SAC Minutes October 12 2011

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October 12, 2011 Executive Committee Saskia Sawyer, President,, x12704 Nicky Bruckhart, Past President,, x14241 Members in attendance: Aliaga, Kathy Facilities (elected) Ames, Jordan University Communications (VC appointed) Beaudry, Ashley Women's College (elected) Bruckhart, Nicky Athletics & Recreation (elected) Chabot-Olsen, Nick Registrar (Provost appointed) Coulouris, Fay Learning Communities & Civic Engagement (VC appointed) Cox, Lisa Inst. Compliance. & Internal Audits (VC BFA appointed) Dye, Jodi Morgridge College of Education (elected) Gonzalez, Becky Student Financial Services Gross, Anne Admission (VC appointed) Harris, Crystal NSM /SECS (elected) Koch, Cindy Daniels College of Business (elected) Kyner, Michelle Penrose Library (elected) Milnes Chester, Elise Student Life (elected) Nowakowski, AriannaAHSS / Arts & Humanities (elected) Pinnock, Ken Human Resources (elected) Raeburn, Kelly University College (elected) Rossi, David Graduate School of Social Work (elected) Sawyer, Saskia Univ. Advancement (Chancellor appointed) Schroeder, Katie Inst. Research and Analysis (Provost appointed) Shrader, Carrie AHSS / Social Sciences (elected) The meeting was called to order. 1) Introduction of the Council Members. 2) Guest speakers: a) Dan Wesolowski from Athletics i) Athletics is in full swing with soccer, volleyball, hockey and getting ready for basketball. Dan Inform us of the DU VIP cards and to take advantage of the program. The VIP cards included 4 tickets to any event except hockey. Dan would like us to pass this information to our departments. If you sign up you can fill out a card for a raffle for a chance to win Adidas wear. On October 28th there us an event Lunch with the coach. Joe Scott and Eric Johnson will be at the event to talk about their goals for the year. There will be free pizza and soda. On October 28th at 5-8pm the mens and womens team will be there going over skill SAC Minutes Page 1

concepts and giving out autographs. There will be open concession all Faculty and Staff are invited it should be a fun event. On November 11th it will be the 1st Faculty and Staff Appreciation. There will be a mens and womens game the first game of the year. This event is hosted by Athletics and Human Resources. (1) Question: If there was anything special going on for Faculty and Staff for Homecoming? Dan didnt know he said he would have to check. (2) Question: How far in advance do you have to request tickets if you have a VIP card? Once the tickets go on sale you can get 4 tickets its always better to get them as soon as they go on sale. (3) Question: Why can we not have a Faculty/Staff Hockey night? Dan said he would look into for next year. It is really hard to get complementary tickets for hockey. Dan will see if maybe that would work when the students are gone on break. This is definitely something to consider for the coming year. b) Amy King from Human Resources i) Amy was there to talk to us about the results from the Staff Engagement Survey. Amy said number one we dont have all the answers. Amy can have individual meeting and divisional meetings. There will be many opportunities for open dialog. ii) Please see Attachment questions relate to the presentation. (1) Questions: Is the Chancellor looking into the salary changes? What is truly going to change? Amy responded that HR will do what they can to support market increases. Hr has no doubt that there is lagging in some areas but Hr will need to collect data to prove that, we cant just throw money. (2) Question: Will you also work on inflated salaries? Yes the data collected will also expose that information too. (3) Question: Will they be downgraded? Not sure if that be likely to happen. A lot of people dont know the process of merit. Amy mentioned that when it comes time to do merit there is a process that has to be completed before merit. Amy explain what the merit process was for DU. (4) Question: What is the time frame? At least a year to get everything vetting, to get philosophy, very difficult, overall change of philosophy. (5) Question: Will this affect this years PEDS? No this has not been budgeted (6) Question: What about the transparency of the pay grade structure? Amy wants to start this immediately (7) Comment: mentioned that participating in the ASCEND program gives to the university endowment and then will secure fund. It would be good for people to know that you are getting a piece of that. Amy said that she would let Scott from University Advancement know. (8) Question: Is PEDS on the radar to analyze? Amy told us how we got PEDS in the first place. There were about 30-40 people across DU. We had a dog and pony show and Success factors got it. If we got a new system we would have to go through the same process. We do have a contract and an agreement with Success factors but HR is aware of the problems. (9) Question: Would PEDS have a 360 component? Not an option. Sharon is working with division to create a 360 to see how it works. We can contact Sharon if interested. Amy said this survey is very important if we have any questions to please call or email. SAC Minutes Page 2





(10) Are you meeting with staff on an individual basis? Right now meeting with division heads and asking them on thoughts. Amy is asking whether Division heads want to present to their area or if they want HR to present. Amy is trying to get all these presentations done by mid November. We can communicate this back to our division but Amy wants to be able to do one on ones first with the division instead of having them read the information. (11) Question: When is data going to be released? Hr did not plan on doing that since its a benchmark. (12) Question: When is the Staff forum? October 25th 3-4pm at Joy Burns Center and October 27th, the times and dates will be posted on webCentral email. (13) What do you want from us? Saskia can take up by gathering feedback, thoughts and comments. iii) Human Resources at DU: (1) Healthcare. We spend 18 million alone on health insurance. If we do not do anything in 5 years it will be up to 27 million. HR is working with broker on a new health plan. Wellness initiatives are designed to curb healthcare costs. There will be changes to the retirement since there are huge changes with ERISA regulations. We are looking into what is the best we can get out of a plan and not pay as many fees. iv) New Business: (1) Saskia needs questionnaires back if you have not turned them in. (2) Ballots- Ashley has agreed to be nominated as Vice President. Kathy as Treasurer and Lisa as secretary. If you fill in the names and check mark if you want to elect. Next month will be elections. Committees signup sheets are going to be sent around. The committee name should be listed on the top of the sheet. Need people to chair and co-chair committees. Also want to know what other committees SAC members were a part of so a sheet was sent around. Task Force needs to help communicate with Faculty Senate how they can help with SAC Appreciation picnic put on agenda to work with Faculty. i) Host a happy hour over the holiday like a meet and greet. Find out how they mobilize. They are a very active council. We might want to look at other universities and see how they are structured. We can call the universities and find out if they are doing something that we are not. (1) Comment: University of Michigan and Arizona have really good information. AHSS has looked into their data. ii) We would still like to look into Child Care. iii) Tuition waivers iv) Parking how other schools handle parking since it keeps coming up on a regular basis. Outreach Committee increase communication i) Be a part of Benefits Fair ii) Saskia presented today at the monthly orientation with 40 people in attendance. She gave a one minute presentation about SAC. This is a great opportunity to let new employees know about the council. Task Force:

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i) We have a problem of perception on being a part of SAC. People are afraid to sign up and are being ding on PEDS. We need to have approval for staff member to be a part of staff. This approval needs to come down from the top down. (1) Comment: HR needs to have conversation with individuals that are having these problems. We need to start with the employee and then address the problem.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: November 9, 2011, 12 1 pm at Mary Reed, DuPont room Respectfully submitted, Kathy Aliaga

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