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THE GOD FATHER MOVIE WRITEUP Timing 0.51 sec. to 6:40 se

The movie starts with a meeting between Don Corleone and Bonasera. Bonasera wants to request the Godfather to help him and his daughter to get justice. The daughter of the undertaker Amerigio Bonasera was mistreated and beaten up by to American boys. When Bonasera reported to police and the boys were arrested and brought to court, they were set free on the basis of suspended sentence. The girl who was badly beaten up and bruised up was still in hospital. Bonasera wants Godfather to kill those boys and in return he could offer him some money. Godfather Vito Corleone who is a very reasonable man,refused to kill those boys since the girl was still alive. He also told Bonasera that he never invited him for a coffee apart from the fact that his wife was the god mother of his only child. This proves that Bonasera never wanted his friendship because he wanted to keep distance with the underworld. Godfather told him that he would help her daughter to get justice only on one condition. He didnt wanted any money instead he just wanted to have friendship with him. He also told that if Bonasera made him his friend the scums would have been suffering this very day, his enemies would be dons enemies and then theyll fear him. Bonasera offered him his friendship and entitles him as god father and kisses his hands with respect.

Timing 11:20 sec to 11:50 Second negotiation took place between don and nizorine the baker. He wanted to request Godfather to help his asst. His asst. Enzo, an Italian boy was being forced by govt. officials to leave the country since his official papers were not proper. Nizorine wanted to make Enzo his son-in-law. All he wanted from godfather to convince those government officials

somehow, to let Enzo stay in the country. Godfather understood the proposition and promised that he would help him. Since nizorin knew godfather for a long time so he didnt feel hesitated for asking help from godfather.

AT 00:35:38 TO 00:38:20 MINUTESThis negotiation took place between Sollozzo the drug dealer and Don Vito Corleone. Sollozo wanted Godfather to invest some money in his drug business and some security in the New York city. Actually godfather had many friends in police and politics who helped him in many ways providing profit to Corleone family. All Sollozo wanted from godfather was to share his friends power for his own business. But Don refused the proposal since he considered the drug business is immoral and unsafe. Godfather also knew that if he joins the drug business in any way then his political friends could go against him and he didnt wanted to lose their friendship. 00:49:00 to 00:51:26 minutes This negotiation started at between Sollozzo and Tom Hagen. Sollozo kidnaps tom and tells him that don is dead and he has no other option to agree for his deal. But tom said that sonny will use his whole power to bring sollozo down. Then sollozo told him that all five families are supporting him and without godfather it would be hard for them to fight against him. In the whole session sollozo never threatened tom hagen still he managed to pressurized him. Tom hagen told him that he would do whatever he can to convince sonny.

AT 1:12:11 TO 1:28:58 MINUTESthe negotiation started between Tom Hagen and sonny. Tom hagen wanted to convince Sonny to make the deal with Sollozzo, since they didnt had any other option, but Sonny told him that He cant disrespect his father again by going against his words. Micheal came with a solution and offered to execute Sollozzo and the captain involved in the whole scheme. The police captain had actually slapped him. His brother sonny and clemenza were not agreeing upon that because Michael never wanted to be in this family business but now on just being slapped he wants to kill that police guy. But Michael negotiates and convinces them that its not personnel its business because its crooked cop mixed in drug business and also to show everyone hat corleones still hold some and anyone who raise hand on a Corleone will be punished. Tom Hagen too was not convinced but later agreed with the plan. They decided that they could use their Newspaer publisher friends who will publish and make up only those stories which they will tell them to. During the same sequence a small negotiation took place between Michael and sollozzo, where sollozzo wanted to make truce with Michael. But Micheal had decided to kill Sollozzo and the cop.

AT 2:06:20 TO 2:12:12 MINUTES the negotiation took place between don corleone and other family heads. A meeting was conducted by Corleone family and the idea behind this meeting was to make peace with other families since corleone family does,nt hold the power which they used to hold before. Earlier all the businesses of the families used to run efficiently without any problem but due to some mishappnings their business was being affected. Godfather just wanted to make peace with other families so that they could continue with their own previous job without interfering in others business.

Don Corleone very efficiently convinced don Tattaglia that since both their families have lost a son hence it is better that they join hands, since fighting I s worthless. Barzini, on the other hand had some different motive. He still wanted to earn money through drug business. He raised the issue of the deal again and pursued everyone to talk about it. All the five families wanted to go for the deal. They all tried to convince Don Corleone for the deal. He agreed only on one condition that the drugs wont be sold near schools and to teenagers. Don Corleone also raised a point that due to some past events, his family has suffered a lot. He very mildly threatened other family heads. He told them that his eldest son was dead and youngest son was forced to leave the country. He told them that if even a lightning bolt struck his youngest son then everyone present in this room will be responsible. 2:22:42 to 2:25:06 One more negotiation took place between Michael Corleone and Moe Greene, who owns some casinos and hotel at Las Vegas.Michael wanted to shift his entire business to Las Vegas. He wanted a fresh start. He offered a proposal to buy greenes hotel but Moe greene denied saying that he helped his family in their bad times by taking Fredo into his business. Micheal told him that it was Molinari family who helped their family. Michael also raised an issue of fredo being slapped by Moe greene. Greene said that it was fredos fault only. But Michael very sternly, sticking to his point asked moe to think of a price before he leaves.

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