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Dear _____ I am pleased to share with you our 2012 DC Statehood calendar. This calendar was created to bring attention to the lack of democracy for the residents of the District of Columbia. Currently, over 610,000 Americans living in Washington DC, the "Capital of the Free World," are denied the basic rights of democracy. Out of 119 democracies around the world, the United States is the only country that denies the residents of its Capital the right to Congressional representation. There is a common misperception that our city is merely a Federal enclave full of federal buildings and workers. While this is certainly an important segment of the District, the vast majority of our city is comprised of vibrant communities and diverse neighborhoods with people raising families, attending school, worshiping and conducting their day-to-day lives. Residents of the District of Columbia bear the full responsibilities of citizenship without sharing in the privileges afforded to residents of the states. For example: District residents pay more than 3.8 billion dollars in federal income taxes annually, the highest per capita rate in our nation. They have fought and died in every international conflict since the War for Independence and is home to over 40,000 veterans, more per capita than any other city in the Country. Please consider supporting our cause by introducing a DC Statehood resolution (sample enclosed) at your next legislative session. I will contact you in the New Year to discuss this important issue. If you need more information, do not hesitate to email me at or call 202-724-8105 and visit our web site Happy Holidays,

Michael A. Brown Councilmember At-Large

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