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Los nmeros:

1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six (siks) 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten (ten) 30 31 32 33 60 61 62 63 90 91 92 93 (un) 11 eleven (ilevn) 21 twenty-one (tu) 12 twelve (tuelv) 22 twenty-two (zrii) 13 thirteen (zrtiin) 23 twenty-three (four) 14 fourteen (fourtiin) 24 twenty-four (faiv) 15 fifteen (fivtiin) 25 twenty-.... 16 sixteen (sikstiin) 26 twenty-.... (sevn) 17 seventeen (sevntiin) 27 twenty-.... (eit) 18 eighteen (eittiin) 28 twenty-.... (nain) 19 nineteen (naintiin) 29 twenty-.... 20 twenty (tuenti) 40 41 42 43 70 71 72 73 forty (forti) 50 fifty forty-one 51 fifty-one forty-two 52 fifty-two forty-..... 53 fifty-..... seventy (seventi) seventy-one seventy-two seventy-..... 80 81 82 83 (fifti)

thirty (zrti) thirty-one thirty-two thirty-..... sixty (siksti) sixty-one sixty-two sixty-..... ninety (naiti) ninety-one ninety-two ninety-.....

eighty (eiti) eighty-one eighty-two eighty-.....

100 one hundred (un hndrd) 101 one hundred and one 102 one hundred and two 110 one hundred and ..... 120 one hundred and twenty 130 one hundred and thirty 140 one hundred and ..... 1000 one thousand (un zauzend) 1000 000 one million (un milin)

110 one hundred and ten 111 one hundred and eleven 112 one hundred and ....... 200 two hundred 300 three hundred 400 four .......

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