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The University of Sheffield Department of Civil and Structural Engineering

CIV6020 Dissertation Planning and Paper Presentation Introduction

Dr Steve Thornton

Definition from Oxford English Dictionary dissertation, n.
Add: [2.] b. spec. An extended scholarly essay, usu. based upon original research, submitted for a degree or other academic qualification.

CIV6020 Aims and Objectives

Prepare MSc students for dissertation work Prepare PG Diploma students for special project Develop students skills in research paper production and presentation

At the end of this unit students will be able to:
Recognise key aspects of performing a risk assessment for lab / field work Recognise key aspects of project planning Make extensive use of library resources Produce plan of proposed dissertation Complete special project (PG Diploma) Write & present a conference paper based on their dissertation (MSc only)

Key components of CIV6020 & CIV6021
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. MSc Dissertation plan Project review schedule Research paper production and presentation PG Diploma Technical Report schedule & outputs Project review schedule

CIV6020 very closely linked with :

CIV6000 : Dissertation

CIV6020 Dissertation Planning and Paper Presentation CIV6021 PG Diploma Technical Report 10 credits 100 hours study time Technical components
Tuition & guidance from SFT & others (20%) MSc internal conference (8%) Independent study, planning & preparation (72%) / (80%) for PG Diploma

Dissertation Plan (40%) Project Review Schedule (10%) Paper (30%) Paper Presentation (20%)

PG Diploma
Technical Report (90%) Project Review Schedule (10%)

CIV6000 Dissertation
60 credits (out of 180) 600 hours study time Pass grade (50%) required for MSc Assessment:
Time and resource management (15%) Dissertation (60%) Interview (25%)

Supervision provided by various academics in the department SMR : Dr Cyril Lynsdale

Timetable: Deadlines
Friday Weeks 9/10 09:00 Monday Week 8 16:00 Friday Week 15 16.00 31 August 2007 12:00 4 September 2007 17:00 Student presentations of dissertation / technical report topics concentrating on objectives & scope of the proposed research Submission of Dissertation Plan (MSc) Submission of Technical Report (PG Diploma) Submission of Dissertation Submission of Conference Paper

10 September 2007 09.00 Submission of conference presentation 11 September 2007 3-7 September 2007 13 & 17* September 2007 14 & 19** September 2007 * MSc Conference student presentation of papers Dissertation interviews Preliminary Examiners Meeting (* EMULW programmes) Formal Examiners Meeting *Students MUST be available for interview on these dates ** EMULW programmes

Timetable: CIV6020 Lectures

(Fridays at 09:00-11:00 in St Georges LT06)
Wk 1 9/2/07 Introduction to the CIV6000, CIV6020 & CIV6021 modules. Introductory library workshop (Carmen Odell - St. Georges Library). Format of the Dissertation and information about the dissertation interview. <free session> Students arrange project review schedule with supervisors Health and Safety issues related to laboratory research and dissertations (including Risk Assessment). James Brownjohn Format/arrangements of the MSc conference and guidelines for writing the paper. Time Management including the Gantt Chart: Identification of tasks, milestones and intermediate deliverables. Introduction to project management. Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 Wk 10 2/3/07 9/3/07 16/3/07 23/3/07 20/4/07 27/4/07 4/5/07 <free session> SFT available for advice regarding Dissertation Plan <free session> SFT available for advice regarding Dissertation Plan. <free session> SFT available for advice regarding Dissertation Plan. <free session> SFT available for advice regarding Dissertation Plan. <free session> SFT available for advice regarding Dissertation Plan. Student presentations of dissertation topics / technical report. Student presentations of dissertation topics / technical report.

Wk 2 Wk 3

16/2/07 23/2/07

Links between MSc & PG Diploma

MSc programme PG Diploma
Autumn Semester

Dissertation Title

Dissertation Title
Upgrade in Feb No upgrade

Dissertation Plan

Spring Semester week 8

Technical Report Dissertation

Summer Semester Spring Semester week 15

Conference Paper & Presentation



The MSc Dissertation Plan

15-20 pages document To include:
Cover page (title, name, department, university, date submitted, supervisor) Contents page Introduction to the dissertation topic Preliminary literature review and identification of the proposed area of research Aims and objectives of the proposed research and list of deliverables Proposed work schedule (project management & Gantt Chart) Risk assessment Provisional Dissertation chapter headings 10 References and bibliography

The PG Diploma Technical Report

Technical report
Technical review theme of dissertation topic Experimental study depends on time & resources Completed around other modules in Spring Semester

3000 words, max. 30 pages To include:

Cover page (title, name, department, university, date submitted, supervisor) Contents, figures & tables pages Introduction to the topic Critical review of literature By agreement Analysis / design calculations with supervisor Interpretation Implications / knowledge gaps Risk assessment (if necessary) 11 References and bibliography

What else is expected ?

Regular (e.g. 2-3 weeks) assessed meetings with supervisor Obtaining and reading literature related to dissertation Preparation for: analytical work (i.e. practising with FE, etc.) testing (i.e. practising, risk assessments, etc.) experimental design (i.e. initial computer evaluation, scoping calculations, etc.) Formulation of programme for summer semester

Project Review Schedule

All MSc and PG Diploma students
Progress review with supervisor for Dissertation Plan (DP) / Technical Report (TR) Developing personal work plan Assessed as Time & Resource Management (10%) Regular (e.g. 2-3 weeks) meetings all aspects of DP / TR preparation

Students responsibilities
Organise meeting schedule by mutual agreement Prepare agenda in advance Send summary of actions to supervisor

Supervisors responsibilities
Plan meeting schedule with student Discuss agenda items Provide feedback on summary report Assess student on performance


Library Workshop
Friday Week 1 9th February 2007 Contents:
Introduction to library facilities Instruction on literature search facilities essential for dissertation / technical report

Learning objectives
Techniques for effective information search Understanding information quality issues for literature review

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