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Mirror Mask
-In this issue-

Is Axe Good? By: ER & TS

Cover Story
Born This Way ----------------------------- Pg. 2

Did you know that Axe Deodorant Body Spray is proven to reduce the chance for a full term healthy pregnancy? Mostly guys use this product but if girls are in contact with it, it can reduce the chance for a full- term pregnancy.

Is Axe Good? -------------------------------- Pg. 1 Stereotyping Sports ---------------------- Pg. 4 A Bullying Article ------------------------- Pg. 7

There are not any positive things about Axe except that it makes you smell good. Axe was rated a very highly toxic deodorant in 2006, by the Natural Skin Care Review. There is a possibility that this product has in it G.M.O. which stands for Genetically Modified Organisms and Pesticides. If you were to take the ingredients and chemicals from Axe and inject it into someones bloodstream, it would be illegal and be just like doing drugs. Axe body spray is a mixture of chemicals that have never been tested before. Many of the ingredients in Axe have never even been tested for safety according to the C.I.R. the Cosmetic Ingredient Review. The chemicals that are certified by the C.I.R have been tested on animals.

Why, Oh Why? --------------------------- Pg. 3 The Fairy Godmother ------------------- Pg. 5 Jeremy From Zits ------------------------- Pg. 6 Dara From TOCR--------------------------- Pg. 8

Bad Boys + Makeup ----------------------- Pg. 1 The Fat Cow #1 ---------------------------- Pg. 4 The Angry Penguin ----------------------- Pg. 7 Why People Like Sports ----------------- Pg. 7

Thank You
To The Hatfield Family! ----------------- Pg. 8

-November 2011The articles, comics, and interviews in The Mirror Mask Magazine reflect the discussions and ideas that our ELA 8 class had in response to the In The Mirror unit taken from the Crossroads Eight textbook. Rotozinski, Darleen, Chelsea Donaldson, Sue Kanhai, et al, ed. and comp. Crossroads Eight. Toronto: Gage Learning Corporation, 2000. Print.

By: TP & LN

High Glee Club took some white T-shirts, and all wrote something on it that they do not like about themselves. Then, the group all put their T-shirts on and performed in them- the whole point of the project was to show that everyone lacked self-confidence in some way. And no matter what that thing was, the kids were not supposed to worry about it; because they were born that way! After this inspiring episode of Glee, my partner Melinda and I were influenced to do the same project in our own 8th grade class- our own Born This Way Project!

Lady Gagas new hit single Born This Way swept the nation a few months ago when it came out on February 11th, 2011. As always, Gagas unique and catchy tunes become popular, but this song particularly sparked some interest in young teens. Born This Way is all about self-confidence, and not worrying about what others think of you. I was always picked on in school, Gaga admitted in an interview after the song came out. I was a loser- everyone made fun of me for being different.

Our Born this Way Project was inspired by the Glee Casts project here, on episode 18 Season 2.

I was made fun of for being different! -Lady Gaga

Our Born This Way Project

Our Born this Way Project was very successful, but as we went along we made some slight changes from the original plan. We all ended up putting our words on sashes instead of T- shirts, and we actually decided to wear white masks on our faces to go with the title of our magazine- Mirror Mask. The Project was a huge learning opportunity for everyone and we all really discovered its okay to be different, because you were born that way. One of the reasons why Lady Gaga is so popular today is because she is so unique.

After Gaga became an international- known pop star, she was inspired to write the song after all of her horrible high school years. Gaga also said that that Born This Way was her freedom song, and she hopes that it will teach teens to always be themselves, no matter what anyone else says- because you were born that way! Not only did the song make it on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart, but it also influenced some other popular pop stars. Soon after the song came out, Glee aired a new episode th on April 26 , 2011 called Born This Way. The theme of the show was all about self-confidence, and the kids end up performing the song Born This Way, as well as a Born This Way Project. In the project, the students of McKinley

Lady Gaga was born on March 28 1986 in New York. Her real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. She started her career in 2005, and over the years has produced three very popular award-winning albums. Her most recent is Born This Way.

By: EP & MH

Why O Why- A Mirror Mask Exclusive Interview

By HW & TA
The Hottie and one of the main characters, Jeff! The guy all the ladies are drooling over in the story of `The Transformation of Cindy R.` MM: How do you feel about a bunch of girls following you around all day? Because you are so popular! JEFF: Well Its all right some days but others its very annoying. Like this one girl named Cindy R. doesnt look at me. What is it about me that she just doesnt like?! MM: Huhh How interesting. Now tell us something about this Cindy R. character. JEFF: Well, she is quite shy and hangs in corners Also she is very unpopular. She does whatever people want her to do. MM: So Cindy R. we interviewed Jeff. He goes to your school right? CINDY: You interviewed Jeff?! Did he say anything about me? She said nervously. MM: Yes He did say something about you but thats not why we are here today. So what is it like to be ignored all the time?

The main character of the story the one who does all the work, and never says NO until she has the experience of her life that changes everything. CINDY: Well Sometimes its good be because when I embarrass myself nobody ever notices me! But sometimes I really need to say something! SO, what did Jeff say about me? MM: Something tells me you have feelings for this Jeff. Am I right? And if I am wrong why do you want to know what he said? CINDY: Excuse me I didnt think was such a personal interview! And who doesnt like Jeff? MM: Okay! In Jeffs interview he said you were shy. Why are you so open now? CINDY: He said I was shy? Wow! I am always this open when my BFFs arent here! MM: Okay, so your BFFs: Why do you call them that when they are so mean to you? CINDY: Theyre not mean, they just think I can do things way better than them because they want it to be perfect. MM: Well I think you should be more open with them and tell them they cant do that to you. Well thats all we have for today! Bye!

Stereotyping Sports
By: NM and DB

For our grade eight project we have recently done a poll and asked grade eights what their favourite sport is. The results came in very close with volleyball at 31%. We then had a tie for second place with hunting and hockey at 23%. Next came basketball with 13%. Horseback riding came in second last with only 8%, half of that equals the score for fishing coming in at 4%. Volleyball came in first clearly. Sports sometimes get stereotyped as a certain genders sports. Really all sports can be played by boys and girls. Lots of people think that volleyball is a girls sport. I think differently because our school (like many others) have a boys volleyball team. Theres even an Olympic volleyball team. So what Im trying to say is that any sport is a sport you can play because its not meant for only one gender. I would like to use Canadas female hockey team for an example. Theyre most likely not ashamed of playing a ``guys`` sport because they won gold. You should not hide what sport you like the best because you think its a certain genders sport. Who knows maybe one day you could be winning gold for Canada or scoring the first NHL goal of the season. Take off your mask and show yourself to the world. If the world strikes back at you keep fighting for what you believe in.

By: BM & EK

The Fairy Godmother Her struggle in a complicated life!

By: RB and JB

The fairy godmother is very driven, she has to get what she wants all the time. She was raised by her stepmother along with her sister. Her stepmother was very fashionable. The fairy godmother was forced to do and say whatever her stepmother told her to say. But her sister had it especially bad. The fairy godmothers hobbies are making clothes, talking to animals, and making peoples lives better! She doesnt like to see people fight or be unhappy, the reason for this is because her parents fought A LOT!!! They would fight in front of her and her sister.
Q: We understand that you were just trying to help Cindy.R by making her wishes come true, but what made you go to the extremes? A: I think the way I grew up played a major role in who I am today. My stepmother raised me because a dragon ate my parents. My sister and I had to obey our non- biological parent or she would lock us up in the dungeon. Our instructions were that we had to make her clothes the way she wanted us to. I thought that Cindy would appreciate what I was trying to do for her. I was like Cindy when I was her age and I HATED it!!!! Q: Did you ever feel like you were all alone in this big world? A: Yes and no. I had my sister who always stuck up for me and was there on my side. But when she wasnt around to pick me up when I felt lonely and sad. . Q: What did you do to make yourself better? A: Sometimes I would travel to the edge of our cloud and watch the people below me have fun. It put me in a happy place. Q: Due to the way you grew up, your struggle was mind blowing. Do you have any advice you would give to someone who had similar problems you had? A: Yes, people who are in that type of position can be very stressed. For me it helped to talk to someone. Telling someone about my problems made me appreciate that there are people that love and care about you. We really appreciate you talking to us about your life and helping other people out with a life similar to yours. Thank you fairy godmother for your well respected input on the questions we asked .We really appreciate what you did and you will be a great inspiration to everyone there.

Mirror Mask Chats With Jeremy About Clothes And Life.

Question 1 Why do you take advice from a female peer but not your mom? A - Because my moms uncool and its not cool if she picks my clothes. But that girl is hot and has a sense of style. Question 2 Do you believe that clothes show your true identity? A - YA! Like if youre Goth you wear black clothes and stuff. You know, you show yourself through your clothes. Question 3 Does popularity matter to you? A - To me, yes popularity matters. If youre popular youre cool and everyone likes you, at least thats how I feel about it.

Mirror Mask talks to Jeremy a 14-year-old guy that stars in ``Zits``. You can get the scoop on what he thinks about clothes, life, and one special girl. To some people popularity could be like whatever, big whoop! Question 4 How do you feel about the girl in the comic? A - Shes amazing! Shes the best thing ever. Ive had a crush on her for as long as I can remember. I just hope it works out. Question 5 What do you plan to do when you finish school? : A - I want to go to college or University and get a good education so I can get a good job. Then I can have a big house, and if Im lucky marry that girl from the comic! Question 6 What would you do if a zombie apocalypse happened? : A - If it ever did happen I would board up my house and keep that girl close to me and safe. I would also keep myself protected and if I saw a zombie I would go Jackie Chan on it because Im a black belt! Well thats all for now you can see more of Jeremy in his comic, `` Zits`` on page 28 in the Crossroads Grade 8 book.

By: WM & SO

A Bullying Article
The students that contributed this article to Mirror Mask chose pen names to remain anonymous while talking about this important issue. Hi, our names are Sally and Ally; we are thirteen-year-old girls that got bullied in school. Were trying to help people that are still getting bullied because we know how they feel. When we got bullied it was always about the way we looked the way our skin color is different than everybody elses. It was also about the way that the other kids were always blaming us for stuff we didnt do. So even though were still getting bullied we are trying to help others that are experiencing the same thing. 160,000 students stay home from school every day due to bullying. 30% of students who reported they had been bullied brought weapons to school.

A bully is five times more likely to have a serious criminal record when he or she grows up. 2/3 of students who are targets become bullies. 20% of high school students say they have seriously considered suicide within the last 12 months. 25% of students say that teachers intervened in bullying incidents, while 71% of teachers say they did. If youre getting bullied, talk to teachers or a councilor to stop the bullying. A teacher or counselor can help you with this kind of problem or call 1-800-668- 6868 for help from the kids help line. If youre getting bullied its always okay to go to a parent to help. Always be yourself, if someone doesnt like you for who you are they arent worth your time. If we ever got bullied again we would definitely go to Ms. Anderson because we know she will always be there for us.

By: DS & CZ

By: AD & DH

Mirror Mask Interviews Dara

By: MK & LL

Recently I sat down with Dara from The transformations of Cindy R. Dara is one of the popular, and most beautiful girls in this story. Her Best friends are Agnes and Marybeth. Here are the questions I was delighted to ask Dara!! Q: Being the one of the most popular girls in school how do you like all the attention from the girls, and guys? A: The attention sometimes gets to me. I just want to be left alone but the boys want to know what Im doing that night, the girls want to know how I make myself so beautiful. Its very stressful sometimes Id just like to become un-popular for a couple of hours Q: When you have free time what do you like to do? Do you do a lot of extracurricular activities? A: Hmmmmm. Let me see. When I have free time I like to go hang out with Marybeth or Agnes! I love to help out with school dances! Hanging the streamers making the posters!

Q: What do you look for when you are looking for new friends? Do looks matter to you? A: When I am looking for a new friend I look for someone who I can trust, who cares, and will have my back all the time!! Looks are not something I care about I only want someone to have a good personality. Looks should not be something that a person looks for when they are looking for a friend. Q: What is your Favorite thing about planning the dances with Marybeth and Agnes? A: I love when we get to make the posters and flyers! We also like to hang the streamers and blow up balloons!! It`s just a fun thing to do.

Thank You!

The ELA 8 Class and Miss Anderson owe a huge THANK YOU to

The Hatfield Family

for sewing all of the white sashes that you see in our cover photo. This was a kind donation that made our magazine project seem even more real! Thank you!!!

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