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B rains to rm

S om e pa rts of the brain are still de velo pin g throu gh a dolescen ce . Could this exp la in som e of tee na ge rs' uniq ue beha vioural tra its?
Prefrontal cortex
T he prefrontal cortex is the hom e of "execuive" functioning, high-level t cognitive processes that, am ong other things, allow us to develop detailed plans, execute them , and block irrelevant actions . T his area undergoes a bulking up betw een the ages of10 and 12, follow ed by a dram atic decline in size that continues into the earlyT 20s . his is probably due to a burst of neuronal grow th follow ed by a "pruning" stage in w hich pathw ays that are not needed are lost . If the adolescent's brain is still bedding dow n its executive functions, this m help explain w hy teenagers ight can som etim es seem so disorganised and irrational .

Corpus callosum
T hese are nerve fibres l inkingthe left and right sides ofthe bra in. T he parts thought to be involved language learning in undergo igh grow th rates before h and during puberty, but this grow th then slow s m ight . T his help explain w hy the ability to learn new languages declines rapidly after the age of12.

Right ventral striatum

T his area ofthe brain is thought to be involved in m otivating rew ardseeking behaviour . A study last year show ed that teenagers had lessivity than adults act in this part of the brain during a rew ard-based gam bling gam e . T he researchers speculate that teens m ay be driven to risky but potentially high-rew ard behaviours such as shoplifting and drug-taking because this area is underactive .

T his part of the in continues bra to grow until late lescence ado . It governs posture and m ovem ent, helping to m aintain balance and ensure that m ovem ents are sm ooth and directed. It influences other regions of the brain responsible for m otor activity and m ay also be involved in language and other cognitive functions.

Pineal gland
T he pineal gland produces the horm one m elatonin, levels of w hich rise in the evening, signalling to the body that it is tim e .to sleep D uring adolescence m elatonin peaks later in the day than in children or adults. T his could be w hy teenagers tend to be so fond of late nights and m orning lie-ins.

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