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Vocabulary In Context Understanding Roots and Affixes

1. Regular exercise is vital for your health a. benevolent b. efficient c. essential d. superficial 2. A problem person may cause you a headache in countless ways. a. crucial b. enraged c. innumerable d. invasluable 3. They searched my house but couldn't find anything to incriminate me. a.blame b. confine c. imprison d. incarcerate 4. Relocating the airport to Minnesota sill give an economic boost tot the region. a. constructing b. installing c. moving d. recalling 5. A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course in this school. a. condition b. necessity c. probability d. willingness 6. My brother is not exceptional; there are many youngsters like him. a. bossy b. extraordinary c. feeble d. nervous

7. Bees live in symbiotic relationships with flowers. a. ambiguous b. mutual c. obligatory d. superflous 8. The council has a sophisticated computer system. a. advanced b. reasonable c. separate d. unreliable 9. The border was closed, and they were forced to alter their plans. a. affect b. change c. replace d. sustain 10. This book was compiled by a panel of experts. a. put aside b. put forward c. put through d. put together 11. The two-week discussion produced no tangible results. a. concrete b. smooth c. tasteful d. undaunted 12. The military leaders were accused of genocide. a. drought b. massacre c. punishment d. starvation 13. After several burglaries in the area, security is now a high priority. a. advantage b. hardship c. isolation d. precedence

14. The Siberian Tiger is a magnificent animal. a. carnivorous b. excellent c. nimble d. wild 15. The first meeting will be in the City Hall, but all subsequent meetings will be in the school. a. comprehensive b. essential c. fiscal d. successive

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