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/ Bil

Item / Perkara

Another word used in different questions but same meaning. / Perkataan lain tetapi maksud yang sama

Example of question / Contoh Soalan

Translation of meaning / Huraian bagi maksud soalan

Example how to answer / Teknik menjawap

a) Controlling Variables Mengawal pembolehubah i. Kept the same Perkara yang sama/tetap a) Controlling Variables Mengawal pembolehubah ii. Changed Perkara yang berubah/tidak sama a) Controlling Variables Mengawal pembolehubah iii. Measured Perkara yang lihat pada akhir eksperimen/hasil ujikaji.

Fixed Variable Controlled Variable Pembolehubah dimalarkan

In this investigation/experiment what is. i. Kept the same

Kenalpasti perkara yang sama digunakan dalam ujikaji.

Eg. Type of . Amount of .. Size of . (Plant/Animal) Eg. The presence of. (Water, air, sunlight) The number of . Type of material Eg. The condition of after. The condition of bread after 5 days. Eg. To find out the relationship between (Changed) and (measured) To find out the relationship between the number of days and the condition of the bread Eg. The plant still alive. Moulds grow on the bread. The plants in pot A will be die. The mould will be grow bigger.

Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi

ii. Change?

Kenalpasti perkara yang tidak berubah/tidak sama yang digunakan dalam ujikaji.

What to observe? Responding variable. Pembolehubah bergerakbalas

Measured? State what to observe?

Kenalpasti perkara yang dilihat di akhir eksperimen.

Aim / Purpose Tujuan / Matlamat

Purpose Tujuan

What is the aim of the investigation? What is the purpose of the investigation?

Nyatakan tujuan penyiasatan

Making Observation Membuat pemerhatian 3 Predicting Meramalkan

What can be observed.. What happens to Predict what will happen at the end of the experiment?

Nyatakan apa yang dapat diperhatikan/dilihat. (berdasarkan 5 organ deria) TIDAK PERLU BERI SEBAB/ALASAN!!

SK Tanjung Kapor Semporna W.D.T 113, 91309 Semporna

Making Inferences Membuat inferens

Reason Sebab Explain Terangkan/jelaskan Why? Mengapa

Give the inference of your observation?

Nyatakan sebab/alas an terhadap pemerhatian yang dibuat


The plant still alive because it gets enough water, air and sunlight.

Making Hypothesis Membuat Hipotesis

Relationship Perhubungan

Write one Hypothesis for the experiment? What is relationship between the changes and measures? What can you say about the types of activities (changed) and the number of chest movement (measured) in one minutes?

Menyatakan jangkaan awal sebelum membuat eksperimen dengan mengaitkan perhubungan di antara CHANGE dan MEASURE.

Making conclusion Membuat Kesimpulan

Conclude Rumusan/Kesimpulan

What is the conclusion of these investigations? What can you conclude from the experiment?

Menyatakan kesimpulan/rumusan terhadap eksperimen

Eg. The more. (Changed) so the more (measured). The more number of days the more bigger mould grows on the bread. If (Changed) so (Measured) If the plant get enough water so the plant still alive. Eg. Can divide by 1. Content description 2. Hypothesis description Content description The basic need of animals are food, water, air and shelter. Microorganism is a living thing Hypothesis description When surface used wide cause high friction force

SK Tanjung Kapor Semporna W.D.T 113, 91309 Semporna

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