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Jaan 6^1..

1l Both Pr€sidentialPladorDshavebe€ncriticizeds "inerlerienced" when it
obanaad fortbe Republi.ans ithasbeentowardscor Palin,Iiowcan
Americansbe assuredtlat eiuer adminishation will be adeptat handli.g
lo.eign reladons?

2) The cureniadninistuation hasrefusedto negotiatewitn Terrcrist

organizatiorso. countriestlat suppo.t them,How would your candidates
handlefuture communicatioNwith natiotu tnat are ried to tenonst
o.ganizationsandthe tercn* organiations thenselves?

3) \that do ,tur candidatesproposeto do to mitigateour reljanceon fo.eign

oil? Follow-up:At whal.ost will theseprogramscomeat and how long will ir
take lor tiere effectsto benefit the Anericn beoble.

4) Howdoyour candidates pfoposesolvingtheillegalinnigrarioncnsis?

Again,at what costto the citlzen?
aonony QcrioB

sbn:seEbrMrcJn ha!bem.staunch
ot th. ri *"rrnd 6FrEoees.rdr-.-
nudre-4" lvhv do4 yor 6ndrd
d;,",;;;";ilJ:l;U:f j.,l".ffi
l"Yj; i"i
srre'vcrarnmkion acomdkhed?

seDbr obanr is one of ihe mon cdriot

potjriciaB .faj.n fl
chsth€krM H. s,id rhe d,Eo.
t ,orsa po,ir.",,..,,",,,,";"";.;;;",^thrninan
war b 3€ru5outotkaq,inhNmu.hitne,.hd
;;;",",ilf _
wh4 @urdbethcafb/n,th!,foh rhe M(ah
canpatgn,crn yout.[ ushis

r betiewsenaror
obanahrsa birofa difterem*l
( ur? - '--'Fonthewar,wourdtn€oo:n:
Iiad€rship quesiions

Do )bu think you codidate enough expdience to be presiddt? &,hy?

What l€adership qualities wiu help yoE (edidate in ofi.e?

What maLes you vice-president ce.lidate a benefit to the plarfo@?

How mmy govenors does each state hs?

In ehat ways has you cmdidate 6hom good teadership in his past?
How Mll you mdidate s healthcde ple im!tuve Amdica,s crrnt h€atrh@

How inporr, is the issE olhcallce to you @didar€ in th€ cil@l siatc of

rr @opletely priEtizing d Ftiotr tlizins herlth€&€ ptm, sFcificaly in relatior

to n]sl@@ @vsase, the sw* to Anaie's lE€thcft istus?

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