not worthy of you. He replied, No it is not like that. If you dont believe me, you take my proposal to a family that is worthy of me. I accepted this responsibility and advanced this proposal to a very close friend, who I was sure, would not reject it. And it actually happened that way. However, when my friend referred to the Istekharah, the marriage was not recommended. He said, See, I had told you! I said, No problem. But if I tell you something will you act upon it. He said, Yes. I said, For forty days every morning after namaz and aamal (taaqebaat) recite Ziarata Ashoora with a hundred curses and salaam. Inshallah your request will be granted. He had only finished recitation for 28 days, when he came to me and exclaimed, My proposal was accepted by a suitable girl. In fact I am about to get married late afternoon (Asr ), today and I want you also to attend the marriage. I did attend the marriage, and told him later, Dont forget that there are still twelve days left for you to recite Ziarat. It is only with the help of this Ziarat that you have finally got married. In future, too, plead your cases with this Ziarat.

28) An Eid for the dead

Hujjatul Islam Haaj Hussain Nizamuddin Isfahani writes, I was in the house of Haaj Abdul Ghafoor. The latter was the servant of Mirza Muhammad Taqi Isfahani, who was the author of Mikyalul Makarim. Some other friends were also present there. One of those present in that room, said My brother had expired. I saw him in a dream

a few days ago. He was very well dressed. I was completely bewildered to see him in that dress. I asked, From whom have you borrowed that dress. He replied, No, it is not borrowed. I said, I am aware of your deeds in the world, and you did not merit such good clothes. He said, You are right. Indeed my deeds were shameful and I did not merit this bounty. But yesterday was nothing less than an Eid for the corpses here. Apparently a lady believer was buried here. In the first night after her burial, Sayyadush Shohada, Imam Hussain (a.s.) visited her grave. He ordered that her grave and all neighbouring graves be relieved of chastisement. Since my grave was close to her grave, I was also granted security from chastisement, and that is why today you see me in such beautiful clothes. I woke up the next morning. It was time for the Azaan of Namaze Subh. After finishing my namaz I left for the famous and historical cemetery near Isfahan where my brother was buried, so that I could verify my dream. When I reached there, I saw some people busy reciting Quran around some graves. I inquired from them about that lady who was buried yesterday. They replied, Yes, indeed last night a lady was buried. They should me the location of her grave. Satisfied, I immediately went to meet her son, who was staying near Ayatullah Mirza Abu Maaali (r.a.). The latter was the teacher of Mirza Burujardi. After greeting him, I asked him about his mothers death. He said, She expired last night. I inquired, Did she organize gatherings (majalis) to observe the mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s.)? Was she herself reciting difficulties and afflictions of Imam (a.s.) in these gatherings? Was she blessed with the good fortune of Imam Hussains Ziarat in Karbala? He replied to the three queries in the negative, and asked, But exactly what would you like to know about her? I narrated the entire dream to him. After I had finished he said, Yes everyday, she used to recite the Ziarat of Sayyadush Shohada, Imam Hussain (a.s.). Near, Mirza Abul Maalis grave was a room, where Haaj Abdul Ghafoor and his friends used to gather. One day all the eminent scholars of Isfahan assembled in that place. Among them were Mustafa Faqih Emani, Shaykh Amir and Haji Hussain Mahdavi Ardkani. Haji Abdul Ghafoor introduced this ladys son to the people gathered over there. He even showed the grave where Imam Hussain (a.s.), had himself visited it, and granted security to all the graves around that grave.

29) Calamities
One person writes about two occasions when he was afflicted with calamities, which were removed with the recitation of Ziarate Ashoora. First Occasion This involved three difficulties.


I had become indebted for a sum of two million tuman for purchase of my house. A year had passed but there seemed no chance of repayment of the debt. I was very tense because of this huge debt. My second difficulty was also very disturbing, which I can not reveal. Poverty

2) 3)

These three calamities had made me very nervous. I implored Janabe Masumae Qom, Fatema (s.a.). I decided to recite Ziarate Ashoora for a period of forty days and grant the reward of this recitation to Janabe Narjis Khatoon (s.a.) as a gift. I would request her to intercede on my behalf with her son, Imame Zamana (a.t.f.s.), so that Imam (a.s.) would solve my problems. My routine involved praying Ziarate Aminullah (of Ameerul Momineen a.s.), after reciting Namaze Subh. Then I used to recite Ziarate Ashoora along with hundred repetitions of curses and salaam, followed by Dua Alqamah. I had only finished reciting for 28 days when my second problem was solved. On the 37th day, one of my friends who owed me some money approached me, gave me all the money and said, Pay off all your debts with this money. On the completion of the 40th day, my financial problem was also solved. Thus all my problems were solved and I did not have to confront such problems again. Second Occasion About one year had lapsed after the above-mentioned incident. I was faced with another calamity. My friends and I had entered into an agreement with a trader from Teheran. The latter was to make some purchases on our behalf. My friends had somehow made arrangements for the money and dispatched the sum to that trader. As per the agreement, we were to receive the consignment of goods by the third day. However, we learnt that the trader had cheated us and a bank, to the tune of seventy million tuman, and after that he had escaped. After three months of hunting him, I was totally disheartened. I finally decided to once again resort to Ziarate Ashoora and request Imame Zamana (a.t.f.s.) for assistance. I had recited this Ziarat only for 20 days when this trader himself phoned me, and by the end of the 40th day I had received my amount in full. However, the others did not receive their money. Finally this trader was arrested and imprisoned for his crime. Thus, again Ziarata Ashoora brought me some much-needed relief and relaxation. However, it must be stated here that, while reciting this Ziarat on both the occasions, I used to recall the grief and calamities of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and lament bitterly. I had turned my attention away from all worldly means and had placed total confidence and reliance on this Ziarat.

30) The dream of death

One scholar recounts about his paternal uncle, Sayyed Abul Qasim, translator of Urwatul Wusqaa. He is the son-in-law of Mulla Hussain Qulli Hamadani. Sayyed Abul Qasim used to daily go to the shrine of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), and before Namaze Zohr, used to recite Ziarate Ashoora. At times he used to recite the Ziarat twice. Once he saw a dream wherein he witnessed that the people had brought his funeral near the place where, Aga Mashkoor, used to recite Namaze Jamaat. He also saw a light emit from the corpse that extended to the heavens and the gardens therein. He saw one garden from among the many gardens. Not long after that, Sayyed Abul Qasim expired. His body was laid to rest at that very spot he witnessed in his dream. Aga Buzurg Tehrani recited his funeral prayers. The scholar narrates: I decided to verify whether I could see that very garden that was seen by Sayyed Abul Qasim in his dream. And I did manage to see that garden, as was narrated by Sayyed.

31) The pledge for fulfillment

Sayyed Hasan Garfi, son of Raza Garfi, writes, My father had a workshop in Isfahan. This incident occurred in 1325 A.H. My fathers workshop was robbed. The thief was arrested. But he did not confess to his crime and was therefore imprisoned for six months. For the recovery of the stolen goods, my father decided to undertake recitation of Ziarate Ashoora for forty days. Every morning after the morning namaz, he used to recite it along with the hundred curses and salaam and Duae Alqamah. He finished recitation for forty days, but there was still no news of his stolen goods. But he continued recitation of Ziarat even beyond the fortieth day, so that he may regain his goods. On the fiftieth day, my eleven-year-old sister saw a dream. She saw four Sayyed men and Sayyed lady pass by a roti shop. My sister did salaam. They after replying to the salaam remarked, Tell your father that we shall soon return his goods. But he should also fulfill his pledge. After a few days, the thief released some goods in the market for sale. Now our products had our trademark imprinted on them. Besides, news of our stolen goods was published in various newspapers. So the purchaser realised that the goods actually belonged to Sayyed Raza Garfi. With the help of the trader, we tracked down the thief and it turned out to be the same person who was arrested earlier and imprisoned for six months. He was compelled to surrender the remaining goods as well. That thief spent the remaining days of his life in indigence and helplessness. It must be mentioned here about the unfulfilled pledge pointed out in the dream. In 1321 A.H., my father had gone for Haj to Mecca. There, when he settled his account

with Haaj Hussain Ali Darbi Koshki, (the representative of Ayatullah Moshiray), he realized that he was indebted to the latter for a sum of three thousand tuman. And he had not yet repaid that debt. When my father realized this, he immediately rushed Hussain Ali Darbi, and repaid that sum.

32) All at one place

One person narrates, I witnessed a dream wherein I saw Ayatullah Hussain Khadmi (r.a.), Shaykh Abbas Qummi (r.a.) and Shaykh Abdul Jawad (r.a.), all gathered in one of the chambers from among the chambers of Paradise. I greeted Ayatullah Khadmi and asked, Why is it that you all are assembled at the same place and why have you all been blessed with the same chamber? He replied, We all used to recite Ziarate Ashoora, and our number of recitations was exactly the same.

33) A disease without cure

A scholar recounts, My wife had developed a tumour in her body. However, I was completely unaware about this. One night I beheld a dream where I saw myself trapped in a room with no way out. There were only three lanterns flashing in the room, which removed the gloom. After some time a camel entered the room and sat near the entrance of the tunnel and blocked it. I was fearful and lonesome. I began praying, when I suddenly woke up from dream. After a few days my wife fell ill. Immediately I took her to the doctor, who informed me about those tumors, which if not operated upon, could prove fatal. Most people were of the opinion that the Iranian doctor would be unable to do anything and that I should think of some other alternative. However, there was an Iranian doctor named Saeed, who was willing to operate upon my wife. But his fees were exorbitant and I could not afford him. However, faced with no other option I was forced to avail of his services. But I decided to perform the Aamaal of Ashoora, so that I may gain some respite with the intercession of Imame Zamana (a.t.f.s.) Then later when he had performed the operation, I approached him with his fees, but he declined to accept it. The doctor explained, I had no hopes of performing this operation successfully. Therefore I pledged that if the operation turned out to be a success, I would not accept any fees. All praise be to Allah that the operation proved fruitful and the patient was cured of her ailment. The scholar then says, I did not encounter any calamity but it was solved with the performance of Aamaale Ashoora.

34) The faithless traveller

A Sayyed recounts, It was in 1370 A.H. just before the Hajj season. The Government had announced that only those with a valid permit would be allowed to go for Hajj. This announcement was a little harsh and it made me very restless. I had decided to go for Hajj in that year. I began performing the Aamaale Ashoora and sought Imam Hussains help. I had completed the forty days, but to no effect. Then one night I approached the author of Daastanhaye Shaguft Ziarate Ashoora and explained my predicament to him. He had compiled all incidents of various persons who reaped benefits from the recitation of Ziarate Ashoora. However, he overlooked all those incidents where peoples demands were not fulfilled despite recitation of Ziarate Ashoora. I suggested that he write a book with such incidents where peoples requests and demands remained unfulfilled despite recitation of Ziarat. I for one, had completely lost faith in the Ziarate Ashoora. I decided to negate this belief about recitation of Ziarate Ashoora for forty days that supposedly fulfilled ones demands. That night my brother came and said, Despite our best efforts there has been no change in the Governments stand. We shall have to go to Tehran again tomorrow, maybe we will meet with some success. The next day we left for Tehran, with all relevant documents, in the hope that something may develop. But we only encountered dejection and despair. We were about to return to Qom, when a person approached us and told us to appeal to one person, perhaps he could find a solution. He said that he had approached that person many times in the past and had never returned disappointed. I told my brother that if this problem is solved today, then it would be the direct result of Aamaale Ashoora and the grace of Allah. We approached that person. Even he seemed helpless with my case and said, Your problem seems to have no solution in sight. I dont know what to do. We were engaged in our conversation, when suddenly his telephone rang. The official at other end asked for the passports of another fifteen persons to be arranged, so that they could also for Hajj. I requested him to add my name to that list of fifteen persons. Meanwhile there was another phone call. This time someone told that person to rush to one hospital where his mother was in her last stages (of life). That person gave some orders for my passport, and immediately rushed towards the hospital. By the 1 st of Zilhajj, my passport was ready, by the 2nd I had the passport in my hand and by the 3rd I had left Iran, for Jeddah. Thus, I was blessed with the good fortune of Hajj at Allahs House. It should be mentioned here that, there were some other people like me who were also trying with desperation for Hajj. Moreover, unlike me, they had their passports ready, but could not go for Hajj.

Anyway, when I returned from Hajj, I met a friend who had also implored Allah intensely for Hajj, but could not go. I asked him, Had you recited Ziarate Ashoora? He replied, Except for Ziarate Ashoora, I had exhausted all other duas. This made me realize how mistaken I was, in my faithlessness of Ziarate Ashoora. I had to acknowledge the miraculous nature of this Ziarat.

35) Selection of forty students (Tullaab)

Aga Nasiri, who was the among close companions of Ayatullah Hujjat Kuh Qamrahaye (r.a.) and Agae Gul Muhammadi Abhari narrate this incident. (There are others who have also related this incident.) It was a period of drought. The people were anxious and had no idea about what to do. The students (tullaab) were also worried since their monthly allowance was only 10 tuman, while only a roti came for one tuman. Finally Ayatullah Hujjat Kuh Qamrahaye (r.a.) summoned forty students to go to Masjide Jamkaran Each of them was to recite Ziarate Ashoora and seek relief from Imame Moosa Kazim (a.s.), Janabe Abul Fazl Abbas (a.s.) and Janabe Ali Asgar (a.s.). These forty students began recitation the Ziarat. It was the blessing of this Ziarat alone that, suddenly there were dense clouds above and it started raining heavily. The drought conditions were eased and the people gained relief from its difficulties.

36) Maa uwzeya nabiyyunanother interpretation

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) said, Maa uwzeya nabiyyun, masala maa uzeeto. Translation: The difficulties I had to face were unlike anything faced by the earlier prophets (a.s.) Regarding this tradition, Ayatullah Shaykh Araqi writes that, here the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) apart from his other afflictions, wishes to tell us about a tribulation in particular that was unique in nature, in the sense that none of the previous prophets were subjected to it. And that tribulation was the hostile treatment meted out to the Ahle Bayt (a.s.) after his demise. Among the hardships that the Ahle Bayt (a.s.) were made to face, was Karbala. Allah had informed the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) about the incident of Karbala through Jibraeel (a.s.). The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was always very grievous and sorrowful about the incidents that were to follow him. So Allah (as to console him) taught the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) Ziarate Ashoora and enumerated its benefits in the world and the hereafter. And Allah took it up on Himself to grant all the requests and ease all hardships through its recitation. Allah gave this Ziarat to Jibraeel and asked him to present it to the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), so as to gladden the Ahle Bayt (a.s.) and their Shias. The reciters of this Ziarat would be contented and pleased with its benefits in the hereafter and gain relief from the

adversities of this world. That is why Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has narrated from his great grandfather Imam Hussain (a.s.), and he from his brother Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.), and he from his father Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.), and he from the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), and he from Jibraeel (a.s.), and he from Qalam, (an angel) and Qalam from Lauh, (another angel) and Lauh from Allah, the Almighty Allah has guaranteed that, if one is in distress and seeks fulfillment of his demands with the recitation of this Ziarat, then Allah with His might and majesty, and for the love of Ahle bayt (a.s.) will satisfy his demands. This writer after having finished this treatise, was involved in a very difficult situation that seemed to have no solution. I undertook the recitation of the Ziarat to gain relief. Allah in His mercy and with the grace of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) granted me relief so quickly that I was completely perplexed and am still astonished with its results. That is why I had the intense desire to write a booklet on prayers and supplications, so that people my recite it for the fulfillment of their requests and gain immediate redressal.

37) In quest of alchemy

Shaykh Samaami Haeri writes about an incident that Shaykh Moosa Sabt Shaykh narrated to him in Najaf. A person was wandering in his quest for alchemy and had this desire to somehow acquire this knowledge. (Alchemy is the art of turning base metal into gold). So he went to the shrine of Imam Hussain (a.s.), sat in a specific place and recited Ziarat Ashoora, both Marefah and Ghair Marefah, everyday, for a period of three years. Then after the termination of the three years, when he had completed his entreating, he saw Imam Hussain (a.s.) in a dream. Imam (a.s.) asked him, For what have you been beseeching me for so long? That person replied, For the knowledge of alchemy. Imam (a.s.) said, But that knowledge is of no use to you. However that man persisted in his demands. So finally Imam (a.s.) said, Okay. Go to the grave of Habib b. Mazahir Asadi. You will find a blind man there, who has this knowledge. That man immediately rushed towards the shrine of Habib b. Mazahir Asadi and reached there even before the gates of the shrine were opened. He waited outside for the blind man. Then suddenly he saw him, but was shocked to see that, that man was very poor and people were advancing to give him alms. This person approached that blind man and revealed the entire incident relating to Imam Hussain (a.s.). However, the blind man refused to disclose the secret of alchemy. This person was dejected and again beseeched Imam Hussain (a.s.). Imam (a.s.) again referred him to the blind man. The blind man again refused. This went on till the third time. Finally when that person insisted too much, the blind man agreed. He took that person to the grave of Ibne Abi Fahad and gave him formulae and said that if you mix it like this it will turn to gold and this gold will be of benefit to you and your family. But that person said that he did not want the gold but he wanted the knowledge of

alchemy. The blind man said if that is what you want then you will have to wait for three days. When that person returned after three days he saw that, that blind man had passed away and had thrown away all the apparatus for alchemy out of his room.

38) The vision of Ayatullah Behjati

This is an incident narrated by the writer himself. It was 12th Zilqad 1412 A.H., a Friday. I went to meet Ayatullah Behjat to know his opinion of Ziarate Ashoora. I said, I am compiling a book on all those people who have benefited by the grace and blessing of Ziarate Ashoora. Very soon I am planning to have this book published for the common masses. I also, wish to include your opinion on the effects of this Ziarat. That is why I request you to illumine me of some of its benefits. Ayatullah narrated, The existence of Ziarate Ashoora itself, is ample proof of its miraculous nature. And when one considers the fact that Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has narrated this Ziarat to (Safwan), then its significance increases manifold. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) related to Safwan, I guarantee a few things for the one who recites this Ziarat i) His Ziarat will be accepted ii) His action will be considered virtuous iii) No matter what his demands maybe, Allah will not turn him back dejected and disheartened. And O Safwan! I have heard about this guarantee from my father and he from his father. And this chain goes until Ameerul Momineen (a.s.). The latter heard it from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.), who narrated from Jibraeel (a.s.), and the latter from Allah Himself. Allah swears by His pure and holy self, that one who recites the Ziarat with the Dua (Alqamah) from near or far, his Ziarat will be accepted and his demands will be fulfilled. Ayatullah Behjat narrated further that, The chain of this Ziarat, makes it among the Ahaadithe Qudsi. (Ahaadithe-Qudsi are those remarks and proclamations that are attributed to Allah, but are not revealed in the Quran.) And it is this very Ziarat that the most distinguished of Shia scholars used to recite with regularity, despite their busy schedules and stressful engagements, viz. Ayatullah Shaykh Muhhamad Hussain Isfahani, who was my teacher. He had compiled many books and had requested Allah to capture his soul while he was reciting Ziarate Ashoora. Allah accepted this request and he expired while he was reciting the Ziarat. 1) Ayatullah Shaykh Mulla Sadra who was a master in both sciences logical and traditional. He was totally habituated to the recitation of this Ziarat and would never disregard it. I am not aware of anyone more sincere and regular in the recitation of Ziarate Ashoora.


One eminent scholar narrates, I was in Wadius Salaam at the station of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), (Maqame Mahdi). I was surprised to see a very bright faced old man reciting Ziarate Ashoora. He seemed a pilgrim. However, when I approached him my amazement increased even further. It was as if a veil had been lifted. I saw the shrine of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and there was a procession of pilgrims entering and exiting the shrine. I could not believe my eyes. When I stepped back a little the entire spectacle vanished from my eyes. When I advanced a few steps I was able to witness that scene once again. I tried this several times, with the same result.

The following morning, I went back to the same place where I saw those pilgrims so as to assess the identity of that lone pilgrim. The people living in that neighbourhood informed me that, that pilgrim used to come, but by now had left. Since I still had the urge to meet to him, I again went to Wadius Salaam. However, this time I saw someone else in his place. When I asked that person about the other persons identity he said that the person had left the day before.

39) Guidance
A scholar writes, I used to be very tense and strained with my domestic problems and difficulties. There seemed no solution for my problems and I did not know what to do. One day I chanced upon a copy of the book, Ziarate Ashoora wa Aasare Shaguft (Ziarate Ashoora and its wondrous effects) When I read about the immense, miraculous benefits of this Ziarat, I decided to resolve my calamities with its recitation. I began recitation of Ziarat on the 1st of Safar 1412 A.H. I used to recite Ziarat with a hundred curses and salaam along with the Duae Alqamah. On the 34 th day, it being Eide Zahra, I could not recite this Ziarat. (Eide Zahra is celebrated on 9 th Rabiul Awwal and marks the end of the mourning period of the Shias, which commences from 1st Muharram. It is the day when Umar b. Saad was killed. This day also marks the commencement of Imame Zamanas Imamate.) A few days later, I saw a dream wherein I observed that, that there was a gathering in my mothers house. A lot of people had assembled to collect their rewards. But the person, who was to recite the Dua, had not turned up. Someone suggested that I should recite Dua. I was amazed at this strange dream. In order to learn about its interpretation, I phoned a very great scholar of Isfahan. I narrated my dream. He explained, There are three important aspects to your dream. The most important being Ziarate Ashoora, that you abandoned midway. If you resume its recitation all your difficulties will be solved. As advised by the scholar, I resumed the recitation. On the day of Arbaeen (Chehloom) of Imam Hussain (a.s.) by Asr (late afternoon) all difficulties had been

solved. Then after some time, I was again afflicted with some adverse domestic problems. Once again I resorted to Ziarata Ashoora. Within three days I gained relief from that adversity. Today, by the grace of Allah I lead a very comfortable life.

40) The two veiled persons

There was a person who used to arrange gatherings (majalis) to commemorate the birth and martyrdom of every Imam (a.s.). He used to also make arrangements for dinner for his select companions. This person narrates, One day, one of my friends had arranged a gathering, to observe mourning. He sent some food for me in a vessel. Incidentally, I was entertaining some guests at that time. In their entertainment, I misplaced that vessel. Then after a few days, he sought his vessel from me. I requested him to come to my house to look for his vessel, as all the vessels had got mixed. He came over to my house and searched for his vessel. However, he could not locate it. This made him very angry and he started bad mouthing me among the people. Wherever he would go, he would say, Am I to arrange gatherings or am I to look after all my vessels? His immodesty and indiscretion exceeded all limits. To the extent that he used to frequent other gatherings and say, I will not let him usurp that vessel, I will somehow retrieve it from him. My friends suggested that I purchase a new vessel and finish the matter. So I bought a vessel and gave it to him. He said, See didnt I say I would somehow recover the vessel. The matter was resolved. However, this incident had left me aggrieved. I was very disturbed by it. Then one night in this condition I recited Ziarate Ashoora and began conversing with Janabe Zahra (s.a.). I complained, My honour and dignity have been violated, with no fault of mine. I used to weep profusely and did not know what to do. After that, I got engrossed in my work. Then I saw two veiled ladies enter the room. They appeared honourable from their mannerisms. I wanted to rise as a mark of respect. However, one of them motioned me to remain seated. The moment she motioned, my entire body was paralyzed and I could not rise. I tried to speak, but no words came forth. One of the ladies said, Tell that man (who has dishonoured you), that his broken vessel is not lost, but is in the passage below the ground, that opens up in his son-in-law, Mahdis house. Tell that man: What has happened to you, why are you behaving like this? After saying this both the ladies disappeared. I was stunned by the whole episode. I finally rose and wondered who these ladies were, and how they had frozen all my limbs. I then went to that persons house who had insulted me. When he saw me he said spitefully, Why are your eyes so red? Why are you weeping like this? Why have you come out in these clothes? What is wrong with you? I related the incident to him.

When I had finished, he was ashamed and sought forgiveness. After that, whenever he met me, he used to seek forgiveness. I used to reply, It is because of you that I was honoured with that incident.

41) Another incident

The proofreader of the book Ashoora and its miraculous benefits writes, In those days my eyes were red and puffed up. Also my eyesight was gradually diminishing. When I read the incidents in the book, I also decided to perform the Aamaal of Ashoora. With the provision and grace of this Ziarat my eyesight was restored.

. Then say 100 times: .

Then again say 100 times : Then say: . Then go in Sajdah and say: .

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