ISO 9001 Profile

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ISO 9001:2008 Certification (Quality Management System)

Overview The ISO 9001:2008 certification is an international standard that defines good management practices and ISO 9001 is applicable to any organization from all types of business sectors and activities. The certification aims at providing a global standard that spells out quality and trust. To meet the requirements for the ISO 9001:2008 certification, an organization should demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products that meet applicable regulatory requirements and satisfy customer needs with integrating the realities of a changing world It is based on eight quality management principles (all fundamental to good business practices) The 8 Principles: 1. Customer focus 2. Leadership 3. Involvement of people 4. Process approach 5. System approach to management 6. Continual improvement 7. Factual approach to decision making 8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

ISO 9001:2008 Quality management system The purpose of ISO 9001:2008 is to facilitate international trade by providing a single standard that is recognized and respected globally. It is a generic standard and is applicable to organizations in all areas of work. Some of the areas are manufacturing, processing, servicing, printing, forestry, electronics, steel, computing, legal services, financial services, accounting, trucking, banking, retailing, and so on. Manufacturing, commercial and service organizations can reap many benefits from quality system certification. Management systems optimize production processes, increase efficiency and reduce costs. An ISO 9000 certificate indicates the organizations adherence to quality management practices and minimizes the potential for product liability related problems. These good practices are compiled into a set of standardized requirements for a quality management system for your organization. ISO 9001:2008 is important because of its international acceptance. The ISO 9001:2008 certification is recognized in more than 170 countries and is the logical choice for any organization involved in international business or committed to quality. Quality management is what the organization does to guarantee that its products and services satisfy the customer's quality requirements and comply with all the regulations applicable to those products or services.

The standard is designed to look at all the important processes affecting customer satisfaction, from the initial review of requirements related to the product, to the packaging and delivery of the finished product. The intent of standard is to provide the universal and uniform baseline for quality management, which can be used by organizations around the world. The success of this idea is evident from the fact that ISO9000 series has become the most widely used quality management system in the world.

A well designed and implemented quality management system; based on ISO 9001can provide organizations with the following benefits: The ISO 9001 standard is based on the management principles as shown above. These principles can be used by senior management as a framework to guide organizations toward improved performance. ISO 9001 Management Systems can help you in reducing costs by tracking and measuring outputs and identifying areas of waste or duplication. By having the entire process laid out and viewed regularly, it provides insight into where efficiencies may be gained. ISO 9001 provides a framework of requirements for management to address customer focus, process the management approach, and pursue continuous performance improvement. Improved product or service quality and consistency so your customers know what they are getting time and time again. "Management system" refers to the organizations structure for managing its processes or business activities. This structure transforms input of resources into a product or service that meets the organizations business objectives, satisfies the customer's quality requirements and complies with regulations. Exporting into global markets customers may demand an internationally recognized certification. Contracts and tenders, especially in government, may request ISO 9001certification as a pre-requisite. Engagement of employees and management. Often employees are at the frontline and have to deal with issues every day. By tracking and monitoring issues through a certified system, you can discover areas of improvement. Management also has the opportunity to review and provide ideas for the business as a whole. Competitive edge over other companies that dont have a system in place. Suppliers often look for certification to ISO 9001 as it provides assurance that your business conducts itself in a certain manner as a third party has performed the audit, it can help provide peace of mind to your entire supply chain and your customers. ISO 9001 certified systems help provide better control of your business operations. This is especially important in a tough business environment. Documenting processes and locking in system changes. Can help ensure that your business can continue to operate effectively, even if staffs leave. Staff can follow the systems and procedures giving you more time to deal with more critical business issues.

Staff competence, training and development are maintained, which helps to keep your business at the forefront of its industry. May also provide evidence of formal education where required (eg mandatory in fields like healthcare, nursing and engineering). Locking in best practice and using this as a benchmark to further improve. Reviewing and documenting issues and potential issues, helps identify key trends and eliminate problems. You can then base any actions on real data. Help to ensure minimum standards and requirements, particularly contractual obligations, are complied with. This helps delivery for your customers. A Valid ISO 9001:2008 Certificate Shows that Your Organization Follows the Most Internationally Recognized Quality Management Principles & this makes your company internationally recognized as a well managed organization and business.

We look forward to have further interaction on the Scheme Certification and will be happy to respond to your queries. In case of any clarification, kindly feel free to contact us. Thanks & Warm Regards Avinash Maheshwari M +09829588996 E

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