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World of knowledge

Topic Focus Introduction Content standards Learning standards

How Many Language Arts 4.1 By the end of the year 6 primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs, through performance. 4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery rhymes, jazz chants and action songs through nonverbal response.


By the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to sing the song with simple actions.

Activity 1. Teacher sings the song and pupils listenound /m/and /n/ 2. Teacher sing the songs with simple action and pupils follow. 3. Pupils sing the song in groups with the focus on the phonemes /c/, /k/ 4. Assestment observe pupils non verbal gestures. a) Observe pupils non verbal gestures. b) Able to sing by articulating the phonemes /c/ and /n/

Teaching & Learning Strategies Demonstation

Notes Power Point presentation. (Down a busy lane.) Tune: London Bridge Song- Down a busy lane

Copying gestures

Performing in groups


Pupils replace the numbers in the song with different numbers

in words correctly 5. Pupils select the letter t or a to complete a word chart.

Practice using word cards.

Teaching Aids Added value Group task Reflection

Word cards, Activity Book, picture card,worksheets -

h___t h a __

c__t c a __

t __ p t a __

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