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NAME OF THE GROUP MEMBERS WITH ROLL NO 1. Pravin Gasva 2. Tejaswi Ghorpade 3. Vrushali Hadawale 4. Preeti Sing 5.

Mayor Vatkar 9218 9219 9220 9246 9251

A Project is incomplete without acknowledging those who made this project possible. Though it was hard work of ours, yet it cant gain its form until we get the support. What seems as S.Y.B.M.S. project turn into an enriching experience. And it is possible because Mrs. Satindar Gujral our professor of Management of small scale industry provided with such a challenging project, for which we are highly obliged to her. We would also like to thanks our librarian who provided us with books helpful for this project. And of course last but not least, we can not forget the scholars who had number of information on net, which supplemented our project with number of information.

Yours Faithfully Project Partners

The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful competition of any task would be incomplete without mentioning of the people who made it possible. So with gratitude I acknowledge who served as a Beacon Light and crowned my efforts with success. I express my profound sense of gratitude to my project guide for my project guide. Prof .Ashish Tripathi for giving me this opportunity to take up this study and his support, encouragement and valuable timely advice. My special thanks to my institute director who was kind enough in providing all the facilities and helped me in completing my project. I am greatly thankful to our institute for giving practical knowledge about the industrial sector by including such practical projects in our curriculum.

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