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Abeni El-Amin


Internship Application Page Abeni El-Amin for NC House 38 has internships available for interested students for the Spring 2012 Academic Semester. Internships provide students with experience in political activities such as fundraising, running a campaign, GOTV, and etc. General information on the internship and the application process is found below. Please read all of this before completing an application (also found below). Purpose of the Internship: Abeni El-Amin for NC House 38 seeks to provide students with an experience that exposes them to the basic skills of assisting with a local campaign. All interns are invited to participate in intern specific events. Interns are invited to monthly brownbag lunches with Abeni El-Amin and her staff. Criteria for Participation: The Student Volunteer/Intern: (No compensation is given, only academic credit) Must have permission of the institution at which he/she is enrolled to participate in the campaign. Must be currently attending a High School/College/University. Must be willing to sign a written document of agreement between Abeni El-Amin for NC House 38 and the student and his/her educational institution outlining the responsibilities of each. Students must be at least 16 years of age. Application Process: Applicants for the Abeni El-Amin for NC House 38 Internship program will be accepted throughout the first two weeks of January 2012, however, it is highly recommended that applications are submitted much further in advance due to high demand for spots in the program. Once an application is received, the applicant may receive a request for an interview and then may be offered a second round of interviews with relevant intern supervisors. Once notified of

Abeni El-Amin for NC House 38 decision, accepted applicants will have a week to either accept or decline the position offer. The whole process from application submission to receiving an offer may take several weeks, depending on the demand for intern positions at Abeni El-Amin for House 38 and the timing of the submission. Application Instructions: No application will be considered complete until three items are received by Abeni El-Amin for NC House 38: a cover letter; an up to date resume; and a copy of the intern application, found below. Cover Letter Instructions: Your cover letter should outline why you would like to intern with Abeni El-Amin for House 38, briefly summarize past experiences in the field of politics. When all three documents are completed the complete package should be sent in one email to with the subject heading "[Last Name], [First Name]: [Term] Intern Application". For example, if your name was John Smith and you were applying for the fall term the email containing your completed application would have the following heading: "Smith, John: Spring Term Intern Application." If you have any questions on submitting an application please email or call our Intern Coordinator, Andrew Cann at 919397-4809.

Internship Application: I would like to apply for admission to Abeni El-Amin for NC House 38 Campaign. STUDENT INFORMATION: Last Name: Contact Number: Email Address: CURRENT ADDRESS: Street Address City State Zip Code First Name:

PERMANENT ADDRESS: (if different from above) Street Address City DATE OF BIRTH: COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP: LANGUAGES SPOKEN: (BASIC, PROFICIENT, FLUENT) Language EDUCATION: Complete name of institution Major Type of Degree pursing Expected Date of Graduation APPROXIMATE DATES AVAILABLE FOR THE INTERNSHIP: Start Date Desired Number of Hours Per Week Ending Date G.P.A Level of proficiency State Zip Code

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you have any experience with the skills below please Highlight. Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Microsoft Power Point Database Administration Canvasing Coordinating Events

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