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lntroduction—Concept of Stress ‘This chapter is devoted to the study of the stresses occurring in many of the elements contained in this excavator, ‘such as two-orce members, axles, bolts; and pins. 2 Inyodustn—Cancop of SHo56 1.4, INTRODUCTION ‘The main objective ofthe study ofthe mechanics of materials is to pro= vide the future engineer with the means of analyzing and designing var- fous machines and load-bearing structures, Both the analysis and the design of a given structure involve the de- termination of stresses and deformations. This frat chapter is devoted to the concept of sires. Section 1.2 is devoted to a short review ofthe basic methods of statics 1nd to theit application to the determination of the forces in the members ofa simple siacture consisting of pin-connected members, Section 1.3 will introduce you to the concept of stress ia a member of a structure, and you ‘ll be shovva how that stress can be determined from the fore in the mem- ber. After a short discussion of engineering analysis and design (Sec. 14), you will consider suecessively the normal stresses in a member under 2x= ial loading (See. 1.5), the shearing stresses caused by the application of ‘equal and opposite transverse forces (See. 1.6), andthe beaving stresses cre~ ated by bolts and pins in the remabers they connect (Sec. 1.7). These varie ‘ous concepts willbe applied in Sec. 1.8 tothe determination ofthe suesses in the members of the simple structure considered earlier in Sec. 1.2 ‘The frst part of the chapter ends with a description ofthe method you should us inthe solution of an assigned problem (Sec. 1.9) and with a dis- cussion of the mumerical accuracy appropriate in engineering calculations (Sec. 1.10) Tn Sec. 1.11, where a two-force member under axial loading is con= sidered again, i willbe observed that the steesses on an oblique plane in- clude both normal and shearing stresses, while in Sec, 1.12 you will note that siz components ace required ta describe the state of stress at point in & body under the most general loading conditions. Finally, Sec. 1.13 will be devoted tothe determination froma test spec- itmens of the ultimate strength of a given material and to the use of s fac tor of safey in te computation of the allowable load fora structural com- ‘ponent mae of that material 1.2. A SHORT REVIEW OF THE METHODS OF STATICS In this section you will review the basic methods of statics while de- termining the forces in the members of a simple structure. Consider the structure shown in Fig. 1.1, which was designed t0 support a 30-KN load. It consists of a boom AB with a 30 X 50-mm rectangular cross section and of a rod BC with a 20-mma-diameter cir- colar cross section. The boom and the rod are connected by a pin at B and are supported by pins and brackets at A and C, respeotively. Our first step should be to draw a free-body diagram of the structure by de- ‘aching it from its supports at A and C, and showing the reactions thst these supports exert on the structure (Fig. 1.2). Note that the sketch of the structure has been simplified by omitting all unnecessary detzils, Many of you may have recognized at this point that AB and BC are nwo. Jorce members. For those of you who have net, we will pursue our analysis, ignoring that fact and assuming that the directions of the re- actions at A and C are unknown. Each of these reactions, therefore, will be represented by two components, A, and A, at A, snd C, and C, st CC. We write the following three equilibrium equations: +5EMe=0: 406m) ~ GOKNYOS m) = 0 KN ay SER =O: C.= ~40KN a2) Ay + G,~30KN=0 A, +6, = $30kN rr) ‘We have found two of the four unknowns, but cannot determine the ‘other two from these equations, and no additional independent equation can be obtained from the free-body diagram ofthe structure. We must now dismember the structure. Considering the fre-body diagram ofthe ‘boom AB (Fig 13), we wait the following equilibrium equation: HEM, -Af08m)=0 4,=0 i) Sabsttuing for 4, from (1.4) ino (1.3), we obtain C, = +30 KN. Ex pressing the results obtained forthe eactons at A and Cin vector form, wwe have Am 4OKN> —C, = AORN, C, = 30KNT We note that the reaction a 4 is directed along the axis of the boom AB and causes compression in that member. Observing thatthe com- ponents C, and C, ofthe reaction at Car, respectively, proportional to the horizntal and vertical components ofthe distance from B 6 C, we conclude that the reaction at Cis equal to 50 KN, is directed along the axis of the od BC, and causes tension in thet member. +E, Fig. 12 Fig. 1.3 sow 3

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