Opening PDF Via Fox It

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3 ways to open a PDF file using Foxit Reader and Program Launcher ActiveX

The PDF file is called PVP 6 User.pdf and it is located on the root of the PVPs internal storage in a folder called Temp.

1. Explicitly defining the path in the ActiveX object.

ProgramLocation: "FoxItReader.exe" ProgramParameter: {Double_Quote} + "/Temp/PVP 6 User.pdf" + {Double_Quote}

2. Using Direct tags in Logix PACs. Both tags are controller scope String tags.

ProgramLocation: {[L63]FoxitReaderLocation} ProgramParameter: {[L63]PDFLocation}

3. Using HMI tags in View ME. Both tags are HMI memory String tags.

ProgramLocation: FoxItReader ProgramParameter: {PDF_Location}

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