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ABSTAL1 (Abstract Algebra 1) Sample Quiz 1

Notation. Throughout, assume n denotes a positive integer. := the group of integers under addition * := the group of nonzero real numbers under multiplication := the group of integers under addition modulo n := the group of units in under multiplication modulo n := the group of permutations of {1, 2, . . . , n} under composition

A. True or False. (2 pts. Each) 1. The associative property holds in every group. 2. The commutative property holds in every group. 3. A group can have more than one identity element. 4. In the group , if then 5. Let denote the set of all multiples of , that is, . Then is closed under ordinary addition of integers. 6. In a group G with elements and if then . 7. The set , where , is a group with respect to ordinary multiplication of complex numbers. 8. If is a prime number then every nonzero element in has an inverse under multiplication modulo 9. The group is non-abelian. 10.The order of the group is B. Do as indicated. 1. Define a group. (5 pts.) 2. The following is an incomplete group table for a group having 6 elements, namely . Identify the identity element of the group. Complete the table assuming that the solution set of the equation is . (10 pts.)

3. Explain why every row of a group table must contain each element of the group exactly once. (5 pts.) 4. Let , and let be defined on as follows: for ,

Prove that is an abelian group. (10pts.) 5. Construct the group table of . Identify the inverse of each element. (10 pts.) 6. Construct the group table of . Identify the inverse of each element. (10 pts.) 7. Let and , written in cycle notation, denote the following permutations in : , . Compute for the following. Write your final answer in cycle notation. (5 pts. Each) a) b) 8. Let be a group with identity element . Show that if then the equation has a unique solution in . Find this solution. Write the justification for each step. (10 pts.) 9. Let be a group. Prove that if for all then is abelian. (10 pts.)

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