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Sharing Knowledge

Transition Town Stoke Newington is holding an 'open space' event to explore the question...

A greener, more resilient Stoke Newington: how can we make it happen?

Delicious, home-cooked lunch and refreshments provided

Learning New Skills Sustainability Communal Resources Edible Estates Local Economies Strengthening Community Bicycle Workshops Energy Efficient Buildings
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Free of charge - all welcome!

Saturday 4th February 2012 11:00am - 3:30pm VENUE TBC
Book your place at

PLUS! Follow-up session to put your ideas into action

Saturday 11th February 3-5pm The Boiler House, George Downing Estate (Cazenove Rd)

Community Orchards

Neighbourhood Festival

Know Your Neighbours

Green Jobs

Arts and Culture

Renewable Energy

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