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JULY 2010


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Jubilee Celebration begins

with a Momentous Start

he first weekend in June was historic for the

50- .
inauguration of the year-long Jubilee celebra, .
tion of St Nicholas Eparchy. Fittingly, the faith ful were fed with spiritual food though participation in
, 4 6 2010 Divine Services--and were given a chance to focus
(, .
their attention on the purpose of the Church: to bring
). Christ and His message to their lives and the lives of
others. The days also provided for shared meals, par
ticularly at the banquet which was prepared to sustain
, : -
the body as well.
(Dr. Raymond de Souza),
The mission of the eparchy was established when
(Michael Voris),
Pope John XXIII issued the document that formed the
(Rt. Rev. Rman Galadza), (Paco
perimeters of the land mass that comprises two-thirds
Gavrilides), of the continent--and extends into the Pacific Ocean.
(Rt. Rev. Anton Shymychalski),
This took some burden from the Eparchy of Philadel (Rev. Deacon Alex Wroblicky) .
phia, allowing that Church, too, to benefit from the
To observe the first half-century of the endeavor, an
icon was commissioned to express the care and con
cern for the Church provided by the protection of the

Most Holy Mother of God, the Ever-Virgin Mary. In
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appropriate measure the icon was solemnly blessed by
Bishop RICHARD (Seminack) and placed on a pilgrim's
journey to visit each of the parochial communities of
the Eparchy.

The mission--or commission--was explained at a

designed to incite all members of the

eparchy to the task of evangelization--bringing the
. Gospel to the world. It was also noted that among
those who know the Gospel, attention is to be paid to
6 10
further understanding and living according to its prin ciples. The message of Jesus to "baptize all nations"
was prominent in the program of speakers and presen , .
. , . . , . It was not overlooked that the very theology of life
, , is constantly before us as we pray, and quite well
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summed up in the deeply spiritual message of the serv .
ices which are sung as a Christian is escorted from this
life into the next. Studying and singing parts of the
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funeral were shown to be an exercise in putting every ,
thing into perspective.
Certainly, as Bishop Richard remarked, "the hierar, , ,
Liturgy was full"--not speaking of the many
present--but the execution of all the liturgical

and manifestations of the sense of other
Bishop Richard begins the Jubilee Year Clebration. worldliness for which the Eastern Churches are noted.
It remains now, for each deanery, each parish, each

mission and person to follow in the footsteps laid down
in opening of the Jubilee Year--as it is intended.
of Pentecost--the onset of the Church and the

indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As the Apostles were sent forth, it is our mission now
to go forth. "Jubilee" is a concept developed in Biblical times. God's Chosen People

were exhorted to set aside a "Sabbath" day for recollection every week--one-seventh
(Mercy Radio - WCAR 1090 AM)
of the week. After observing the saving effects of Passover, a "Sabbath-full of
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Sabbaths" was held. That meant seven times seven--and the people gathered 49 days
later to be able to welcome the new day (Pentecost) the "Fiftieth Day" with joy.
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continued page 11

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New Star
2245 West Rice Street
Chicago, IL 60622
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Immaculate Conception, Hamtramck
St Josaphat Church, Warren
St John the Baptist, Detroit
St Michael, Dearborn
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Dearborn Heights
Ascension, Plymouth
St Vladimir Church, Flint
St Michael Church, Grand Rapids

V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM

Rev. Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM
Rev. Fr. Valeriy Kandyuk
Very Rev. Fr. Canon Wayne Ruchgy
Dean V. Rev. Fr. Volodymyr Petriv
Very Rev. Fr. Canon Wayne Ruchgy
Rev. Fr. Bogdan Rybchuk
Rev. Fr. Michael Bliszcz

June 13, 2010

June 20, 2010
June 27, 2010
July 4, 2010
July 11, 2010
July 18, 2010
July 25, 2010
August 1, 2010

, 2010

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: Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, 2247 W.
Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60622;
. (773)235-8462; e-mail:; -: .
: (416)-2392495.



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Ukrainian Catholic Appeal 2009-22010

"The Futture of Our Church Beginss Todaay!"


St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy

Office of Stewardship & Development

All gifts and contributions to the Ukrainian Catholic Appeal were

gratefully acknowledged and recorded. Donors, with corresponding
amounts, are listed by the parish affiliation. Anyone who had asked
to be anonymous, is listed as "Anonymous" under the respective
parish. Gifts received after June 20, 2010, will be reported in the
October issue of New Star.
If there's an error with your name or amount, please notify Mr.
Serge Michaluk at 773-2276-99500, or by regular mail at 2245 West
Rice Street, Chicago, IL 60622, with a note "Ukrainian Catholic
Appeal 2009-22010 Report Correction".
May God bless you for your generosity to St. Nicholas Ukrainian
Catholic Eparchy!

2009-2010 .
, ,
( ), / . ,
20- 2010 ,
, -
: 2245 West Rice Street, Chicago, IL
60622, Ukrainian Catholic Appeal 2009-22010 Report


Special supplement to New Star

Report: TWO



As of 6/20/10

% of goal

Friends of St. Nicholas Eparchy ..................................................................................................................... ....................................$5,020 ..................................................
Assumption of the BVM Parish - Omaha,NE - Rev. Bogdan Kudleychuk ..........................................$3,000 ........................................$275 ...........................................10%
Dormition of the Mother of God Parish - Phoenix,AZ - Rev. Hugo Soutus ........................................$5,000 ..........................................$15 ...........................................<1%
Holy Apostles Mission - Berryton, KS - Rev. Deacon Randy Brown ......................................................$500 ........................................$325 ...........................................65%
Holy Ascension Mission - Plymouth, MI - Very Rev. Wayne Ruchgy ..................................................$1,000 ............................................$0 .............................................0%
Holy Wisdom Mission - Citrus Heights, CA - Rev. Theodore Wroblicky ..............................................$1,000....................................$1,575* .........................................160%
Immaculate Conception Parish - Hamtramck, MI - Very Rev. Daniel Schaicoski ...............................$8,000 .....................................$1,690 ...........................................21%
Immaculate Conception Parish - Palatine, IL - Very Rev. Mykhailo Kuzma........................................$5,000....................................$7,032* .........................................142%
Immaculate Conception Parish - San Francisco,CA - Rev. Petro Dyachok........................................$2,000 .....................................$1,100 ...........................................55%
Nativity of the BVM Parish - Los Angeles, CA - Rev. Myron Mykyta ...................................................$7,000 .....................................$3,300 ...........................................48%
Nativity of the BVM Parish - Palos Park, IL - Very Rev. Basil Salkovski .............................................$5,000 .....................................$2,350 ...........................................47%
Nativity of the Mother of God Parish - Springfield,OR - Very Rev. Richard Janowicz .......................$3,000....................................$4,720* .........................................158%
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish - Dearborn Heights, MI - Very Rev. Volodymyr Petriv ................$4,000 .....................................$1,300 ...........................................32%
Protection of the Mother of God Parish - Houston, TX - Rev. Mykola Dovzhuk ................................$5,000 ...................................$912.50 ...........................................19%
St. Andrew Mission - Sacramento, CA - Rev. Petro Kozar...................................................................$1,000 ........................................$100 ...........................................10%
St. Constantine Parish - Minneapolis, MN - Very Rev. Michael Stelmach ...........................................$7,000 .....................................$1,070 ...........................................15%
St. Demetrius Parish - Belfield, ND - Rev. Taras Miles ....................................................................$3,000 .....................................$2,355 ...........................................79%
St. George Parish - Lincoln, NE - Rev. Bogdan Kudleychuk ................................................................$1,000 ..........................................$20 .............................................2%
St. John the Baptist Parish - Belfield, ND - Rev. Taras Miles ........................................................$2,000 .....................................$1,800 ...........................................94%
St. John the Baptist Parish - Detroit, MI - Rev. Valeriy Kandyuk.........................................................$4,000 ........................................$430 ...........................................11%
St. John the Baptizer - La Mesa, CA - Rev. James Bankston..............................................................$5,000 ........................................$450 ...........................................10%
St. Josaphat Parish - Munster, IN - Rev. Yaroslav Mendyuk ...............................................................$3,000....................................$3,000* .........................................100%
St. Josaphat Parish - Warren, MI - Rev. Mario Dacechen..................................................................$20,000 .....................................$2,345 ...........................................11%
St. Joseph Parish - St. Joseph, MO - Rev. Bogdan Kudleychuk.........................................................$1,000 ........................................$200 ...........................................20%
St. Joseph Parish - Chicago, IL - Rev. Mykola Buryadnyk ................................................................$15,000 .....................................$7,190 ...........................................48%
St. Mary's Assumption Parish - St. Louis, MO - Rev. Andrew Plishka ................................................$2,000 ........................................$120 .............................................6%
St. Michael Mission - Minot, ND - Rev. George Pruys .........................................................................$1,000....................................$1,105* .........................................110%
St. Michael Parish - Mishawaka, IN - Very Rev. James Karepin, OP ....................................................$3,000 ........................................$740 ...........................................25%
St. Michael Parish - Tucson, AZ - Rev. Dr. Andriy Chirovsky................................................................$2,000....................................$2,920* .........................................146%
St. Michael Parish - Chicago, IL - Rev. John Lucas ...........................................................................$1,000 ........................................$200 ...........................................20%
St. Michael Parish - Milwaukee, WI - Rev. Volodymyr Zaiats ...............................................................$3,000 ........................................$200 .............................................7%
St. Michael Parish - Grand Rapids, MI - Rev. Michael Bliszcz .............................................................$3,000 ........................................$850 ...........................................29%
St. Michael the Archangel Parish - Dearborn, MI - Rev. Dr. Wayne Ruchgy ......................................$1,000 ........................................$500 ...........................................50%
St. Nicholas Cathedral - Chicago, IL - Very Rev. Bohdan Nalysnyk ..................................................$30,000 ...................................$13,040 ...........................................43%
St. Paul Mission - Flagstaff, AZ - Rev. Hugo Soutus ..............................................................................$500 ............................................$0 .............................................0%
St. Peter Eastern Catholic Mission - Ukiah, CA - Rev. David Anderson ............................................$1,000 ............................................$0 .............................................0%
St. Sophia Mission - Honolulu, HI - Rev. George Busto .........................................................................$500.......................................$500* .........................................100%
St. Sophia Parish -The Colony, TX - Rev. Vasyl Savchyn ....................................................................$3,000 ........................................$200 .............................................8%
St. Stephen Mission - St. Paul, MN - Very Rev. Michael Stelmach ........................................................$500 ..........................................$25 .............................................5%
St. Vladimir Parish - Flint, MI - Rev. Bogdan Rybchuk .........................................................................$2,000 ..........................................$25 .............................................1%
St. Volodymyr Mission - Santa Clara, CA - Rev. Petro Dyachok ........................................................$1,000 ........................................$500 ...........................................50%
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish - Wilton, ND - Rev. George Pruys ............................................................$1,000....................................$1,050* .........................................105%
Sts. Volodymyr and Olha Parish - Chicago, IL - Rev. Oleh Kryvokulsky...........................................$25,000 .....................................$2,095 .............................................9%
Transfiguration Parish - Denver, CO - Rev. Vasyl Hnatkivskyy .........................................................$5,000 ........................................$860 ...........................................18%
Zarvanycia Mission - Seattle, WA - Rev. Abraham Miller .....................................................................$3,000 .....................................$2,325 ...........................................78%
TOTALS: ................................................................................................................................................$180,000 ..............................$75,829.50 ...........................................42%
*Parishes that have met or exceeded their assigned goal.

If you somehow did not receive the Appeal brochure via regular mail, but still would like to contribute, please send your donations to:
"Ukrainian Catholic Appeal 2010"; 2245 W. Rice St; Chicago, IL 60622. Thank you for your generosity!

Ukrainian Catholic Appeal 2009-2010

"The Future of Our Church Begins Today!"
Friends of St. Nicholas Eparchy
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Kitral ......................................$50.00
Most Rev. Basil Losten .................................$1,000.00
Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. May ......................................$20.00
Dr. & Mrs. Henry J. Peresie.............................$100.00
Catherine Podney Trust................................$3,500.00
Mr. Petro Pshyk ...............................................$100.00
Rev. Jim Heiser................................................$250.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$5,020.00
Assumption Parish, Omaha, Nebraska
Mrs. Anna Stolarskyj ..........................................$25.00
Ukrainian-American Association, Inc. ..............$250.00
TOTAL: ................................................


Dormition of the
Mother of God Parish, Phoenix, Arizona

TOTAL: ............................................................$325.00
Holy Wisdom Mission, Citrus Heights, California
Anonymous ......................................................$250.00
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Barbar.........................$50.00
Mr. Richard Cuny .............................................$400.00
Rev. William Dohman ......................................$100.00
Ms. Denise Lee................................................$150.00
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Prybyla................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Segal....................................$100.00
Rev. & Mrs. Theodore P. Wroblicky .................$500.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$1,575.00

Mrs. Philomena A. Sain .....................................$15.00

TOTAL: ..................................................

Holy Apostles Mission, Wichita, Kansas

Anonymous ......................................................$250.00
Mr. James P. Kelley, Jr.......................................$50.00
Ms. Olga Marr ....................................................$25.00


Immaculate Conception Parish,

Hamtramck, Michigan
Mr. Andrew T. Baran ........................................$100.00

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Brunec ................................$100.00

Mrs. Maria S. Diakiw..........................................$50.00
Mr. Tanas P. Hayda............................................$10.00
Mr. & Dr. Lew M. Hryhorczhuk.........................$200.00
Mr. & Mrs. Lubomyr M. Jachnycky ..................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan Koshiw ................................$50.00
Mr. Andrew Kushnir ...........................................$50.00
Ms. Helen Lilly ...................................................$20.00
Ms. Maria Lisowsky .........................................$250.00
Ms. Carol Nakalsky............................................$50.00
Mrs. Maria Pytiak ...............................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Repeta ..............................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sudomir ..............................$400.00
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sharon .....................................$25.00
Ms. Theresa A. Szypa .......................................$10.00
Mrs. Eleanor Tryndoski ....................................$100.00
Mrs. Yaroslawa Zdaniw......................................$50.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$1,690.00
Immaculate Conception Parish, Palatine, Illinois
Mr. James P. Beck .............................................$50.00
Dr. & Mrs. Z. J. Bilos.....................................$1,500.00
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brown ............................$150.00
Mr. Michael Byc .................................................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bevan Das .......................................$15.00

TOTAL: .........................................................$7,032.00
Immaculate Conception Parish,
San Francisco, California
Mr. John Batz...................................................$250.00
Mr. & Mrs. Orest Balytsky ................................$100.00
Ms. E. Terri Allen..............................................$300.00
Ms. Maria Iskiw ................................................$250.00
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Mazuryk ........................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Hlib Nikitenko .................................$100.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$1,100.00
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish,
Los Angeles, California
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bilecky .....................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cohee, Jr.............................$50.00
Mr. Rod Flewelling ...........................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan Knianicky .........................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kowalick..............................$500.00
Dr. & Mrs. Alex Kowblansky ............................$100.00
Mrs. Mary Magee.............................................$150.00
Ms. Theresa Pitiak .............................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Irynej Prokopovych ........................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Shpak ..............................$50.00
Mr. Alex P. Stogryn........................................$1,500.00
Mr. & Mrs. Roman L. Wasylyn .........................$400.00

Mrs. Olga Shwaga .............................................$30.00

Mrs. Marie A. Zelensky ......................................$30.00
Mr. Marion Zimmerman .....................................$20.00
Holy Name Society of Nativity .........................$100.00
Order of St. Basil the Great
Monastery Fund...............................................$200.00

TOTAL: ..............................................................$20.00
Nativity of Mother of God Parish,
Springfield, Oregon
Ms. Nadia S. Barrett ........................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. George Beltran.................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Browning...........................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Burns............................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Chipman......................$750.00
Ms. Maria J. Chipman......................................$350.00
Ms. Christina A. Chipman ................................$250.00
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Dixon.............................$100.00
Mrs. Patricia G. Dixon ......................................$200.00
Mr. Antone R. Escobar.....................................$100.00
Mr. Thomas Jakubec .......................................$520.00
Rev. Richard Janowicz ....................................$200.00
Mr. Edward Kelly..............................................$100.00
Ms. Shannon McMahan.....................................$20.00
Mr. Alberto Molina V ..........................................$30.00
Mr. & Mrs. David Olszyk ..................................$150.00
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Olsen ................................$50.00
Ms. Ann Palanuk................................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Salter ..............................$200.00
Mrs. Elaine T. Sunseri...................................$1,000.00
Mr. Larry Winiarski .............................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander N. Zeltvay......................$100.00

Saint John the Baptizer Parish,

La Mesa, California
Ms. Marta O. Dukes...........................................$50.00
Dr. & Mrs. Roman B. Cham.............................$100.00
Ms. Beverly A. Gallagher ...................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Rabah Tooma...................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bulent Yoldas .................................$200.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$450.00
Saint John the Baptist Parish,
Belfield, North Dakota
Ms. Ann Anheluk ..............................................$500.00
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chruszch................................$100.00
Mr. Edward Duletsky........................................$200.00
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gregory ..................................$60.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Haverluk ...................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Malkowski .............................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. William Shypkoski ..........................$240.00
Mr. William Tomchuk........................................$300.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$1,800.00

TOTAL: .........................................................$4,720.00

Saint John the Baptist Parish, Detroit, Michigan

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish,

Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Mr. Thomas G. Bliznick ....................................$250.00

Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Danyluk ............................$25.00
Mr. Aleksander Rub .........................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Struk ................................$30.00
Mr. Richard Walczak
(Estate of Virginia Picilujko) ...............................$25.00

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bilyk ....................................$100.00

Mr. Stephen Dworzanin ...................................$250.00
Rev. Thomas D. Marick ...................................$400.00
Mrs. Carol Oram ..............................................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. John Pelachyk................................$100.00
Mrs. Stephania Rohacz ...................................$100.00
Mrs. Olga Solovey .............................................$50.00

TOTAL: ............................................................$430.00
Saint Josaphat Parish, Munster, Indiana

TOTAL: .........................................................$1,300.00

St. Josaphat Parish.......................................$3,000.00

Protection of Mother of God Parish,

Houston, Texas

TOTAL: .........................................................$3,000.00
Saint Josaphat Parish, Warren, Michigan

Mrs. Martha Noukas ........................................$200.00

Dr. & Mrs. George Wawrykow .........................$712.50
TOTAL: ............................................................$912.50
Saint Andrew Mission, Sacramento, California

TOTAL: ............................................................$100.00

Ms. Svitlana Bondur ..........................................$30.00

Mrs. Christine Churma.......................................$30.00
Rev. Deacon & Mrs. Michael H. Cook .............$100.00
Mrs. Stephanie Ciupa ......................................$400.00
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Grochola ...............................$50.00
Ms. Diane Hakun .............................................$100.00
Ms. Helen Hakun .............................................$100.00
Ms. Mary Hakun ..............................................$100.00
Mrs. Anna Hawrysz............................................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Jula .....................................$50.00
Mrs. Maria Juzkiw ..............................................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kosteczko ...........................$10.00
Mrs. Kataryna Krywaczuk ..................................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kulchytsky.............................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kuzmak...............................$100.00
Mrs. M. Patricia Kuzmak..................................$100.00
Ms. Ann Maksymiec.........................................$100.00
Mrs. Olga Malanchuk.......................................$100.00
Mrs. Mary Ann Morales....................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Murskyj................................$50.00
Mr. Vasyl Netrebyuk.........................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. William Palanyk................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Perchatsch .......................$100.00
Mrs. Kataryna Porochonko ................................$40.00
Mrs. Maria Prystash...........................................$50.00

Saint George Parish, Lincoln, Nebraska

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Plosky ...................................$20.00


Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

Palos Park, Illinois

TOTAL: .........................................................$2,355.00

TOTAL: .........................................................$2,350.00

Mr. Alex Kachmar ............................................$100.00

TOTAL: .............................................

Mr. Myron Romanyshyn...................................$300.00

Saint Constantine Parish, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Dr. John Z. Doroschak.....................................$100.00
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kozak ............................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Kramarczuk .........................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pawluk................................$10.00
Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Persons...................................$20.00
Mr. Harry G. Searles ........................................$200.00
Ms. Rebecca Sowada......................................$300.00
Mr. Andrew M. Wowchak .................................$240.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$1,070.00
Saint Demetrius Parish, Belfield, North Dakota
Mr. & Mrs. Dwaine F. Bolke .............................$140.00
Mrs. Olga Burian..............................................$200.00
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Cerkoney........................$100.00
Mr. Harry Chornuk ...........................................$100.00
Mrs. Pearl Ewoniuk..........................................$350.00
Mr. Marion Hurinenko ........................................$15.00
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knopik ..............................$200.00
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Malkowski...............................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Palahniuk .........................$250.00
Mr. Nick E. Pedeliski........................................$250.00
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Pedeliski....................$100.00
Mr. Joe Romanyshyn .......................................$300.00

Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Cionka...................................$35.00

Mrs. Stefania Dackiw .......................................$100.00
Ms. Helen Maria Dackiw-Scott ..........................$25.00
Mrs. Romana K. Dyhdalo ..................................$30.00
Mr. Rodney K. Elnick .........................................$10.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan W. Fedorowycz ...................$10.00
Mrs. Alexandra Florchuk ..................................$100.00
Dr. & Mrs. Marko R. Gudziak...........................$500.00
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Holowchak ........................$35.00
Ms. Shirley A. Kostiuk......................................$100.00
Ms. Bohdanna D. Kruczak...............................$200.00
Mr. & Mrs. Mykola Lawrin ..................................$25.00
Mr. Teodor Lewyckyj ..........................................$10.00
Ms. Lydia Luczynski...........................................$75.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan Melnyk ..............................$200.00
Mr. Adam D. Moraczewski .................................$25.00
Mrs. Ann Mudryj.................................................$10.00
Ms. Jean Pacholok ............................................$25.00
Mr. Jaroslaw B. Sawka ......................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Wilhelm Schaller, Jr........................$300.00
Mr. Kornel I. Senyk ..........................................$100.00
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander J. Serafyn ......................$200.00
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Szawronskyj ............................$50.00
Mrs. Irene Winek ...............................................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Woronowycz..........................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Woronowycz ..................$40.00
St. Josaphat Parish............................................$50.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$2,345.00
Saint Joseph Parish, Chicago, Illinois
Mrs. Ulana M. Baransky ..................................$150.00
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bendixon...........................$150.00
Ms. Mary Brudny .............................................$100.00
Dr. George Charuk ..........................................$250.00
Dr. Sonya S. Clifford .....................................$2,500.00

Report: THREE

Mr. Jonathan Close..........................................$200.00

Mr. Julian Chornij ...............................................$20.00
Dr. Donna Dobrowolsky ...................................$900.00
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Dobrowolsky .......................$100.00
Mr. Roman Dykun ............................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gamota...................................$100.00
Ms. Anna Guralchuk ........................................$200.00
Mrs. Gloria Haggin........................................$1,000.00
Mr. & Mrs. Vasyl Kozych....................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Kuropas...............................$200.00
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kuropas ..............................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kuropas ...........................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kuschnieryk ........................$35.00
Very Rev. & Mrs. Mykhailo Kuzma ..................$250.00
Mr. Russell Lapso ..............................................$10.00
Ms. Anna Lenczuk .............................................$20.00
Mrs. Anna Luhowyj ............................................$50.00
Mrs. Lubomyra Lukomskyj...............................$750.00
Dr. & Mrs. William D. Matviuw .........................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. James E. McMahon .........................$35.00
Mr. Pavlo Pawluk ...............................................$10.00
Mr. & Mrs. Slavko Pihut ...................................$200.00
Mr. John Pryma ...............................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Rettmuller ...............$100.00
Mrs. Olha Saczyk ..............................................$25.00
Mr. Edward F. Schroeder .................................$100.00
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Storkel ..............................$100.00
Ms. Mary Wolf....................................................$50.00
Immaculate Conception Parish,
misc. donations................................................$163.00

Report: FOUR

Mrs. Paraskewa Duda .......................................$25.00

Mr. & Mrs. Oliver T. Feschyn .............................$10.00
Mrs. Wasylida Holod........................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Antoni Januszewski..........................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Jawnyj .....................................$20.00
Mrs. Wladimira Maciurak ...................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. John Melinyshyn ............................$100.00
Mrs. Stephanie Ovcharchyn ............................$100.00
Mrs. Mary Jo Patterson .....................................$65.00
Mr. Leon Rebey ...............................................$100.00
Ms. Ksenia A. Turula........................................$150.00
Mrs. Olga A. Wasiewicz ...................................$100.00
Mrs. Stephie E. Worobec...................................$25.00
Mr. Adam W. Yurkiw.........................................$100.00
St. Joseph Parish..........................................$3,000.00
Mrs. Irene Szymanskyj ....................................$100.00

Mr. & Mrs. Bogdan Chulovskiy ........................$100.00

Rev. & Mrs. Andriy M. Chirovsky .......................$75.00
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cole ..................................$550.00
Mrs. Nadine O. Dworian ....................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan Gojnycz.............................$300.00
Mrs. Olga Halich ................................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Zenon Korytko..................................$20.00
Dr. & Mrs. Ihor Kunasz ....................................$300.00
Mrs. Irene Mrozowski ........................................$50.00
Dr. Juliana Osinchuk........................................$200.00
Mr. & Mrs. Volodymyr Skibicky ........................$200.00
St. Michael Parish.........................................$1,050.00

TOTAL: .........................................................$7,190.00

TOTAL: .........................................................$1,105.00

Mrs. LaVerne Podney Arnold........................$3,500.00

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bencak .................................$100.00
Mr. Michael Bukaczyk ......................................$300.00
Dr. Danylo Butenko & Mrs Daria Hankewych...$50.00
Mr. Nicholas Butovich ......................................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan Derkacz ............................$300.00
Mr. Robert Dusk...................................................$5.00
Ms. Maria Duszkewycz ........................................$5.00
Mrs. Iwanna Gorchynsky .................................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw Hankewych .....................$500.00
Ms. Tamara Hankewych ..................................$100.00
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Z. Hura...............................$500.00
Mr. Andrew Iwaniuk ...........................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander J. Jacyna.........................$10.00
Ms. Helen Karachewski ...................................$300.00
Mr. John Keller...................................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Lubomyr Klymkowych ....................$275.00
Mr. Nestor Kocelko ..........................................$150.00
Mr. David Koepnick............................................$20.00
Ms. Pauline Kowal ...........................................$300.00
Ms. Olga Kwasnychka ..................................$1,000.00
Mr. Iwan Logusz ..............................................$150.00
Mrs. Olha Lushniak..........................................$250.00
Mr. Boris D. Lushniak ......................................$100.00
Dr. Andrew Melnyk...........................................$200.00
Mr. Basil Muzyka .............................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Wasyl Mycak ..................................$300.00
Mr. George L Myskiw & Mrs Marie J Durbak...$100.00
Mr. Oleh S. Paly.................................................$50.00
Mr. William Palyniak ..........................................$50.00
Dr. Jaroslav Panchuk.......................................$250.00
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene G. Pawlisz .........................$100.00
Ms. Sonia A. Peczeniuk...................................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Popiel ...............................$120.00
Mr. George D. Pryjma...................................$1,000.00
Mr. & Mrs. Omelyan Pyk..................................$500.00
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Shaban ...............................$100.00
Mrs. Anna D. Slobodian.....................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Volodymyr Sokolyk.........................$100.00
Dr. Alex Sosenko .............................................$100.00
Mr. Stephan Stadnyk........................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Swiatoslaw Stadnyk .........................$30.00
Mrs. Zenovia Stecyszyn...................................$300.00
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Szczerbaniuk ....................$300.00
Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan Tkaczuk...............................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Vedeen..........................$50.00
Mrs. Maria Wijtowych ......................................$200.00
Mr. William Zajak ...............................................$25.00

Saint Michael Parish, Mishawaka, Indiana

TOTAL: .......................................................$13,040.00

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Brown, Sr. ....................$100.00

Mr. Michael Berndt.............................................$20.00
Mr. Mark F. Chabot ..........................................$150.00
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Clark..............................$100.00
Mrs. Joan M. Downs &
Mr. Brian Krostenko ...........................................$25.00
Mrs. Ofelia A. Gula ............................................$75.00
Mr. Brett J. Perkins ............................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Christotopher M. Pich ......................$20.00
Dr. Alexander R. Strilbyckyj .............................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tychonievich .........................$75.00
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Werbianskyj.........................$50.00

Saint Sophia Mission, Honolulu, Hawaii

Saint Joseph Parish, St. Joseph, Missouri

Mrs. Maria Diane Tatarczuk .............................$200.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$200.00
Saint Mary Parish, Saint Louis, Missouri
Mr. & Mrs. Yaroslav Chushak ............................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Lillenas ..............................$100.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$120.00
Saint Michael Parish, Dearborn, Michigan
Mr. & Mrs. John Dicky .....................................$500.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$500.00
Saint Michael Parish, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Mrs. Anna Marczuk ..........................................$300.00
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Marko................................$50.00
Mrs. Judith Telgenhof.......................................$500.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$850.00
Saint Michael Parish, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Mursky ..............................$125.00
Mrs. Ofelia Gula.................................................$75.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$200.00
Saint Michael Parish, Minot, North Dakota
Mrs. Patty Eurich ...............................................$25.00
Mrs. Annette Gergen .......................................$150.00
Mr. James R. Hughlett .....................................$130.00
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Koronka ..............................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ryan...................................$500.00
Mr. William C. Warmsbecker ...........................$200.00

Saint Volodymyr Parish, Santa Clara, California

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Dacy ......................................$100.00
Mr. John Kaminski .............................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Swanson ..........................$100.00
Dr. & Mrs. Orest Tataryn ....................................$25.00
Dr. & Mrs. Ihor Voyevidka ................................$250.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$500.00
Saints Peter and Paul Parish,
Wilton, North Dakota

TOTAL: .........................................................$2,920.00
Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Chicago, Illinois

St. Sophia Parish .............................................$500.00

TOTAL: ............................................................$500.00
Saint Sophia Parish, The Colony, Texas
Mrs. Stephanie M. Beakey...............................$200.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$200.00

TOTAL: ............................................................$740.00

Saint Stephen Mission, Saint Paul, Minnesota

Anonymous ........................................................$25.00

Saint Michael Parish, Chicago, Illinois

TOTAL: ..............................................................$25.00

Rev. John Lucas ..............................................$200.00

Saint Vladimir Mission, Flint, Michigan

TOTAL: ............................................................$200.00

Mrs. Joanne Dobromil .......................................$25.00

Saint Michael Parish, Tuscon, Arizona

TOTAL: ..............................................................$25.00

Mrs. Marjorie Hruby ...........................................$50.00

Mrs. Mary Hruby ................................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Kudrna.................................$75.00
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lengenfelder .................$100.00
Mr. Carl Maslowski ..........................................$100.00
Mr. Mac Omafray ...............................................$25.00
Mrs. Mildred Patrick ...........................................$50.00
Mrs. & Mrs. Paul Patrick ..................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. John Romanick ..............................$250.00
Mr. & Mrs. William Sawicki ..............................$100.00
Mr. LeRoy T. Schneider ...................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Triska .......................................$50.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$1,050.00
Saints Volodymyr and Olha Parish,
Chicago, Illinois
Mrs. Zenovia Bihun............................................$50.00
Ms. Laura Czukla...............................................$20.00
Mr. Ewhen Iwankiw ............................................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Oleh G. Karawan............................$250.00
Mr. & Mrs. Luka Kostelyna ................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Julian E. Kulas ...............................$500.00
Mr. Joseph Lytwynyshyn....................................$25.00
Mr. Lew L. Oryszczuk ...................................$1,000.00
Mrs. Katherine A. Palafox ..................................$20.00
Mr. Orest Panchuk & Mrs. Zena Dekasha.........$55.00
Mrs. Stefania Sadkowy ......................................$25.00
Mrs. Steffi Sarvady.............................................$25.00
Mr. Pawel Szelemej ...........................................$50.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$2,095.00
Transfiguration Parish, Denver, Colorado
Ms. Irena Dudek ................................................$10.00
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Kasuboski........................$50.00
Mrs. Maria Z. Odezynskyj..................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Romanyshyn ....................$300.00
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Shyra......................................$200.00
Mr. George W. Wowchak.................................$200.00
Mr. Daniel Zelem ...............................................$50.00
TOTAL: ............................................................$860.00
Our Lady of Zarvanytcia Mission,
Seattle, Washington
Mr. & Ms. Yuriy Buriy .......................................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Mykola Dmytryshyn........................$100.00
Mrs. Stefaniya Kharo .........................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Andriy Khtey ...................................$100.00
Mrs. Emiliya Kogut.............................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander J. Krynytzky...................$100.00
Rev. Abraham A. J. Miller ................................$750.00
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Nahirnyj .................................$50.00
Ms. Lesya Prokipchuk .......................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Maryan Rzhiskiy...............................$25.00
Mr. & Mrs. Yaroslav Rzhiskiy ...........................$100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schiffer.................................$100.00
Mr. John T. Skomorowski.................................$200.00
Mrs. Daria Stankevich......................................$100.00
Ms. Anna Stavkova ............................................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Aleksandr Svyatenkiy .......................$50.00
Mr. & Mrs. Volodymyr Vovk ...............................$50.00
Ms. Paula Jean Yurko......................................$300.00
TOTAL: .........................................................$2,325.00
TOTAL: ..............................................



July, 2010


Pilgrim Icon Visits

Michigan Parishes
Here is the schedule
of the Protection Icon
visit to the parishes
through the Detroit
Deanery for the months
of June, July and into
August, 2010, before
traveling to the other
deaneries and each
parish or mission.
New Star readers will
be informed when the
icon is to be in their
area--followed by photographs and articles about the visits to each parish in
subsequent editions of the newspaper.
Immaculate Conception Church, Hamtramck
V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM
June 13, 2010
St Josaphat Church, Warren
Rev. Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM
June 20, 2010
St John the Baptist Church, Detroit
Rev. Fr. Valeriy Kandyuk
June 27, 2010
St Michael Church, Dearborn
Very Rev. Fr. Canon Wayne Ruchgy
July 4, 2010
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Dearborn Heights
V. Rev. Fr. Volodymyr Petriv - Dean
July 11, 2010
Ascension, Plymouth
Very Rev. Fr. Canon Wayne Ruchgy
July 18, 2010
St Vladimir Church, Flint
Rev. Fr. Bogdan Rybchuk
July 25, 2010
St Michael Church, Grand Rapids
Rev. Fr. Michael Bliszcz
August 1, 2010

PHOTO: The hand-lettered sheepskin decree of Pope John XXIII establishing the Eparchy of St Nicholas
is in the office of the Chancellor. The document has a seal with an icon of SS Peter and Paul. [INSET]

from page 1
Just as Pentecost is shown to be a
reminder of the new life that exudes
from the day--with its greenery
adorning the places where the people live, work and pray--the multiplication of fifty Pentecosts culminates in a special "Jubilee Year."
Often people overlook the concept
of observing a Jubilee every fifty

years--but that does not detract

from the essence of the practice.
So it is in this Jubilee Year that St
Nicholas Eparchy will focus on its
mission to the world, as the special
icon with its prayer programs and
processions and proclamations
impacts every person in every community. Here is re-commitment to
the enthusiasm that was felt fifty
years ago, so as not to wane--but to

find its way into the veins of every

body that is part of the Church that
is St Nicholas Eparchy.
This is a chance to grow the
Church along the lines intended-revitalized by a fresh indwelling of
the Spirit of God and the spirit of
faithfulness to the calling of every
Christian man, woman and child
favored with the protection of the
Mother of God.

LEFT: The blessing ceremony; ABOVE:

Presentation on Evangelization, TOP:
Banquet Hall; RIGHT: Procession with Icon.

More photos
on page 18

No Final Answer on Pope's 2012 Visit to Ukraine

LVIV - At the session of the 35th conference of the Roman Catholic Bishops of
Ukraine, Archbishop Mieczysaw Mokrzycki reported that an invitation was
sent to Pope Benedict XVI to visit Ukraine on the occasion of the completion
of the all-Ukrainian Eucharistic Congress in 2012 and the 600th anniversary
since the Roman Catholic Episcopal seat was moved from Halych to Lviv.
RISU's Ukrainian-language website posted this story on May 26, 2010.
The acceptance by the Apostolic See of the invitation does not ensure that the
visit of the pope to Ukraine will be made. The invitation to Pope Benedict XVI
to visit Ukraine in 2012 will be considered by the Apostolic See in due time and
the final decision will be announced after that.
Roman Catholic Church representatives hope that the response of the Vatican
will be positive.

The church was filled with the glory of Gods goodness for all to receive.
Photos by Oksana and Mykola Yaremko; Sr Olga Marie Faryna, OSBM; Tom Rife; and Petro Rudka


July, 2010






ODESA: The pastor of St.

Andrew's Church Fr. Ihor Taras reported that the relics of

St. Peter the Apostle were in Odesa from May 30 in the
St. Andrew the First-Called Church until June 13.
The priest hopes that the presence of the relics in
Odesa will remind all Christians of the city about the
reality of the Gospel and will renew in the hearts of the
residents the memory about God. "For many Christians
evangelical events have become something like a beautiful fairy tale. But fairy tales have little influence on
everyday life, which is why there are temptations to
make Christianity a 'Sunday' religion and give weekdays
to Satan," Fr. Ihor explains.
The event marking the arrival of the relics St. Peter to
Odesa was titled "Remember that you are a disciple of
Jesus Christ!" The first prayer service and Liturgy before
the saint's relicts was held in the St. Andrew Church on
May 30.


RECTORS GATHER AT UCU: Lviv gathered the university elite of Europe. From May 20-23, 2010, for the
first time in Lviv, a General Assembly of the European
Federation of Catholic Universities (FUCE) was held.
Over 50 rectors, vice-rectors, and heads of international
departments of Catholic universities in Europe attended.
In particular, such countries as Portugal, France,
Belgium, Poland, and Slovakia were represented.
The meeting was held at the Ukrainian Catholic
University. The participants discussed how Catholic universities can improve the society through education, scientific search, and service.
As part of the visit, plenary meetings and group discussions were planned. The highlight of the event was
the speech by the rector of Lyon's university Fr. Michel
Kanel, Ph.D.
In addition, the Lviv City Council officially received

the assembly. The program included a tour of Lviv, for it

was the first visit to Central or Eastern Europe for a
majority of the guests.
The Federation of Catholic Universities of Europe is a
regional daughter organization of the International
Federation of Catholic Universities. The Ukrainian
Catholic University has belonged to both organizations
since 2003, representing not only Ukraine but also all of
Eastern Europe.

Orthodox Church in Egypt says there is no power on
earth that can force it to violate the teachings of the
Gospel. This was affirmed in a communiqu responding
to an Egyptian High Court ruling that the Church must
grant permission to divorced people to marry again.
Egypt only recognizes civil marriage when it is
accompanied by a religious marriage. The Coptic
Orthodox Church is continuing with legal appeals to the
May 29 decision, according to Bishop Armiya, secretary
of Pope Shenuda III. The May decision rejected an
appeal already presented by the leader of the Coptic
Church and reaffirmed a lower court ruling.
The case at hand has been brought to the courts by a
divorced man who wants to re-marry. "There is no force
on earth that can oblige the Church to violate the teachings of the Gospel and the laws of the Church based on
'what God has joined together let no man put asunder,'"
the communiqu affirmed.
The statement also recalled that Egypt professes
respect for religious liberty and that Islamic law has
allowed Coptic Christians to take recourse to their own
laws. Egypt has about a 10% Christian minority, with
9% of those being Coptic Orthodox


pilgrimage to the Lavriv Monastery of Saint Onuphrius
took place on June 19-20, the feast of Saint Onuphrius.
The Lavriv Monastery is the oldest monastery dedicated
to Saint Onuphrius in Ukraine. The monastery for many

Who Are the Saints of Rus'-Ukraine?

his past June was quite a month for celebrating

Ukrainian Catholic saints! Last month in this column, we explored the contributions of Saints Peter
and Paul, whose is June 29th. We could have also mentioned many other saints that were honored this past June,
as the first Sunday after Pentecost is the Sunday of All
Saints and the fourth Sunday after Pentecost is the feast
of "All Saints of Rus'-Ukraine." Notice we do not say we
celebrate "All Saints Day".
Because we live in a society accustomed to Roman
Catholic feast days and traditions, we always seem to be
in the position of having to explain how we are "the
same" but "different". No, we do not celebrate All Saints
Day on November 1st, we commemorate our saints on
different days. After the day for commemorating All
Saints, the Church calendar turns to local saints, specifically the Saints of Rus'- Ukraine.
Many people (including many mis-informed 20th Century historians) erroneously believe that the word Rus' is
shorthand for the word "Russia", but that is not correct.
Nor can Ukraine lay exclusive claim to the term "Rus"'.
Rus' is the name for a Slavic state originally founded by
the Vikings and their descendants. Various ethnic groups
populated it, including Ukrainians. Its capital was the city
of Kyiv, and in 988 Grand Prince Volodymyr accepted
Byzantine Christ-ianity from Constantinople for all of the
people of Kyivan-Rus. Although Rus' disintegrated as a
state in the 12th Century, its history and religious traditions are common to three modern day countries:
Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. And as we all know, today
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
The earliest saints of Rus'-Ukraine include St Andrew,
the first apostle said to visit Rus'; our Church was
influnced by Sts Cyril and Methodius, who created an
alphabet for the Slavs to read the Gospel; St Anthony

Pechersky, first monk in the land of Rus'; St Theodosius

Pechersky, father of Ukrainian monasticism; the grandmother of St Volodymyr, St Olga, who accepted
Christianity before her grandson did; Grand Prince
Volodymyr, who Christianized Kyivan Rus'; and all the

holy men and women who followed them, century after

It has often been said that anyone who is in heaven has
to be a saint. Surely, then, we would include in our list of
saints the 28 martyrs of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic
Church that were beatified by His Holiness Pope John
Paul II on June 27, 2001. Bishops, eparchial priests,

centuries was a center of ecumenism. A large cemetery

is located on its premises in which rest Orthodox metropolitans, Greek Catholic bishops, Moldovan landlords,
etc. Historical information confirms that Metropolitan
Macarius Ligaridu of Jerusalem is also buried there.
In addition, among the Orthodox metropolitans, Greek
Catholic bishops and Moldovan landlords, Prince Lev
rests in cemetery of the monastery, though his burial
place has still not been found. In his final years of life he
became a monk, receiving the monastic name of his
favorite Saint Onuphrius, and settled in the sacred place.
The monastery was part of the domain of the princely
The pilgrimage to the monastery with the intent for
monastic vocation began at the miraculous icon of the
Mother of God in the Nativity of the Holy Mother of
God in Sambir where the relics of Saint Valentine are


PETERSBURG, Florida.- The Catholic Campaign for
Human Development, the anti-poverty program of the
U.S. bishops, is giving $300,000 in grants to aid victims
of the recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
The spill in the Gulf of Mexico resulted from an April
20 well blowout on the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil
drilling platform that killed 11 and injured 17 others.
The oil company BP has been fingered as being primarily responsible for what has become the largest spill
in U.S. history, though the multinational corporation
objects to this accusation.
It is estimated that the fishing industry will lose some
$2.5 billion due to the disaster.
The U.S. bishops' conference reported that the Subcommittee for the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development approved the funds to aid low-income
people affected by the oil spill. Subcommittee chairman,
Bishop Roger Morin of Biloxi, Mississippi, affirmed
that this "tragic oil spill has grave human, environmental and economic costs. As a Church, we mourn the loss
of life," he continued. "We pray for those whose livelihoods are in jeopardy."

monks, nuns and a layman that suffered during the

Communist persecution in Ukraine and Poland from
1935 to 1973 were on that list. These men and women
were imprisoned, tortured, beaten, burned, shot, or sent to
Siberia because they refused to abandon their Catholic
faith. If you would like to read more about them, go to, click on the British flag for English if
you do not understand Ukrainian, click on "History of the
UGCC", and then click on "Beatification of the Servants
of God on June 27, 2001." It is difficult to comprehend
how cruelly these holy men and women were treated.
It has also often been said that there are many saints
among us that try hard to live the Gospel as taught by our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, yet will never be beatified
or be declared saints. Although most remain un-named, I
have been told that many great Ukrainian patriots and
political activists fall into this category: people like Taras
Shevchenko, poet and artist; Lesia Ukrayinka, poet and
writer; Markian Shashkevych, poet, writer and interpreter; and Ivan Franko, poet, writer, literary critic, journalist and economist. And how about Metropolitan
ANDREY (Sheptytsky) (1901-1944), who led the Church
during two world wars? Patriarch JOSYF (Slipyj), Major
Archbishop, and Metropolitan (1944-1984), who was
exiled to Siberia, survived, and led our Church in exile
for 20 years? Archbishop VOLODYMYR (Sterniuk), Acting
Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine
(1972-1991), who led the Church from the underground
to freedom? His Beatitude MYROSLAV IVAN (Lubachivsky), Major Archbishop (1984-2000), who also led the
Church in exile and then led the faithful in Ukraine after
the fall of Communism? And still with us, how about His
Beatitude Patriarch LUBOMYR (Husar), who has been
leading our Church since January, 2001?
Last month and this month, and for many months to
come--I hope and pray--St. Nicholas Eparchy and the
New Star will be focusing on the topic of evangelization.
continued on page 19


July, 2010


By Fr Denny Molitvy

Recently I went to a service where a number of

priests and deacons were at the altar. It seems that
at the creed they went through a "kiss of peace"
ceremony. Some others in the pews did the same
thing. Is this new? Or have I just not been to enough
ceremonies with multiple priests?
The ancient practice of the Kiss of Peace is part of the
tradition of the Church. Historically it was a part of the
action attached to the words: "Let us love one another so
that with one mind we may profess" introducing the
Creed (or Symbol of Faith).
This set the stage for applying the principle of setting
aside all differences between one another in order to
approach the Altar (the Throne of God) to "offer the holy
sacrifice in peace." At one time, the whole congregation
participated. However, abuses crept in, and inappropriate
kissing was rampant. The Church halted the practice,
with the exception of those directly involved at the Holy
As with other liturgical matters, there is a protocol
involved, spelled out in specific detail. The celebrant
kisses the aer covering holy gifts--on the discos and in the
chalice--and the Holy table itself. If there are priests concelebrating, the celebrant steps back and the other priests
file to do likewise, and then kiss the celebrant's shoulders
(alternating) three times, saying "Christ is among us!"
Keeping the matter orderly, the concelebrant moves to
the right side of the main celebrant--and any other concelebrating priest repeats the Kiss of Peace in the same
fashion, also standing to the right of those who have completed the process. In this way decorum is maintained,
each priest is included without random wandering about.
Should there also be two (or more) deacons serving,
they also exchange the Kiss of Peace, remaining in place
outside the iconostas. Deacons in the congregation do not
spontaneously initiate the greeting.
This is not to be considered as an imitation of the practice in the Western Church where the celebrant announces an invitation to offer a sign of peace (usually a
handshake). Therefore, priests in the congregation do not
take the initiative to share the kiss of peace amongst one

another. This could become chaotic and distract from the

Liturgy. If, however, a priest exits the Holy Place and
extends the Kiss of Peace from the altar, it is permitted.
This directive calls for persons of the same rank to share
the gesture: priest-priest, or deacon-deacon, and emphasizes the connection with the celebrant at the Holy Table,
(especially when done by concelebrating clergy performing their sacred function).
Presently the general practice is to not extend the Kiss
of Peace among those not ordained to serve at the altar.
To do so could detract from understanding the very explicit roles each person plays in the celebration of the
Liturgy. This is not a matter of inclusiveness versus
exclusivity or a sentiment of friendliness or interpersonal
relationships but shows the message of our unique relationship with God, and the role each individual member
plays in the context of the whole Body of Christ, the
Why do the columnists of this newspaper over and
over again stress some of the quaint customs? Special
foods for the Eves of Christmas and Theophany;
Baskets of food blessed at Easter; blessings of water,
fruit, flowers on certain days; green clothes and decorations for Pentecost; an "icon corner" in the house
and blessing cars. They may have been fine for peasants in the rural areas, but we are in modern America
now--what's the purpose? Not only are they old-fashioned, but can perhaps lead to superstition.
Part of the reason is to acquaint our readers with one
aspect of life that might tend to be overlooked: we are
people of faith. Faith addresses our spiritual needs. As
people, we use physical realities to express these spiritual ideas and ideals. We benefit when these actions have
purpose and meaning.
Part of the reason is that for many, these customs (traditions) have been practiced and enjoyed for years, sometimes without explanation. We do not embrace custom
for custom's sake--but should be able to appreciate where
these things have their root. Rather than let them be
"quaint" leftovers from a bygone era, our writers have

In order to form a more perfect union

f you are anything like me, you have had your fill
of 4th of July fireworks! (My Chicago neighborhood goes absolutely wild with illegal fireworks:
the smell of gunpowder permeates everything, the
night sky is lit up brighter than Van Gogh's "Starry
Night", and any thoughts of sleep are an unrealistic
dream thanks to a cacophony of incessant crackling,
hissing, and booming.) Everything else is drowned outeven the performances of patriotic music and the dramatic readings of the Declaration of Independence
hauled out for their yearly appearance. By now, these
have certainly been relegated to their storage bins to
await July 4, 2011; moreover, summer thunderstorms
and the DPW will doubtless do their best to rid us of all
other evidence of our fleeting patriotic fervor and our
frenetic frolicking. We are back to the doldrums of a
sweltering summer, interrupted only by reports of
spreading oil slicks and threats of tornadoes and hurricanes.
What lingers between my ears is the words of another document, the Constitution of the United States of
America, whose preamble begins: "We the people of
the United States of America, in order to form a more
perfect union" These words were very necessary
because, at the time of their writing, the country was a
mess: under the previous form of government, the
Articles of Confederation, there was endless squabbling among the loosely connected states who often
seemed more interested in rivalry than in cooperation.
It was, in a sense, imperative to refound the nation to
keep the union from dissolving: "a more perfect union"
was not a luxury but a necessity. Perhaps the Founding
Fathers foresaw words which would be sung by fractious Ukrainians two centuries later: "in unity is the

strength of a people; God grant us unity!"

Unity takes many forms--surprisingly, not all of
which are beneficial! Can it not be said that slaves are
united--held together as they are by their chains and
joined in a common task by the overseer's whip? Those
who lived under the USSR might say that this was
indeed the kind of "union" imposed upon the enslaved
peoples of the Soviet Republics! What about the
"group think" imposed by "Big Brother" in George
Orwell's novel 1984? Is this so different from the
"bandwagon effect" so prevalent today, where shrill
demagogues accuse one another of manipulating
unthinking followers by whipping them into a frenzy-even to the point of acting against their own best interest? Perhaps unity is not always the strength of a people?!?
The citizens of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania,
Virginia, and Kentucky remind us that there is nonetheless a beneficial form of unity: "commonwealth",
which those citizens wisely use instead of the word
"state". "Commonwealth" refers to something which
benefits all; this is perhaps best summed up in the
Three Musketeers' motto "All for one and one for all!"
When one member of a group flourishes, the wellbeing of all increases; likewise, when one member is
harmed, all members of the group are put at risk. In
short, the well-being of each member becomes the task
of all, for the common good depends upon this-even
my own well-being. Our individualistic culture, where
we are surrounded by messages both explicit and subliminal telling us to "look out for #1"--i.e. hooray for
me and forget about everybody else--flies in the face of
this wisdom.
The vision of unity and mutual care is a Christian


tried to make real the connections between what we pray

and what we can do to make our prayer meaningful and
memorable. Not satisfied with the rationale "that's the
way we've done it, do it, and will continue to do it," the
staff explores and clarifies the background and reasoning
behind these rituals, and addresses the really deep significance and importance of putting all our actions into a
perspective that can cause us to cherish what it is we do
to express our faith. They are not meaningless tasks.
The concepts are not far-fetched, and do not smack of
superstition when lived in the context of the liturgical
life. These do not belong to a long-ago age, but to now,
when we can know "why" it is we do them. It is part of
the process of making faith a daily reality--something
that extends beyond the minimalist notion that faith is
only for an hour or so on Sunday--and everything else is
our "real life." Sunday things should permeate evey day!
To be frank, our "real life" is the spiritual life. We had
a spirit breathed into us by God--and live in His "image
and likeness" by inspiration. When we inhabit a body, we
take on a different dimension--and due to physical limitations do not always stay aware of our spiritual self. Our
body dies. Our spirit lives on (awaiting the resurrection).
All that is important and everlasting is the spiritual reality. These expressive customs make the spiritual precepts
part of our physical practice in day-to-day living.
Reinforcing our faith are the spiritual connections to
food, water, nature, our man-made conveniences--so we
bless, thank God, and use the things He made and the
items we concoct to plod through the physical obstacle
course that is life. When these things, tailored to each
feast, encourage us to be steadfast, we grow. When things
of faith affect our daily life, and become a part of us, it is
inculturation. Precepts are instilled as integral parts of our
being. Each tradition has a definitive relationship to spiritual reality.
Our ancestors found these customs useful and revered
them. When faced with oppression, persecution, godlessness and all manner of evil, these nearly inbred notions
sustained their spirits, no matter how trampled and torcontinued on page 19

Send your questions for Fr Denny Molitvy to:
Include your name and parish.
vision deeply rooted in Scripture. As the Founding
Fathers refounded the nation by writing the
Constitution, so does Jesus refound humanity when
tells us, "I give you a new commandment: love one
another. As I have loved you, so you should love one
another. This is how all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13: 3435) This love is not just warm fuzzies; rather, it must
take the form of concrete actions. St. Paul shows this in
his epistles: he reminds the Romans how to live out this
love daily (Romans 12: 9-21), and he tells them to
beware of those who create divisions in order to
advance their own agendas rather than the Gospel
(Romans 16: 17-20); he not only encourages the unity
which comes from love, but he also excoriates the
Corinthians for their partisan divisions which favored
some groups over others to the detriment of the Church
as a whole (1 Corinthians: chs. 1, 10-13 passim).
In the Divine Liturgy, before the Creed we say "Let
us love one another so that we may confess: the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the consubstantial and
undivided Trinity." It is not enough to proclaim the
Trinity or to sing its praises, which St. Paul might
equate with empty clanging (1 Corinthians 13: 1-3);
rather, we are to live out in our lives the love of the
Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the indissoluble unity of Three Persons in One God. Only when we
learn how to do this can we become the loving Church
which can enlighten a world filled with the darkness of
hatred, the unified Church which this divided world so
desperately needs as a model. Will there be a more perfect union--in our nation, in our Church, in our world?
We can only pray--and let ourselves be changed by our
-Fr. Jim Karepin, op


July, 2010

Metropolitan BASIL (Shott), 70, Falls Asleep in the Lord

etropolitan BASIL (Shott) of the Byzantine

Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh died
June 10, 2010.
His Eminence had been undergoing treatment for
several months for cancer.
Metropolitan Basil was born July 21, 1939, in Freeland, Pennsylvania. He was the fourth Metropolitan
Archbishop of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh.
Upon graduation from high school, he entered the
Byzantine Franciscans' novitiate on August 3, 1958,

Photo:Christian Associates of South-Western Pennsylvania

and was professed August 4, 1959. He earned degrees

in philosophy, theology and pastoral counseling.
Bishop STEPHEN (Kocisko), bishop of Passaic, ordained
him to the priesthood August 29, 1965, at Holy
Protection Monastery in New Canaan, Connecticut.
Following his ordination, he served in numerous
offices within the Byzantine Franciscan Community
and the Order of Friars Minor in general. Among the
offices he held are: hegumen, protohegumen, director
of formation, director of novices, director of vocations,
custodial councilor, custodial treasurer and spiritual
assistant for the Secular Franciscans. The Metropolitan
was also active in pastoral ministry in parishes of the
Pittsburgh, Parma, Passaic and Van Nuys eparchies as
well as in Ukrainian and Melkite eparchies. He also
taught in the Religious Education Department of Byzantine Catholic High School, Parma, Ohio.
On July 11, 1996, he was ordained and enthroned as
the third Bishop of Parma. On May 3, 2002, Pope John
Paul II appointed then-Bishop Basil as the fourth
Metropolitan Archbishop of Pittsburgh.
In the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB), he served as Chairman of the Committee on
the Relationship between the Eastern and Latin
Churches and as a member of the Administrative
Committee. He also served on the committees for
Consecrated Life; and Evangelization; and as chair of
Region XV of the USCCB.
At the time of his death he was serving on the
Ecumenical, Home Missions, Sub-Committee for

Marriage,Clergy/Vocations/Consecrated Life committees of the

USCCB. His Eminence also was
President of the Eastern Catholic
Associates, the national organization for Eastern Catholic Bishops
in the United States. Archbishop
Basil was a de juri member of the
Synod of Bishops of Catholic
Churches and attended the last
three synods in Rome. Pope Benedict XVI appointed
him a member of the Congregation for the Oriental
His parents Mary (Krusko) and Michael Schott and
brother Paul predeceased him. He is survived by siblings: Mary Ann, Michael, and Sister Helen, OSBM.
Funeral services were celebrated at the Cathedral of
St John the Baptist (Munhall, Pennsylvania) beginning
with the reception of the Archbishop's body at the
Cathedral June 16, and Part One of the Funeral Service
for a Priest later that evening. On Thursday evening,
Part Two of the Funeral for a Priest was celebrated. On
Friday, June 18, the Funeral was conducted in the
Cathedral, in the presence on numerous hierarchs, clergy and faithful.
Internment followed in the cemetery of the Basilian
Sisters' Provincialate at Mt St Macrina, Uniontown,
May God grant to His servant, the High Priest,
Metropolitan Basil, Eternal Memory!

Metropolian Basil, (LEFT) pictured here with other Christian leaders in Pittsburgh, was active in joint prayer--adding his own voice in a plea to overcome
divisions in Christs Church. He had a close relationship with Metropolitan Nicholas of the American Carpatho Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA.

ECED Meets in Pittsburgh

rom Monday, May 17 through Thursday, May

20, members of the Eastern Conference of
(Religious) Education Directors met at the
Byzantine Catholic Seminary of SS Cyril and
Methodius in Pittsburgh. With an agenda filled with
pre-set topics, Very Rev Gregory Noga, president of
the group, conducted the several daily sessions of
meetings pertaining to the varied aspects of publishing, promoting and providing the various items of religious material so necessary to the task of teaching catechists and students in our country-wide Churches.
An early agenda item was the scrutiny of a proposed
poster to emphasize the importance of catechism in
our parishes. Much the same as the nation-wide
"Catechetical Sunday" campaign of the Roman
Church, the purpose is to focus parish attention upon
the important steps to be taken in teaching and learning fundamentals of faith on the local level. There are
special prayers and programs that accompany the
event, the specific dates of which are left to the local
bishop, or pastor--depending upon the scheduled dates
of instruction.
Too, talk was directed to the development of texts
and materials, and decisions need to be made when
contacting authors or editors for the widely-sought
products. Inventory and storage are needed, and promotional programs and catalogues to inform the public of the availability of the wares.
The financial aspects of these realities were addressed.
Speaking to the group was Metropolitan BASIL
(Shott) of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh, who encouraged the staff to continue on in the endeavor now
approaching forty years of existence as a collaborative
effort to make quality teaching programs available to a
wide scope of parishes of differing liturgical traditions.
His Eminence also suggested pursuing venues other
than print in order to meet the expanding electronic
means of communication available to the demographics of our parishes and schools.
Discussion also centered around a web site currently being developed for the advantage of all who have
access to the World Wide Web.
Time was spent looking into the Encounter of

Members of ECED shared time with members of

the staff and student body of the seminary during
meals and other occasional times.
Catechists planned for next year in three areas of the
country--and attending to some preliminary details in
planning that must be addressed before specific
announcements can be made
Among all the issues of the schedule there
was time to pray together--to relax--to enjoy
the company of the staff and personnel of the
Seminary who were present to provide a welcome atmosphere throughout the visit.

Copies of a proposed poster for Catechetical

Sunday were critiqued and
suggestions made for readying it for
distribution across the country.
ECED has provided God With Us Publications
catechetical material for Eastern Catholic
Churches for almost forty years. Go to:, or: to order!

Metropolitan BASIL (Shott) addressed the members of

ECED with words of encouragement, appreciation
and challenge to expand the scope of materials and
programs. PICTURED L-R: Sr Olga Marie Faryna,
OSBM, Bishop NICHOLAS (Samra), Archpriest John
Kachuba, Dr Barbara Lutz (back to camera)
Metropolitan BASIL, Fr Al Forlano, Cindy Corbett
(recording secretary), Sr Marion Dobos OSB, and
Rev Elias Rafaj, (back to camera)

Pictured after the Liturgy: (L-R:) Sr Marion Dobos, OSB;

(Pittsburgh); Very Rev Archpriest John Kachuba (Parma);
Fr Elias Rafaj (Pittsburgh); Very Rev Gregory Noga
(Passaic); Dr Barbara Lutz (Passaic); Bishop NICHOLAS
Samra (liaison of ECA to ECED); Fr Al Forlano (Stamford); and Fr John Lucas (St Nicholas, Chicago) absent for
photo: Sr Olga Marie Faryna, OSBM (St Josaphat, Parma)
photo by: Andrew Summerson.

July, 2010


St Elias, Precursor of the Ascended Christ

lias, blessed visionary of

God, with one voice we
proclaim you as all-radiant beacon, fire-bearing charioteer
angel in the flesh, breathing out zeal for
God, routing impiety, rebuking the lawless, and as prince of the Prophets;
therefore watch over us. (First Sidalen
for Matins of July 20th).
The prophets are held in special
esteem in Eastern Christianity, and have
specific feast days for their commemoration. The prophets are also commemorated in general at the Proskomidia (the
Service of Preparation) of every Divine
Liturgy. July 20th is the feast day of one
of the most prominent of the prophets,
St. Elias, in Eastern Christian traditions.
While this feast is not amongst the
"twelve great feasts" it is a feast of "vigil
rank", and as such there are special readings and propers for Vespers, Matins and
the Divine Liturgy.
Although Elias did not write one word
of prophecy, his legacy as one of the
greatest prophets can be seen especially
in the Third Book of Kings, and he is
frequently mentioned in the New
Testament as well. His miracles include
restoring a child to life and parting
waters. These events directly prefigure
the life of our Lord, God and Savior
Jesus Christ. One important sign of how
St. Elias is regarded in our liturgical and


has been the inspiration for blessings of

carts, wagons, and later bicycles, cars,
trains and any wheeled vehicles on the
occasion of his feast day.
St. Elias plays a prominent part in our
own particular Kyivan tradition as well.
St. Nestor the Chronicler relates that one
of the first churches built in Kyiv
was the wooden temple dedicated
to St. Ilya (Elias). St. Olha herself
reportedly attended this temple
after her conversion and baptism.
It is certainly appropriate that St.
Elias was chosen as the patron for
a temple at this time in Kyiv, as
the "precursor" to the flourishing
of Christianity and the rapid multiplication of beautiful Christian
temples after the conversion of St.
Volodymyr and the Kyivan lands
to Christianity. Many more
churches in the Kyivan lands and
elsewhere were to be later dedicated to the protection of St. Elias.
The feast day of St. Elias is even a
civil holiday in Macedonia.
St. Elias is a great model of perseverance in the face of great difficulties, and of what is possible
when we trust in the healing and
saving power of God. St. Elias
shows us how powerful the gifts of God
imparted to each of us when we heed
His call and will in our own lives. St.
Elias is a great herald of Christ in our
lives; and by reading and meditating on
his glorious life lived fully for God, may
we see him as an icon prefiguring the
glorious saving Mysteries of our Lord,
God, and Savior Jesus Christ.

spiritual life is the inclusion of his mira- those who honor him." St. Elias makes a
cle in restoring to life the child of the glorious
woman of Zarepta (III Kings 17, 1-24) Transfiguration, which we read of in the
as one of the readings of Vespers for Matins and Divine Liturgy Gospel
Holy Saturday that prophetically antici- accounts on the feast of Christ's
pates the Resurrection of our
Savior. Likewise his fiery
ascent in his chariot to heaven
in the sight of Elisha most
certainly directs our gaze
towards its fulfillment in the
glorious Ascension of Christ.
In the Canon (a set of poetic
odes written by great hymnographers of Eastern Christianity) of Matins for the
Ascension, the connection of
St. Elias as an image, an icon,
of the Paschal Mystery of our
Savior is made quite vividly:
"Strange was Your Birth,
strange Your Resurrection,
strange and fearful Your
divine Ascension from the
mount, O Giver of life, of
which Elias was an icon when
he went up in a four-horse
chariot, singing Your praise,
O Lover of mankind" (Ode 5 of the Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36 for
Second Canon at Matins for the Matins and Matthew 17:1-9 for Divine
Ascension). In the Troparion of the Liturgy).
feast of St. Elias, we summarize the
When our Lord was near the complegreat events of his life when we sing tion of His earthly sacrifice, those wit"The glorious Elias, angelic in body, pil- nessing mistook him for communicating
lar of the prophets, second with St. Elias. Thus centuries after the
herald of Christ--by send- ascension of St. Elias, his impact was
Convention of the General
ing grace upon Eliseus still immensely strong and his mystical
Secretaries of Europe's Bishops'
from on high, dispels dis- life very much in the minds of the peoConferences in Rome
ease, cleanses lepers, and ples of the time. His fiery ascent in the
Deacon Randolph L. Brown
overflows with healing for chariot and his protecting intercession
On June 10-13,
2010, the annual
convention of the
the Italian government appealed a decision issued by
General Secretaries
the Second Section of the court last November,
of Europe's Bishops'
which spoke against the presence of the crucifix in
Conferences took
Catholic and Orthodox Join in Alliance
place in Rome. As
These States, all of which are supporting Italy in
STRASBOURG, France, ( The "crucifix
the Secretary of
trial" in the European Court of Human Rights has the desire to overturn last November's decision,
Synod of Bishops of
given rise to an unprecedented intervention of 10 include: Armenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece,
the UGCC Bishop
Lithuania, Malta, Monaco, San Marino, Romania,
member States as third parties.
BOHDAN (Dzyurakh)
The European Centre for Law and Justice, which and The Russian Federation.
reported, on June 11
The third party status allows the States to submit to
was also authorized to become a third party in the
during the Pontifical
court their written and oral observations as officourt hearing regarding the legitimacy of displaying
Liturgy with particicrucifixes in Italian schools, reported today that ten cial parties to the case.
pation of the Holy
The court's Grand Chamber held a public hearing
other States will have this amicus curiae status in the
Father marking the completion of the Year for
on June 30, and the final judgment on the case is
"Lautsi vs. Italy" case.
Priests, Pope Benedict XVI solemnly proclaimed
This case was referred to the Grand Chamber when expected by the end of the year.
Father Jean Maria Vianey, pastor from Ars, the
patron of all pastors of the [Roman] Catholic
"The topic for us is very familiar because we
recently presented to all our pastors as an example
Stephen Nehme Was Always Aware of God
and patron the beatified holy martyr Omelyan
KFIFAN, Lebanon, ( Stephen Nehme (born taking the name Stephen after the
Kovch. I hope that there will be a chance during our
Joseph), who was beatified June 27 in Kfifan, Lebanon, patron saint of his birthplace.
meeting to make known our saint" noted Bishop
was known for his constant awareness of God's presAlways and everywhere Friar
ence in his life.
Stephen was known for his ability
This year the annual meeting of the General
The Vatican announced that Benedict XVI approved to transmit the Good News to his
Secretaries of Europe's Bishops' Conferences is
the beatification of this Lebanese professed religious of brothers. He lived an intense life of
devoted to challenges in interchurch cooperation, in
the Order of Maronites who died August 30, 1938, at prayer, faithful to the order's constiparticular, in the internal relations between churches
the age of 49.
tutions and spirituality.
and intereparchial contacts in the Catholic Church,
The ceremony was presided over by the prefect of
His generous spirit, his prudent
as well as the relationships of the Church with the
the Congregation for Saints' Causes, Archbishop judgment and his compassion for
public bodies of authority and the outer world and
Angelo Amato, on behalf of the Pope.
the difficulties of others won him the respect and love
public opinion. "As these questions are currently in
Friar Stephen was known as a man of prayer and was of his coworkers. Friar Stephen's spirituality was
the spotlight, the church wants to consider them in
called a "disciple of the land." He saw this land as a marked by the awareness of the Lord's constant presorder to produce certain mechanisms to better reveal
"school of sanctity" and a "source of spirituality."
ence in every instance of his life, which he himself
Joseph (Yusuf) Nehme was born in March 1889 in summarized by often repeating: "God sees me."
to each other different projects which take place in
the town of Lehfed, in the Jbeil district, as the youngest
Nehme lived through the adversities of World War I,
the churches and to learn how we should react to
his cross, denying himself and following the
events that take place in the politic space and in our
trust and courage. Friar Stephen died of natsocieties, where the church operates in Europe,"
and was buried in the monastery at Kfifan,
reported Bishop Bohdan.
Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina in Kfifan.
where his body remains intact.
Information Department of the UGCC
On August 23, 1907, he made his monastic vows,

Ten European States Join

Italy to Defend Crucifix

Maronite Friar Beatified In Lebanon


July, 2010

Is Everything Black/White, Positive/Negative?

New Star has had some recent items about Catholic/Orthodox relationships--especially on the "official" level of leader-to-leader.
Some speculate these meeting will produce good results--others
are skeptical, if not outright opposed to the idea.
What is it everyday people think of the whole matter? Reread
some of the past issues, see what might relate to the topic on this
page--and send in your opinion. Or, check the Internet for some of
the exchanges by various Metropolitans, bishops and others.
[Responses subject to editing for grammar, length, spelling.]
Please try to limit your remarks to about 200 words (a very difficult task) so that we may include as many responses as possible in
an up-coming New Star. Because of the wide range of time it takes
our paper to reach the geographical area of St Nicholas Eparchy, the
deadline for this will be August 15. Your ideas will be in the
September New Star. All must be signed, indicate city, state.
They may be submitted electronically to:;
or by mail to: New Star (Opinion); 2245 W Rice Street; Chicago, IL
Thank you

ROCOR First Hierarch

Completes Visit to
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
KYIV - On May 20, 2010, the official visit
of the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and
New York concluded, reports the website
of the Ukrainian Orthodox ChurchMoscow Patriarchate.
He was seen off at the international airport of Boryspil by Vicar of the Kyiv
Metropolis Bishop PANTELEIMON of Vasylkiv and the head of the protocol service of
the Kyiv Metropolis, archpriest Valerii
Kravets of the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church-Moscow Patriarchate. "I sincerely thank you for the reception rendered to
me and the ROCA delegation, for the hospitality and attention extended in the
course of our visit to Ukraine," said
Metropolitan Hilarion.
On May 19 Metropolitan Hilarion and

MOSCOW - Patriarch
Constantinople expressed his wish that
the Ukrainian Churches not recognized
by world Orthodoxy
join the canonical
Orthodox Church."
Let them not hesitate
but join the canonical
which is a ship of salvation," Patriarch
BARTHOLOMEW said in an interview to Vesti 24
TV, which was recorded in the Constantinovsky Palace in Strelna near St. Petersburg. He
expressed to Metropolitan VOLODYMYR of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate that he wishes in his lifetime to see the
schism overcome. Commenting on the current
standpoint of the Constantinople Patriarchate
on the Ukrainian schism Patriarch Bartholomew said "Our Church does everything with
due respect to the existing canonical order [in
Ukraine]."The Patriarch also expressed willingness of his church to pray for both "the
Russian and Ukrainian people."

Have an idea about this topic?

Send us your view!

Photograph of Pope Benedict XVI and Bishop HILARION (Afasiev) during a recent cultural program presented in Rome for His Holiness' birthday and anniversary of election by members of the
Russian Orthodox Church.

Vicar Bishop AGAPIT of

Stuttgart visited the Kyiv
Theological Academy
and Seminary and were
greeted by the rector of
the academy and seminary,
ANTHONII of Boryspil.
After a tour of the
academy, Metropolitan Hilarion met with
first-year students of the Kyiv Theological
Seminary, during which he answered
numerous students' questions concerning
his activity and the life of the Russian
Orthodox Church Abroad. Also the metropolitan was present at some examinations at the academy and seminary.
At the end of the visit Archbishop
Anthonii thanked Metropolitan Hilarion
for visiting the theological schools and
handed him some publications by the
Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary
as a souvenir.

Patriarch Bartholomew Wishes

Ukrainian Churches to Join
Canonical Orthodox Church

An Invitation to Write Us

Leader of the UOC-MP Believes it's Too Early to

Talk about Uniting the Orthodox Churches
KHARKIV - The Ukrainian Orthodox
Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP)
wants to unite with the UOC-Kyivan Patriarchate, which separated from the Moscow
Patriarchate. The leader of the UOC-MP
Metropolitan Volodymyr, however, declared
that now is too early to talk about specific
steps for the unification.
"There are attempts to meet, to discuss, and
to continue the dialogue that began in 1989.
There has been preparation for an overall dialogue. But today this is lacking," said the
head of the UOC-MP, as reports Religion in
On May 28, 2010, the head of the UOC-MP
Metropolitan Volodymyr visited Kharkiv to
mark the 18th anniversary of the Kharkiv
Hierarchal Council.

On All Saints' Sunday Metropolitan VOLODYMYR

Concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with Patriarchs
BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople and KIRILL of Moscow
ST. PETERSBURG - On May 30, 2010, Sunday of All
Saints, Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople and
Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow celebrated the Divine Liturgy
at St. Isaac's Cathedral of St. Petersburg.
As reported by the press service of the Russian Orthodox
Church, concelebrating with the primates of the two
Orthodox Churches were Metropolitan VoLODYMYR of
Kyiv and All Ukraine, hierarchs of the patriarchates of

Moscow and Constantinople, and numerous clergymen.

At the end of the service the patriarchs exchanged greetings, and Patriarch Bartholomew was offered the Icon of
the Most Holy Theotokos of St. Theodore as a keepsake.
During his visit to St. Petersburg, Metropolitan
Volodymyr had a discussion with Patriarch Bartholomew
and Patriarch Kirill.

Cypriot Orthodox Leader Rejects Criticism of Papal Visit, Tension over Ecumenism
NICOSIA, Cyprus, ( The leader of the
Orthodox Church in Cyprus is denouncing those in his
community who are criticizing the visit of Benedict XVI.
Orthodox Archbishop CHRYSOSTOM II of New Justiniana
and All Cyprus is underlining the fact that although some of
the other Orthodox leaders are protesting the visit, the
majority of the 17 members of the Holy Synod voted to
invite the Pope to their country. The Pontiff accepted the
invitation from Archbishop CHRYSOSTOM II, as well as from
Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias.
For his part, Archbishop CHRYSOSTOM II energetically rejected these
attacks, stating that those who are
opposed to the visit "should stay
calmly at home."
Metropolitan ATHANASIOS, who formerly served as abbot of the Panagia
tou Machaira Monastery, was almost
elected in 2006 as head of the Cypriot
Orthodox Church, but Chrysostom
was chosen instead.
The present patriarch shares the line of Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW I of Constantinople, who is more oriented to

reform and dialogue.

The tension between those who favor and those who
oppose dialogue with the Catholic Church is nothing new.
In April of last year several Orthodox worldwide, self-proclaimed "guardians of the faith," signed a document in
which they publicly rejected the idea of ecumenism with
any other Christian church.
In this manifesto, known as "A Confession of Faith
Against Ecumenism," the signatories call ecumenism "the
greatest heresy of all time," and pledge to resist all ecumenical efforts between the Orthodox Church and the
Catholic or Protestant churches.
Patriarch Bartholomew I responded to this manifesto in a
message published for the Sunday of Orthodoxy in which
he clearly rejected the ideas in this note, stating that
Orthodoxy "has no need of either fanaticism or bigotry to
protect itself."
"Whoever believes that Orthodoxy has the truth does not
fear dialogue, because the truth has never been endangered
by dialogue," he stated in his message, recalling that the
decision in favor of ecumenism was affirmed by "all the
patriarchs and the Sacred Synods of the Orthodox Churches
throughout the world, who unanimously decided on and
continue to support these dialogues."


July, 2010


Eparchial Clergy Conference Held

eeting in Mundelein, Illinois, the deacons and

priests of the St Nicholas Eparchy spent from
Tuesday evening until Friday lunch at the
annual conference, May 18-21, 2010..
Each year, an aspect of parish life is presented as a
manner of "continuing education" for the benefit of the
clergy--and ultimately for the benefit of each parish.
The proceedings began with an introduction of the
Icon of the Protection of the Mother of God, specially
commissioned for the Jubilee Year of the eparchy. Fr
James Karepin, OP--Chancellor--also presented information on the various deanery-level observances. Plans
were set for a joint spiritual retreat with clergy from
each of the other eparchies of the United States in
September this year.
The next two full days presented the opportunity to
take advantage of the wisdom of Very Rev Archpriest
Daniel Gurovich of the Metropolitan Archeparchy of

Speaking from his experience as pastor and thirty-six

years' work at the Matrimonial Tribunal, Fr Dan delivered four sessions of conference on a number of topics,
intended to make everyone's lives a bit easier when
dealing with a number of parochial matters.
Since one aspect of parish life evolves around the
marriages of parishioners, time was spent on the necessary forms that must be filed for every marriage.
Explanation was given for the rationale behind the various questions asked, and the importance of timeliness
and accuracy. Notice was made of the reason for adherence to the normal six-month period of time usually
required for preparing the parties involved. Although
parishes publish this stipulation, incidents occur when
people fail to take this into serious consideration.
Further was it said that there is a proper place for all
weddings: in the Church; proper person to perform the
wedding: pastor (or someone he delegates); proper execution of the ritual according to legitimate Byzantine
regulations; and proper instruction meant to educate
the bride, groom, attendants and their guests present for
the ceremony. Following directions makes everyone's
life easier.
Also on the agenda were discussions concerning
implementation of the Instruction for Applying the
Liturgical Prescriptions of the Code of Canons of the
Eastern Churches, promulgated in January, 1996, for
our Church. Since there are some lapses in compliance
with some of the norms, specific details were men-

tioned and expanded upon to present our practices in a

unified way. This refers to the Mysteries of Initiation
(Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist together); celebration of Funerals, observance of Holy Days and similar
issues. Again, following directions makes everyone's
life easier.
On both days Fr Daniel stopped to answer any questions posed--or to offer commentary or an expanded
explanation upon a particular point.
The impetus for each day was to draw attention to the
need for regulation and direction. Both are necessary-neither needs to be a burden, or arbitrary imposition,
but a way to eliminate confusion. How more easily life
is made when the principles are applied, and everyone
understands and implements the various directives. It
is easier for the Bishop's Office; for the clergy; and for

the faithful, who are edified by unanimity of purpose

that is accomplished through the cooperation of every
individual along the way.
Fr Daniel took time to mention the worthiness of
New Star--and complimented the Eparchy on publishing a source for education and catechesis for readers
not only of the eparchy, but others who receive our
newspaper as well.
Friday morning saw some other pertinent points
addressed. One pressing item revolves around property
and liability insurance for the properties of the eparchy.
Mr Keith Dobrolinski clarified details on this matter,
and proposed follow-up measures.
Mr Serge Michaluk spoke on the Child Protection
Program of the Eparchy, and noted our compliance
with the standards set by the United States Council of
Catholic Bishops.
He also spoke of matters of concern in regard the
annual appeal for stewardship in the eparchy, and the

need for requesting capital funds.

As each was preparing to return to their parochial
responsibilities, appreciation was expressed for the
valuable information gleaned from the busy schedule.
Pastors also returned home with a vial of Myro consecrated by Bishop Richard at the Cathedral on Holy
Thursday--a symbol of our ecclesial unity and connectedness.

St Nicholas Cathedral School Had Twelve Graduates in the Class of 2010.

unday, June 6, 2010, was Commencement Day from St. Nicholas

Cathedral School for twelve students. It was a day of great joy and sadness as they processed out of St.
Nicholas Cathedral together for the last
The day's events began with a procession before the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Grace Bishop Emeri-tus
INNOCENT (Lotocky, OSBM), Very
Reverend Bohdan Nalysnyk, and
Reverend Oleh Kryvokulsky. The St.

Nicholas School Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Irene Dychiy, added to the
celebration. Altar servers were from the
fifth and sixth grades.
Bishop Innocent in his homily reminded the graduates that even though
nobody knows what the future holds, if
they live their lives with Jesus and make
their decisions based on all that they
have learned, they would do well. The
Bishop also thanked the parents for
sending their children to St. Nicholas
and the teachers for taking such good

care of them all of these years.

Adriana Chychula was awarded the
title of Salutatorian of the Class of 2010.
Adriana welcomed everyone to the ceremony and congratulated her fellow
classmates on their achievements.
The audience also heard from three
young ladies who were awarded the title
of Valedictorian of the Class of 2010
based on their outstanding academic
excellence and character. They are:
Adriana Klisch, Marianna Oharenko,
,and Martha Sendun. Bishop Innocent,

Father Nalysnyk, Father Kryvokulsky,

and Mrs. Finiak presented the proud
graduates with their well-deserved
diplomas. After all diplomas were distributed, the graduates turned the tassels
on their caps from the right side to the
left as a sign of their graduation.
The ceremony concluded with the
prayerful salutaion God Grant them
Many Years!
Photos were not made
available by press deadline.



July, 2010

Audio Books of Patriarch Lubomyr at the Internet Shop Nash Format

responses to such topics as love, contraception and abortion, the conflict of generations, the citizen and state, and
patriotism and chauvinism.
The multimedia studio Svichado issued the second
audio book of Patriarch Lubomyr. The conversation with
His Beatitude was conducted by the distinguished
Ukrainian journalist Mykola Knyazhytskyj, director of
the TV channel TVi. The national artist of Ukraine Nina
Matviyenko recorded the foreword for the book.
The first audio book of His Beatitude Lubomyr titled
"The Road to Oneself" was presented to the public in
January 2009. Ten thousands copies were made.
The third audio book of the head of the UGCC "The
Road to God" will be recorded in June. The feature of
the third audio book of His Beatitude Lubomyr is that
every interested person will be able to submit a question
from a selected topic.

Both audio books of Patriarch LUBOMYR

(Husar) "The Road to Oneself" and "The
Road to Thy Neighbor" are now available at
the Internet shop Nash Format (Our Format),
which specializes in Ukrainian audio and
video products and souvenirs. The books can
be ordered from the website or purchased from the stores located
in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Kyiv.
The second audio book "The Road to Thy
Neighbor" can also be purchased in the
churches of the UGCC all over Ukraine.
We remind that the leader of Ukrainian
Greek Catholic Church presented his second
audio book called "The Road to Thy
Neighbor" last month. In the audio book His
Beatitude Lubomyr shares with listeners his

By End of Autumn
Facade of Patriarchal
Cathedral to
be Complete

Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi: "The Cathedral

Could Be the First Step of the UGCC
in Encompassing Modern Architecture"

KYIV - The president of the Pontifical Council on Culture Archbishop

Gianfranco Ravasi during his visit to Ukraine visited the the Patriarchal
Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. He was impressed by the church
KYIV - According to Father
and said that "the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ could be the
Petro Fedyuk, CSSR, director
first step of the Greek Catholic Church in encompassing modern archigeneral of the building admintecture," reports the Information Department of the Ukrainain Greek
istration of the Patriarchate of
Catholic Church.
the Ukrainian Greek Catholic
"I have to note that the creators of the cathedral succeed in uniting two
Church (UGCC), by the end of
dimensions which are absolutely different from one another. From the
autumn the faade of the
one side, it resents the passed-down tradition, the tradition that has its
Patriarchal Cathedral of the
codified presentation. From the other side, it is the attempt of encomResurrection of Christ of the
passing something new. The architecture of the cathedral is an innovaUkrainian Greek Catholic
tion in tradition," noted to the archbishop.
Church in Kyiv will be comAccording to Archbishop Ravasi, it is evident that the Greek Catholic
plete, reported the Information
Church wants to encompass modern culture. The archbishop also comDepartment of the UGCC.
mented on the location of the church. "It's worth noting that the catheFather Petro noted that all the
dral is located in a new part of the city. It's another way in which tradiThe Cathedral is nearing completion.
documents are just about ready.
tional heritage unites with modernity," he says.
"I hope that in the nearest future we will begin to
The Vatican guest stressed that building churches in a modern style is a good course of action. "Western Eurinstall the electrical wires for permanent use of
ope is a lot more inclined to encompass modernity. They build churches by totally other canons--in modern
electricity. Until now the electricity has been suparchitecture. This is also important because the church, the priest should represent modernity. Certainly, there
plied on a temporary basis. Also we are waiting for
are risks because it can lead to a failure to observe refinement, style, and even lead to the loss of the sacred."
money to complete the facade of the cathedral. To
Even in ancient times a church was not only a place for prayer. It is also a symbol. Therefore, according to
heat and plaster it." In addition, the roof needs to be
the archbishop, it is very meaningful to build a large basilica, a large church to be a large symbol in this secuwaterproofed with a protective layer.
larized world for passers-by to see.

Very Rev Canon Wayne Ruchgy introduced

and interviewed speakers;
Guests ate--and heard presentations;
Very Rev Andrij Chirovsky addressed guests;
The choir added to the Liturgy,
as the Word of God was proclaimed

More photos from Detroit Deanery multifaceted observance of Eparchial Jubilee.


July, 2010


"Rediscovering Ukrainian Album Cover Art"

Exhibit from the Museum's Permanent Collection, at the Ukrainian
National Museum

A gentle reminder was placed

in the bulletin of St Josaphats
Parish in Warren, Michigan. It
had a message that may be beneficial to people in other places, as well. It was a
clear statement of noting the propriety of dressing
for Sunday Liturgy--or any Liturgy--in comfortable,
yet appropriate clothing.
Shorts, tight slacks, T shirs and similar apparel are
perhaps not fitting the House of God.
Many parishes provide air conditioned places for
the faithful who are attending the most sublime act
affecting their spiritual responsibilities.
A suit and tie are not necessary--there are many
other choices that convey the message of respect for
the Persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) visited.
Clothing fit for business, court, or semi-professional
occasions should be in keeping with standards of
decency. Dressing for Church is no exception.
Put on your Sunday Best!

Send bulletins via e-mail to,

or by post to New Star (BB); 2245 W Rice St;
Chicago, IL 60622-4858.

This item is from our archives. It appeared in New Star in May of 2002. Someone
asked that it be repeated. It is here, again, based upon several rationales: 1) it was
requested; 2) many may have forgotten that
they saw it; 3) new readers have joined our
readership since then and may (or may not)
appreciate it.

This Is a Test: can you pass it?

1 Hold the page about ten inches from your
2 Blow on the center of the star for five seconds;
3 Place the page on a flat surface;
4 Wait fifteen seconds; then check the star for any changes.
1) If the top portion of the star turns green, call your physician;
2) If any section turns brown, contact your dentist;
3) If a part of the star becomes purple, call your psychiatrist;
4) If the red lines become yellow, see your banker;
5) If black appears anywhere, ask your attorney to review your will;
6) If no changes appear--you are in good physical, mental and financial shape.
There would be no reason on Earth why you should not be in church regularly.
See you there Sunday!
from page 13

tured the body became. How else explain

the reaction to the re-found freedom to
worship and at the first opportunity to
publicly proclaim reliance upon God
there was exuberant response to prayers
and petitions strong and vibrant as if there
were constant rehearsals for such complex prayers as Resurrection Matins?
There were rehearsals--in the memories
of people!
Those customs kept faith alive in the
hearts of those who learned them, then
passed them on to other generations as
naturally as eating, to later astound the
world with an outpouring of revitalized
vigor no longer dependent upon clandestine meetings or "underground" gatherings. Long-stifled prayers were allowed

aloud again. Cherish the customs--they

may just save and comfort you in a time
of greatest need. Otherwise, you might
imitate many modern-day Americans.
Disassociated customs blur the underlying factors of national holidays. With
few exceptions the distinct meanings of
Memorial Day, Independence Day and
Labor Day are overlooked (or even lost)
--as the essence of each seems to focus on
parades, picnics and potato salad; hot
dogs and hamburgers; or boating and barbequing at the beach--all fine celebrations--but disassociated from the underlying purpose for the holiday, making it
essentially meaningless. Where is that
good or desirable?
That same inattention cannot be tolerated when it comes to any (lack of) knowledge of our spiritual heritage.

Over 110 album covers are on exhibit through July 30. Album cover art, as artistic
expression, is nearing extinction. The album cover was a marriage of two very distinct
media--art and music. The exhibit celebrates the artists who, in most cases, anonymously contributed their art.
The Ukrainian National Museum is located at 2249 W Superior St in Chicago.
Hours: Thursday-Sunday, 11 am-4 pm. Admission: Adults $5.00, Children under 12 Free. Free Parking near Museum. Driving instructions at Call (312) 421-8020 or e-mail

Moleben to Mary, Mother of God, Celebrated in California

To introduce others to our liturgical
practices, members of Holy Wisdom
Ukrainian Catholic Parish, St. Philip
Byzantine Catholic Parish, and Knights
of Columbus recently joined to form a
choir to sing the Moleben to Mary, the
Mother of God. This Moleben was sung
on three Sundays of May, in English, in a
redwood grove at the Christ the King
Passionist Retreat Center in Citrus
Heights, California. Wild turkeys, squirrels and countless birds joined the the
choir, attendees, celebrants Fr. Theodore
Wroblicky, of Holy Wisdom and Fr.
Francis Murin, of St. Philip's in singing
the Moleben. Special guests who attended included Fr. William Dohman, retired
pastor of Holy Wisdom, and Fr. Michael
Kiernan, Rector of the Roman Catholic
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament and
the Diocese of Sacramento's liaison officer to Eastern Catholic Churches.
Presenting the Moleben was a "worldpremiere" of sorts. Rt. Rev. Father Roman Galadza graciously set the English
translation of the Moleben to authentic
Ukrainian musical notation, and Cantor
Gene Ford led the choir in its singing.
The choir sang beautifully, competing
with lots of wind on Pentecost Sunday!

During the Moleben, anicon of the

Protection of the Mother of God was displayed, and both Fr. Theodore and Fr.
Francis spoke of how Mary protects us
throughout our lives.
The Molebens were followed by a
social hour featuring ice cream donated
by Leatherby's Family Creamery, a Sacramento favorite. A donation was also received from Knights of Columbus Arden
Carmichael Council 4970, which covered
costs of printing the service books. We
are grateful for both of these contributions.
About 50 people attended each of the
Molebens. Both Holy Wisdom and St.
Philip's believe that presenting the
Moleben supported the directive made by
Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter,
Orientale Lumen--Light of the East. In
that letter, and others, Pope John Paul II
encouraged Roman Catholics to learn
more about Eastern Christianity and its
services so that the Catholic Church
could once again breathe with her two
lungs--the Eastern as well as the Western.
Hopefully, with the help of the Mother of
God, we promoted our Byzantine Tradition and understanding of it among
those who attended.

Fr Thedore Wroblicky and Fr Francis Murin lead the

prayer service. (RIGHT) the Icon of the Protection.
from page 12

Elsewhere in the newspaper you will read

about the Eparchial Conference on evangelization that was held in Michigan early in
June. There we learned that not only are we
called to "evangelize," we are called to "reevangelize." We are called to bring new
people into our Church and also bring back
those who have fallen away from our
Church, especially those who left when
they reached adulthood. Why did they
leave? What can we do to bring them back?
An important step in evangelization is to
know your faith so that you can explain it
to others. It surely is important to understand our Liturgy, our history, our cultural
identity. Part of that knowledge can be
obtained by carefully studying our role-

models, our Ukrainian Catholic Saints.

Spend a little time learning about them and
reflect on the lives and the sacrifices they
made for the faith. Teach your children and
grandchildren about them and don't be
afraid to tell everyone you meet about the
saints we honor in our Ukrainian Greek
Catholic Church.
You shine as bright beacons, O Godinspired and righteous saints of our
Church. By your encouraging example you
serve communities of faithful throughout
the Christian world. Therefore we humbly
bow our heads to you thanking our great
and all-gracious God Who has made you
our intercessors in heaven where you
pray for our souls.
Kontakion, Saints of Rus-Ukraine



July, 2010

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Fast-Free Days

question was asked of me after my last article. "We fast for Great Lent, St. Philip's
Fast, Apostles' Fast and Dormition Fast, and on top of that, the Eve of Theophany,
the Beheading of St John the Baptist, the Elevation of the Holy Cross and before
receiving the Holy Eucharist. Is this all we do is fast?"
In one word, NO. Although fasting along with prayer is a big part of
our life in Christ and our struggle to become more God-like, we do
have what our Byzantine Church calls, Privileged Days, which are
days that we do not observe a fast. There are five periods throughout
the year when fasting is done away with. The following are considered
Festal Times and everyone is encouraged to feast with due moderation:
Bright Week--the period form Pascha through Thomas Sunday;
The week after Pentecost;
The period from the Nativity of Our Lord until the Eve of
The day of Theophany
The week following the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
(just before Great Lent begins), in part to remind the faithful not to
boast like the Pharisee about fasting for two days out of the week Lk
To better understand how Privileged Days developed, it is good to
keep in mind that fasting was practiced weekly throughout the year.
Wednesday as a fast day to commemorate Christ's betrayal by Judas
and on Fridays to commemorate Christ's Crucifixion.
In the Early Church, Privileged Days began popping up with more
frequency as Holy Days developed, especially if the Holy Day fell on
a Wednesday or Friday. After the Council of Ephesus (431), the time
when feasts in honor of the Theotokos and feasts of great saints began
to appear, fasting was not observed even if the feast fell on a
Wednesday or Friday.
The Fridays on your calendar this year may have looked a bit like the
illustration with this article, from Great Friday (April 2) when the
Church prescribed a "black fast" from not only meat, but also dairy
products, through the Friday after Pentecost, (May 28). Two days indicated when there was to be no fasting at all--can you see which ones?
Privileged Days were developed to add greater solemnity to certain
Holy Days or periods. You fasted all through Great Lent to prepare you
for the joy of Christ's Resurrection, hence the Fast-Free period of
Bright Week to continue the celebration. Another example of celebration is the Theophany. St Epiphanius of Cyprus said, "It is not fitting to
fast on the Feast of the Theophany, when Our Lord was born of the
flesh, even if it falls on Wednesday or Friday."
By the time our ancestors embraced the Christian Faith from
Byzantium, the practice of Privileged Days had been well determined,
although the particular days changed five times before the accepted
practices of today. They had been modified by:
Kievan Metropolitan George (1069 - 1072)
Keivan Metropolitan Constantine II (1167)
The Synod of Zamost (1720)
The Synod of L'viv (1891)
The Synod of Ukrainian Bishops held in Rome (1966)
Although we have Fast-Free Days it is good to remember that fasting accompanied by prayer and good works is a spiritual aid. Together
they help discipline our body and soul and bring us closer to God.
Phyllis Muryn Zaparaniuk

(773) 276-5080
fax: (773) 276-6799

Bishops Chancery
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St Nicholas
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy
2245 W Rice St
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Fr John Lucas, Managing Editor
Petro Rudka, Ukrainian Editor
Fr James Karepin, OP
Fr Denny Molitvy
George Matwyshyn
Serge Michaluk
Olenka Pryma
Nazar Sloboda
Pani Barbara Wroblicky
Phyllis Muryn Zaparaniuk

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