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Design and Implementation of an OPC Server for Connecting a Process Simulator

Jos Macas_Hernndez Department of Chemical Engineering, University of La Laguna, Campus de Anchieta, 38206 La Laguna, Spain Tel: +34 922 318 081, Fax: +34 922 318 004,,

Josep Anton Feliu Technical Services Department, Hyprotech Europe S.L, Pg. de Grcia 56, 08007 Barcelona, Spain Tel: +34 935 565 252, Fax: +34 932 154 256,,

KEY WORDS Process Simulators, OPC, OLE for Process Control, Control Systems, Training

Discussion on the use of dynamic process simulators in process control applications and operator training systems through the standard OPC interface. The design and implementation of a HYSYSOPCServer ( Jose Macias) application is presented. That server connects itself to a running HYSYS dynamic simulation and provides access to all simulation variables that have been exposed in the simulation file to any OPC client. Lastly, a simulation example developed to be used as operator (or Chemical Engineering students) training system is described together with a discussion on the relevant information transmitted.

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