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CYPHER Cypher is an enigmatic character, but here's what we know about him.

He's a catalyst for death and destruction, although he rarely takes active role in the devastation. Cypher wears the unadorned black power armour of a Fallen Angel, and he carries a mysterious sheathed sword and two exquisite pistols. Cypher is so skilled that he can aim and fire both pistols, even in the heat of close combat. He has a seemingly supernatural ability to escape capture. Cypher is also sometimes accompanied by other Space Marines in similar black armour. CYPHER..........................................................151 points WS 5 BS 6 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 3+

Cypher Composition: * 1 (Unique) Unit Type: * Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules: * Power armor * And They Shall Know No Fear * Plasma pistol * Fallen Angel * Bolt pistol * Gunfighter * Frag and krak grenades* Divine Protection

Note: Cypher is an Independent Character and may be taken as an Elite choice for Chaos Space Marine or Imperial Guard army.

SPECIAL RULES Fallen Angel: Cypher is often accompanied by a retinue of Fallen Angels. The Fallen Angels are a squad of Chaos Space Marines selected as normal from the Codex: Chaos Space Marines, except they may not be upgraded with Squad Icons.
Note: As long as Cypher is attached to the squad, the Fallen Angels benefit from Cypher's And They Shall Know No Fear special rule. Also note that the Fallen Angel squad is a retinue (see the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for details on retinues) and does not take up an additional slot in the Force Organization Chart.

Gunfighter: Cypher's skill with his exquisite pistols are legendary. His shots wound on a 4+, regardless of the victim's Toughness. Such is Cypher's skill that wounds caused by his Shooting attacks are allocated by his controlling player, rather than the opposing player. His pair of pistols fire together as a single ranged weapon with the following profile: Range Strength AP Type 12" X 2 Assault 4 In addition, Cypher continues to fight with his pistols in close combat. He counts counts as being armed with a power weapon and gains the +1 Attack bonus for being equipped with two close combat weapons. Divine Protection: If Cypher is ever affected by an attack that would cause Instant Death or remove him from play, he only takes a single wound from the attack. If Cypher is reduced to 0 Wounds or would be removed as a casualty for any reason, don't remove him from the battlefield -- just place the model on its side to note his location. At the beginning of his controlling player's turn, roll a D6. On a 1, 2 or 3, Cypher is removed from play without a trace. On a 4+, he has cheated certain death again, scrambling into view of his attackers, bloodied but unbowed. Cypher is restored to 1 Wound and may be placed anywhere on the battlefield within 12" of his current location. He can move and fight

normally in the turn he reappears. Furthermore, in missions that use kill points, Cypher (and his squad of Fallen Angels) never concedes a kill point.

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